Unable To Open Files Info From My Documents File

from the desk top i open documents file , i have multiple folders but no information Clearly what iam see is the background. how do i fix this perhaps i have deleted some thing wwhich has created the problem .


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Need Help Cat Multiple Files To One File

I am currently running a system simulation on multiple files.
I have a computer algorithm written in perl to run "system" simulations for all the files I need

What I am trying to do is put multiple files into one file, only problem is that its not doing exactly what I need it do


I am "cat txt0.txt txt1.txt txt2.txt txt3.txt > allfiles.txt"

I need it to read as


Instead its taking all the files and taking the information within each txt file and putting them all together. Info that looks like this


all clustered together

you get the picture ?

I am really confused how to get this to work, there are over 100 files that need to go into a single file.
That way when I run it through the perl algorithm I created, I can do it in one shot.

How To Concatenate Strings Under Multiple Headings In .csv File Into A New File?

Hi guys,

I have multiple .csv files with multiple columns/headings, set up essentially like this (obviously more info in the real thing)

Gene Location Ref Var Coverage Function
DMD chrX.... A G 198 exonic
SCN4A chr17.... T C 111 splicing

and so on...

How could I concatenate selected columns into an output file with strings seperated with a comma? eg DMD,A,G,exonic (similar to what you can do in excel). I would like to be able to do this for multiple files in a directory. It would be preferable if all the outputs could be compiled into one file as I'll use this for something else later.
The current protocol in our team is to concatenate each file individually with an excel macro and copy into a file, and it takes a very long time.

Thanks very much!!

Can Anybody Explain How Copy.com Works To Me?

I'm running Xubuntu and it was a challenge just getting Copy.com on there. (I installed the desktop app on both of my computers.) Now that I have it though, I don't really know how to use it.

I know this is kind of more a Copy.com question, but I don't know anything about Copy.com (besides having it--lol) and besides, I like you LQ guys.

So yeah, I installed the desktop app for Copy.com on both of my computers. I know that if I put something in the Copy folder that will be available to both computers.

But how Copy does the backing up I don't know.

When I change a file or folder do I have to plop that into the Copy folder every time or does Copy somehow update the file or folder in the Copy folder automatically? (It doesn't seem to.)

Okay, when I, say, take the Documents folder from one computer and plop it into the Copy folder that's that. Then I take the Documents folder from the other computer and plop that into the Copy folder, then all the files from both folders will be in the Copy folder (and the Copy cloud), right?

Now I just removed a couple of files from a folder and copied and pasted the folder into the Copy folder. But then when I looked at the Copy folder the files I'd deleted were still there. What's the process? How does it work?

I mean, how does this work as a way of backing things up AND organizing things? To me it seems like a decent way of throwing stuff into the Copy folder (and cloud), but how is that different than Google Drive? I mean, that's not really a backup, is it? It's like a flash drive in the cloud.

And when I combined the same folders (with the same titles anyway, but they each had different files within them) from the two computers I'd expected each folder on each computer to have all the same files that were cumulatively on both. Instead, they're the same. And the cumulative is only on the Copy folder.

I like the notion of just throwing the folders and files into the Copy folder. It's much quicker than Google Drive. But the backing up feature eludes me and the syncing feature makes me fearful that I'll lose data or that the files will become hopelessly less organized.


Show .hidden .files On Open... And Browse... Dialogs In Xubuntu/xfce

I am running xubuntu 11.10, fully updated, on an Acer 250 netbook (1GB ram, 1.8 GHz clock, single core Atom processor, if you can believe it). Runs pretty well, I think. So much so that I have decided to migrate from Windows to Linux.

My first question to the forum is this: I have set the Thunar file explorer to show hidden files. However, hidden files still don't show up on various File Open or Browse... dialogs.

How can I set up xfce or xubuntu to always display .hiddenfiles in Open... or Browse... dialogs?

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A Kernel Thread Shares The Open Files From A User Thread

Hi all,

In my work, I'd like to spawn separate kernel threads (tasks) to execute syscall asynchronously. Specifically, a user thread issues a syscall, goes into kernel, save the syscall number and arguments somewhere in the kernel address space, but does not execute the syscall. A kernel thread which is different from the user thread, will fetch the syscall number and arguments to execute the syscall on behalf of the user thread.
But for file operations such as read, the kernel thread is not aware of the open files of the user threads. For example, if the user thread opens a file and get a file descriptor, then it issue a read() syscall. The kernel thread cannot execute the read() on behalf of the user thread by just using the file descriptor. Thus I need some way to allow the kernel thread share the open files information with the user thread, such that the kernel thread will have the context of the open file to execute read(). I tried to pass the files_struct of the user thread's task_struct to the kernel thread, but it didn't help, read() returns a EFAULT error.
Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to make a kernel thread share the open files with a user thread? Or more straightforward how to execute the read() syscall in the example above in kernel thread? Thank you very much!


I Cannot Copy With Original Timestamp! PLEASE HELP

Hi all,
I've knowledge about timestamp and i'm trying to use it in a particular scenario. I've multiple folders inside which are different files. Now I'm trying to copy one file (say xyz) which is present in all the folders but has variation in it's content and time of creation into a let's say foldernew.
I'm trying to do this by copying the file xyz from each folders with the new name xyz_(it's orginal timestamp) into folder new.
Can this be done with a single command or do what should I write in a script to execute this?

Note: I want to add the timestamp of xyz when it is created not of the time of copy.

How To Open Linux File/software In Windows 8?


Could anyone please explain as understandable as possible how could I on my Windows 8 open either single file or install (and use) entire software which is supposted to work on Linux and/or Ubuntu? I have absolutelly NO experience with Linux and have never used it. Honestly, I don't know if there is any difference between Linux and Ubuntu. I want to be inside my Windows 8 while using Linux files/sofware. The only solution I could think of are actually two but neither of them is useful for me:

1. Vmware (i don't know how to use it)
2. Rent remote computer (vps/rdp) with linux OS installed (this would let me be in Windows 8 while being able to use Linux file/software [on remote computer] but sooner or later I would want to have Windows installed there too)

Tried program Linux Reader but didn't work on my Windows 8. Although I would need solution for installation/usage of software (that can be used only on linux/ubuntu), regardless of details***, the current problem is basically related to single files only: I have two files, both in IMG extension. Don't know how to open them because Deamon Tools doesn't handle IMG. The problem is that filesystem in one of them is "Linux" and filesystem in another is "142". The error I am getting when I try to open them is:

"File with harddrive/disc snapshot is corrupted."

But this is most likely because they are supposted to be used in linux environment, hence such question.

*** when i said "details" I was referring to basically anything: type of software, size, purpose, whether or not it needs network connection, whether or not it contains logging in (username password, etc) requirement, etc.

The following solution for current situation (quoted error above) works only partially:


I am able to open/run/mount IMG if I do what is described on this link (im basically opening iso in this case - see the website) but when opening the virtual drive, the following error message proves that the file can be used in linux/ubuntu only:

"Windows cannot access that drive. Drive could be corrupted. Make sure the drive is in condition that can be recognized by Windows. If drive isn't formatted then format it before usage."

Would need detailed instructions, for total beginner, who has never used linux/ubuntu, what to do in such case: how to use in win8 files/software that are supposted to be used in linux/ubuntu. Also answer on how to open IMG would be highly appreciated.

Kindest regards and thank you a million in advance.

Python Ftplib

hello all,

please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :

tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")

folder_list = []


if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
    for files in parse_source_file_list :
        print files
        upload(ftp, files)

else :
    print "later"

File Manager Folder Properties

In Windows, when a folder is right clicked, I can see the number of files and folders in that folder and the detailed size of the total of files and folders down to the byte. In Linux Mint when I do the same thing in the default file manager, it gives me a total nunber of "Items" and a size rounded to xx.x GB. Is there a file manager that will give me the same information as Windows does, or another way to get that information?

More Command

hi guys, im having terminal trouble.

i have a libre word file called lintest.odt in the Documents directory (folder). I want to move it to the Libre directory (folder).

Desktop Downloads Libre Pictures Templates
Documents home Music Public Videos

from the root directory i typed cd Documents and then pwd and I got
i then typed ls and i got lintest.odt

I then typed mv lintest Libre and it says

mv: cannot stat ‘lintest’: No such file or directory

what am I doing wrong?

when i try to see the contents of the lintest file with more lintest
I got ~/Documents$ more lintest.odt
and then it locks up the terminal.

im obviously doing something dreadfully wrong.