Lack Of Easy To Use Remote Option?

Hello All

After installed Centos 7 I discovered the simple and easy to install and use FreeNX is no longer available.

I cannot seem to find any simple products to enable Gnome 3 and Centos 7 to work together remotely.

Have I missed something? VNC Server has complex setup requirements, X2Go does not support the latest version of Gnome, I tried MATE but more errors.

What else is there? Surely I'm not the only one stumped by this? NoMachine v3 was so good and so easy to install

Thanks in advance

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User 247

Yum Install / Package Install Error

I am getting Following output after running installation of some packages.

it gives me such error

rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID c105b9de: BAD

What causing this ? i have downloaded the latest key from and check it, the key is fine under my system /etc/pki/rpm-gpg

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Kindly help