Print Column With A String Using Awk Or Grep

Hi All,

Using grep command with a defined string, you will get the row. Can I get the column instead of row? For example,

the file content is as below:

123 456
789 ABE

execute 'grep ABE file' will give you "789 ABE". Is there any way to get the column:

Thank you very much.

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Problem With .bashrc Entry

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alias lml='grep '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' mail.log | grep "relay=" | awk '{print $8}'' #list mail log

I have tried enclosing the string in alias as lml="..." and alias lml=`...` to no avail. The problem is apparently with the grep "relay=" in that it has to be enclosed in "", as well as the awk that has to be enclosed in ''.

Any ideas on how to get this setup? Thanks.

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root@IP's password:
Last login: Mon Feb 16 15:27:55 2015 from IP
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Thank you!

Cannot Execute Binary File

hello everyone,
I created a script file ( in linux centos 6.
location of file is '/etc/init.d/'
content of file is:

#To get the MAC address
ifconfig | grep HWaddr
#To get the HDD serial no.
hdparm -I /dev/sd? | grep 'Serial\ Number'
#To get the HDD size
hdparm -I /dev/sda |grep "device size"

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thanks in advance..

Would Like To "echo" A Line, "read" Reply, Then Execute The Reply: How In Bash?

Apologies. I've been out of Unix for 14 years, and the gears have rusted. Also, Unix has changed - enough similarities to memory that I'm pretty comfy though.

Glad to see lots of info available via google. However changes are going to take getting used to. Have set up a testbed of 3 nearly identical machines, hoping to make an (at home) private network where I can automate installs and set-ups using NIS and NFS (Similar to work I once did).

Have found useful scripts interspersed with comments, would like to copy and paste them to a bash script that:

Reads the line.
Echos the line.
Reads the reply.
Executes what is typed.

Essentially, by making myself type (or copy & paste) the commands I think I'll become familiar.

Figured I'd use a spreadsheet, select the file, and paste into column B of the spreadsheet. In column A I'd paste:

echo "

and in column C I'd paste:


Then I'd cut and paste into a text document, insert the lines:

read A

behind every command necessary to the actual task.

Figured I'd have to escape the ' and ".

Ran a test (test.bash):

for i in `seq 1 10`;
echo "Enter a command:"
read A
echo "Trying $A"

works fine when I type

ls -alg

but not so when I type

ls -alg | grep dwrx

so I'm wondering if someone has a suggestion?

Thanks for any ideas.

Quick GREP Question..

Hey guys,

Something is puzzling me!

I saw someone use the grep in the following way and I'm not sure I understand what it does, and if there's any benefit to using it this way.

grep X.X.X.X /var/log/log.log | grep -v query

I checked the man file which confirmed that -v is relating to matching non grouping lines (which I'm not sure I fully understand either!) but I don't see any difference in the output of the above command versus the same command without the | grep -v query bit..

Why would you pipe grep into grep unless you were searching for something specific within the search results?

Does query mean something else?

Diffing The Line Numbers

hi guys

i am trying to find the "size" of a "block" of data in LARGE data files, the example below test_data.txt is very simplified. by "size" i mean the difference in line numbers of a block, and the "size" will be constant throughout the file so

1234 6.600000 4321
1234 8.500000 4321
1234 1.800000 4321
1234 2.300000 4321
1234 8.500000 4321
1234 2.800000 4321

if i define a block as whenever i find 8.500000 in the second column, then in the example the the block size would be 3 becasue 8.500000 occurs on the 5th line and on the 2nd. right now i am using

 grep -n "8.500000" test_data.txt | cut -f1 -d:


 awk '/8.500000/ {print FNR}' test_data.txt

obviously i don't remeber how to tag text as code?

btw, the grep command is much much faster

both of these commands give an entire list (long list of number for files greater than a gig) of line numbers which i then have to subtract one from another to come up with 3 in the example. not that i'm opposed to doing math, but i would think awk or grep should be able to do this for me



Please Interpret The Meaning Of This Command

Hi ,

Please explain what the below command means ..

if grep -c -i Y $INIFILE > /dev/null

I know what is the use of grep, it is used for finding a character or string in a file. But i could not understand the above form of grep command.

I am new to linux so this might be a simple question, but please throw some light on it.


And also please explain why they are creating a file in null in the below command

cat /dev/null > $DATA_DIR/$DATAFILE

Remove Column From .CSV Using AWK Command


I am trying to remove the Column from .CSV using Awk Command. Below is the input

Gopal,32,Tech Lead,"Ramnagar, Naintal"
Gaurav,24,"Linux Admin, Expert","Noda"

I want column 1,2,4 and i am using below mention command

awk -F, ' BEGIN { OFS="," }
print $1,$2,$4
}' new.csv > new-done.csv

but instead of getting Gaurav,24,Noda

i am getting

Gaurav,24, Expert"