Is There A Way To Have A Script Called Source, That Can Be Run Without The Full Path?

Is there a way to have a script called source, that can be run without the full path?

When I run:
export PATH=/home/user:$PATH

I get:
$ source
bash: source: filename argument required
source: usage: source filename [arguments]

However I want it to run my script called source:
$ cat source 
echo "Hello World"

Is there way to override a shell builtin in the PATH var or some other way?

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Benefit Of Source Command


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and then in what way is export opposite to source?

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Error In Running Leach_test In NS-2.34

Hi all,

I am trying to simulate leach on NS2 but I've had problems with running the leach_test. I've followed all steps from installing NS2 up to installing the LEACH patch (used the latest one from exidus). Here's the error message in the leach.err I found.

couldn't read file "/mit/uAMPS/uamps.tcl": no such file or directory
    while executing
"source.orig /mit/uAMPS/uamps.tcl"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]"
    invoked from within
"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {
set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName]
uplevel eval $buffer
} else {
uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]
    (procedure "source" line 8)
    invoked from within
"source /mit/uAMPS/uamps.tcl"
    (file "tcl/mobility/leach.tcl" line 18)
    invoked from within
"source.orig tcl/mobility/leach.tcl"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]"
    invoked from within
"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {
set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName]
uplevel eval $buffer
} else {
uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]
    (procedure "source" line 8)
    invoked from within
"source tcl/mobility/$opt(rp).tcl"
    (file "tcl/ex/wireless.tcl" line 187)

Your help are very much appreciated, thanks!

.o: File Not Recognized: File Format Not Recognized When Compiling


I am working on a board (sbc6000x with at91sam9261 micro, linux 2.6.24 to be precise) and having some fun making script i wanted to make real application.
The board is coming with a cross compilation toolchain. When trying to make a simple "hello world" executable to print on the terminal there is no problem.
I open my terminal, give the path of the compiler, cd into the folder where my .c file is and then i type :
arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c

Which create my executable "hello" and this one is working. But like i said, this program only played with the terminal.

The board is starting with a script calling another executable which use the lcd display, i have the source of this executable. My idea was to look at what was in the source of this application (lots of folders and files) in order to understand how it was working. I wanted to test the toolchain on the source (with the makefile) to see if i was able to generate an executable from a application with folderS/fileS but when i try to "make" it i have this error.

In my understanding this is an object file but aside from that i don't see why it would not works.

Thank you for your future answers !

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Rsync Script Problem

Hi all,

I am trying to write a script that syncs files from source to destination. I have one centralized server that can ssh to any servers without pw. Now when I run the script, it can ssh to source server perfectly fine, but you need to enter password for destination server. Was wondering how I can clean this up before I start using case statements

Below is a sample I wrote


#This scripts syncs shit

echo "Type in ID: "
read ID

echo "Type in Server : " #source server
read S

echo "Type in Destination Server: "
read DS

if [ $S == 9 ]; then
ssh -t "root@"$S"webserver1" "rsync -av /home/rlui/"$ID "root@"$DS"webserver2:/home/rlui/";
ssh -t "root@"$S"webserver1" "rsync -av /home/rlui/tmp/"$ID "root@sl"$DS"webserver2:/home/rlui/tmp/"
exit 1

where S and DS are cluster numbers

I apologize in advance if I am not clear on anything

I Get An Error While Executing Leach.tcl

couldn't read file "mit/uAMPS/ns-leach.tcl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source.orig mit/uAMPS/ns-leach.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]"
invoked from within
"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {
set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName]
uplevel eval $buffer
} else {
uplevel source.orig[list $fileName]
(procedure "source" line 8)
invoked from within
"source mit/uAMPS/ns-leach.tcl"
(file "leach.tcl" line 7)

Executable Not Found From /usr/local/bin


I installed ghostscript via yum package manager. Later I wanted a newer version of ghostscript and compiled it from source. "make install" placed the gs executable file under /usr/local/bin/gs. This works if I run the command with absolute path, but if try to run gs, the shell will output

"-bash: /usr/bin/gs: No such file or directory"

if I echo the path variable it will display


If i run whereis it will give me the correct path
gs: /usr/local/bin/gs

How do I make it work so that typing "gs" will run the executable file from the /usr/local/bin/gs?

(I am using Centos 6)


Problem With (instalation Of?) Mysql.h On C

Hi, I've just recently installed MySQL connector/c from source code on my Slackware 14.1 x64

I read the official instructions of the connector but I felt a bit disorientated when I read:
1 -Change location to the top-level directory of the source distribution.

I interpreted that I have to go to the "highest" directory Code:

So I wrote: Code:
        #                            cd /

root@- /#                            tar xzvf /home/normal/Downloads/mysql-connector-c-6.1.6-src.tar.gz 

root@- /#                            cd /mysql-connector-c-6.1.6-src/

root@- /mysql-connector-c-6.1.6-src# cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"

root@- /mysql-connector-c-6.1.6-src# make 

root@- /mysql-connector-c-6.1.6-src# make install

Then I did:
ln -s /usr/local/mysql-5.6.25/include /usr/include

But when I try to compile a program in c with #include <mysql.h> i get this error:
# gcc ctemp.c 
In file included from ctemp.c:2:0:
/usr/include/mysql.h:57:27: fatal error: mysql_version.h: No such file or directory
 #include "mysql_version.h"

What can I do? Thanks a lot and sorry for poor english

PD: If you need the official instructions I paste here the link:

What Exactly Is PATH

books say that PATH variable contains the locations where the shell searches the commands to execute them.

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however when i did set the path
export PATH=$PATH:/bin/sh within /home/user/Downloads directory, the shell script executed. Does it not mean that PATH variable is holding the locations of the shell program rather than the commands that are to be executed?

everytime i have to give the location of the shell i.e /bin/sh in the PATH variable no matter from where i am executing my script

How To Run A "sudo" Script Without Password

Hi all,
I have a script where every line needs to be prefixed with sudo.
I was advised to run it as $ sudo /path/to/

This script needs to be scheduled in crontab to run. If I run it as above, will I be prompted for a password?
Also, one of the lines in the script is;
scp -r root@rem_server:/source/dir /local/dir
Does that mean I will have to provide two passwords: one for sudo and one for root?
