Oracle Redhat 5.9 Administration

Good Morning!
first of all Congratulation to run a tremendous site, which help the needy and passionate people. I want to learn that but i cant find a right person.
Actually in our environment, we run Oracle Red-hat Linux 5.9.
I want to become a Linux administrator.
I have following experience of Oracle Red-hat Linux 5.9.

1. Linux Installation 5.9
2. Driver installation
3. IP Installation
4. How to set admin password
5. How to join domain
6. How to set system name
7. How to check system partition drives
8. How to access any specific folder
9. How to install specific software
10. How to off firewall

I would like to request the admin please, i want to do something new in Linux if anyone help me for learning...

My best wishes always with this side and specially for admin. you are really spread a right and useful information...

thanking you,
Best Regards,
Kamran Ali

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Long Live Linux !! David K

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Thank you

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First folder :

Second folder :

And here it is when I write lsusb :

I'd like to know the steps to install it , Thanks in advance ..