Squid Server Asks Me To Enter Username And Password Twice

I am experiencing a strange issue where squid asks me to authenticate twice. Here is how it goes:

I have my Firefox browser set to go out my squid proxy. Whenever I open the browser I am prompted for my username and password, which I enter. Immediately the browser fetches my homepage, however, at almost the exact same time I am prompted to enter my username and password again.

Clearly the I entered the correct information the first time or the browser would never load my homepage. The odd part is that sometimes I can just cancel the second request for a username and password without issue. Other times I MUST enter it to continue browsing.

Here is a copy of my config: http://pastebin.com/mdM7gfLf

Any ideas on what is going on here? Thanks in advance to anyone who has some thoughts on this.

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kernel: 3.18.9-200.fc21.x86_64

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