Need Help On Shell Script..

I have serveral nodes related files under /var/lib/ directory as shown below:


I am trying to write a shell script which first finds out how many number of files are present in this directory. Then it should fetch the first name like machine001, machine002, machine003 etc. Then it should fetches ipaddress, hostname and netmask under machine001 first, then store it in some variable. Repeat this for all the nodes. How will the script look like?

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Automating Script To Run Every Minute Through Other Manually Created User Using Crond

Hy All,

I have two nodes running RHEL 6.4 which are in cluster. I have clustered httpd service. Now I have certain application suppose X which reside in SAN partition. Now my job is to only automate this script to run by analyzing httpd status. I have successfully created the script whose content is given below,

-bash-4.1$ cat
a="service httpd status"
b=`eval $a`
if [ "$b" != "httpd is stopped" ]; then
c="bash /switchapp/switch/ezlinkenterprise/bin/ status"
d=`eval $c`
if [ "$d" != "EzTaskMgr is Running" ]; then

I have created this script in say test user. Now when I put this script to automate or run every minute through test user and defined its value in crontab -e of test user whose content is as shown below
$crontab -l
* * * * * /bin/bash /home/test/

but this script is running as root user so I cannot get the o/p
I think some environment variable need to be set. Anyone can guide me with this step? Thanks for your views and suggestion.

What Exactly Is PATH

books say that PATH variable contains the locations where the shell searches the commands to execute them.

I created a shell script and saved it in /home/user/Downloads directory and then i ran this script from the /home/user/Downloads directory. It did not execute.

however when i did set the path
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Shell Scripting

Please tell me for shell script..
I m writing the script.
In that script i written the 1 function and in that function i have to write the contents in existing file
so i write,
cat > /etc/puppet/manifests/init.pp
ensure => present,
But it caanot write the changes in ssh machine
so what i can do in my script?
Please help me...

RH 5 Cluster Fence Problem On Vitual Box

I created 3 test machine and made them into cluster.
On Virtual
"Virtual Machine Manager 0.9.0"
Machines them selves are CentOS 5.11.

<cluster name="mycluster" config_version="3">
     <clusternode name="one" nodeid="1">
     <clusternode name="two" nodeid="2">
     <clusternode name="three" nodeid="3">

When I start cman service. I see get this:

[root@one ~]# time service cman restart
Stopping cluster: 
   Stopping fencing... done
   Stopping cman... done
   Stopping ccsd... done
   Unmounting configfs... done
                                                           [  OK  ]
Starting cluster: 
   Loading modules... done
   Mounting configfs... done
   Starting ccsd... done
   Starting cman... done
   Starting daemons... done
   Starting fencing... failed


real	5m7.353s
user	0m0.063s
sys	0m0.095s
[root@one ~]#


[root@one ~]# clustat 
Cluster Status for mycluster @ Tue Jun  2 11:10:28 2015
Member Status: Inquorate

 Member Name                                            ID   Status
 ------ ----                                            ---- ------
 one                                                        1 Online, Local
 two                                                        2 Offline
 three                                                      3 Offline

[root@one ~]#

Thank you.

Need A Shell Scrit Urgent Description In Message

HI Everyone, need a shell script which checks size of a directory and if it gets greater than 1 GB then delete all the files in it.

ex: dir : /var/log/

/log contains numerous .log files, so script should delete .log files always when /log size is greater than 1 GB , it should not delete the directory

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Linux Os Clustering?

I am new to, however i am mid-level linux administrator.

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Hope to get positive respond ASAP. Thanks in advance for those who help me with this.

How To Run Shell Script In Any Folder Except The Folder Which Contains The Shell Script

I am using a shell script named by, for example containing
echo "$address"

If I put it in folder temp1, and run, then it will give me the address of the current directory. But if I am now in folder temp2, and I want to run, I always need to copy to folder temp2, and then run it. Is there a way that I can run without copying it? I am not root user.

Sending SMB Client Commands Through Shell Script


I have a shell script, which I am using to access the SMB Client:

cd /home/username
smbclient //link/to/server$ password -W domain -U username
mput baclupfiles

Right now, the script runs, accesses the server, and then asks for a manual input of the commands.

Can someone show me how to get the commands:
recurse, prompt, mput baclupfiles and exit

to be run by the shell script please?

Duplicate Folder Creation While Using Mkdir In A Script


I am setting up a linux server for gaming and I am using a script to update the files automatically and create a folder with a certain name.

# !/bin/bash

# A convenience function, to save us some work
update_server() {
	# Read the app id and the directory into a variable


	# Create the directory ( if it does not exist already )
	if [ ! -d "$HOME/$DIR" ]; then
		mkdir -p "$HOME/$DIR"

	# Uh-oh, it looks like we still have no directory. Report an error.
	if [ ! -d "$HOME/$DIR" ]; then
		# Describe what went wrong
		echo "ERROR! Cannot create directory $HOME/$DIR!"

		# Exit with status code 1 ( which indicates an error )
		exit 1

	# Call SteamCMD with the app ID we provided and tell it to install
	./bin/ +login anonymous +force_install_dir "$HOME/$DIR" +app_update $APP_ID validate +quit

# Now the script actually runs update_server ( which we just declared above ) with the id of the application ( 4020 is Garry's Mod ) and the name of the directory we want the server to be hosted from:

update_server 4020 "gmodserver"

exit 0

When I run this script, it creates 2 folders on my server : gmodserver and gmodserver? There is no files downloaded in gmodserver. All the files are downloaded in gmodserver?

I looked for a few hours on how to solve this problem but I have no idea what the added ? might be so I am lost as to what to look for. Could you help me on figuring this out?

Thank you.

edit : I am using ubuntu 15.04 x64 if it makes a difference.