It is too bad there is no search capability in the Mozilla browser. While reading large pdf files I am forced to copy their content into gedit and use its search tool.
Is there a way to change that? Thanks, - A.
I have come across the Seeks search engine which is based on the AGPLv3 licence.
It seems like it's a free software/open source search engine.
I thought I could install it as a plugin on a web browser. However, it seems it's a bit more complicated than that.
I haven't had much luck finding out more on the net and there's nothing on Youtube.
Does anyone know anything about this search engine and how to use it?
Thank you in advance.
Firefox26 is the default browser.. but it is out of date and not supported by my Google Mail.. It also will not auto update.. and I keep getting warnings about Adobe Flash version being unsafe..
I have a lot of Bookmarks which I would like to save.. before doing anything radical.
Downloading the latest Firefox 34 for Linux from Mozilla [firefox-34.0.5(1).tar.bz2] does not help it only unpacks all the files but does not begin to install anything. Trying to execute [] the only script file.. opens it in an editor?
How to save my bookmarks and update my browser..?
Hi Forum,
I have a network printer (HP) running on and I wish to install something that enables me to just shoot pdf och ps files directly to it from the command line, however, it has been hard finding something that describes how to make a bare bones setup like that, the most info I find talk about user interfaces, clicking menues opening web browsers etc, I want things incredibly simple, then they are more robust.
Do you have a tutorial on how to just get an HP-printer to accept ps och or pdf files from the command line?
I run Debian with LXDE and have contact with the printer. (I tested with ping.)
Another question I have is for this forum, do you have a search function? If I had had a search function I would have searched for an answer to the question before posting it.
Kind regards
I am experiencing a strange issue where squid asks me to authenticate twice. Here is how it goes:
I have my Firefox browser set to go out my squid proxy. Whenever I open the browser I am prompted for my username and password, which I enter. Immediately the browser fetches my homepage, however, at almost the exact same time I am prompted to enter my username and password again.
Clearly the I entered the correct information the first time or the browser would never load my homepage. The odd part is that sometimes I can just cancel the second request for a username and password without issue. Other times I MUST enter it to continue browsing.
Here is a copy of my config:
Any ideas on what is going on here? Thanks in advance to anyone who has some thoughts on this.
I've been using this a lot:
find <directory to start search at> -name "<files to search in>" -type f | xargs grep "<string to search for>"
find /usr/include -name "*.h" -type f | xargs grep "#define UINT"
now what if I wanted to output the results to a file?
When I went to check my email this morning, there was a new (gigantic) ad bar at the top of my gmail page. I tried to see if there was any mention of it on google, and noticed that an even more gigantic ad bar appeared at the top of each search result. The ad bar has "ad by: Media Player" in one corner, but no option to close it. I've restarted my computer, and checked to make sure my system updates were current. I've scanned my home directory with ClamTK, and nothing comes up. I've tried to download a free trial of Bitdefender (I thought this was free, but it isn't showing up in the package repository any more, so maybe not?) but whenever I try to access the Bitdefender home page or the home page of any other antivirus scanner, I get a giant malware-y looking ad page that says "YOUR COMPUTER MAY HAVE A VIRUS" with a phone number to call for help. I have not called the number. I'm very concerned now. I want to do a full system scan, but ClamTK doesn't appear to have that capability, and I don't know how to download another antivirus program safely with the ad blocking my access to the antivirus websites. Can someone help me please?
I'm running Mint 13 Maya/Cinnamon. I'm using Firefox as my browser. I did check to see if there were other reports of this problem with Firefox or Google, but couldn't find anything current.
My Firefox browser says it needs to be updated so I downloaded the file but when I open it I can't see how to update it as there are just lots of files and folders. Is there another way to update programmes I am missing?
Hi all ,
i tried to update firefox 24 to firefox 35. Found a tutorial how to install it and did
#chown -R root:root /tmp/firefox && mv /tmp/firefox /opt/firefox-latest
#ln -s /opt/firefox-latest/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox-latest
and now run it with firefox-latest.
I had actually the both versions of firefox and with pkgtool tried to remove firefox 35 but it cant, so i uninstalled firefox 24. Now i have troubles with flashplayer. how can remove firefox 35 ?
I have just installed a new debian OS and want to change a file.
For some reason, gedit didn't come pre-packaged so I installed it with apt-get.
When I use a terminal as root, gedit won't open. I get the following error message:
gedit grub
(gedit:3679): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session
manager: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication
protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication
Gedit will open page files on the desktop - but not on the terminal.
Is this because I haven't done something with the new install or should I remove gedit and reinstall?
Using a Kingston 4GB datatraveler for drive creation
Created using amd64 1.1.0a of the Kali ISO verified from
Drive created using Ubuntu 14.04 on a Dell Latitude E5500
dd seems to create the drive with no errors. The drive boots to the error. Hard reboot into Ubuntu to search for solution has led me to a long series of issues that I have been trying to correct.
A possible fix for the failed to load error is to copy the file to the root of the USB drive (/dev/sdb1). Drive is created with a hidden HPFS/ NTFS fs. 0x17. Changed FS to HPFS/NTS (0x07). Drive now mounts, but when attempting to copy onto drive, I get an error that the file system is read only.
I try to correct the issue using nautilus and the properties menu. It does not allow me to change the view only to read/write even though it shows me as the owner.
I think maybe a command line thing would work, or who knows what else. Maybe an fstab entry? I am continuing to search the web, and hope to work this out.
Any help would be appreciated.