Write Permission When Automount Usb Ntfs Drives

I want to get all permissions for all the users when ntfs usb drives is detected and linux mount it automatically. Linux grants permission only for root and it canīt be changed.

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I Set Up An Ext4 Partition On External HD To Store Media Files. Permission Issues

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Linux File Server

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I have installed Ubuntu Server on a 500 GB drive formatted as EXT4.

Of of my Media, movies, music and pictures are from Windows PC's formatted in NTFS.
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Error Mounting: Mount: Unknown Filesystem Type 'ntfs'

Dear All,

I am using OLE 6.2, 32 bit. Today I was trying to open the other drives (windows C drive and external drive both are ntfs), when I tried to open it, I go the following error

Error mounting: mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'

Please advise how can I fix it, I did a google search but since I am new I am unable to understand what I should really do. Sept by Sept advise would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.


Suresh Panchanathan

Can't Wrap My Head Around It. Permissions


I'm setting up my second homeserver and i'm trying a better/safer approach this time.

My last box ran centOS6.5, Plexmediaserver (ntfs mounted drives) ; Samba , znc , ftp & ssh.
Now this machine was perfect still works like a charm. But i want to do things better this time.

So i got an old server HP Proliant ml350 G5 for a buck. I've finally dared to format 3x 2tb drives as Ext4 and have them running in a software RAID 5. (bye bye NTFS)

Now since my parents will also be using this server as backup and fileserver, i need some permissions in my sambashares.

So i've set up a directory at /sambashares and gave Thomas ownership of it.
but now the rest

So what i'm struggling with:


User Thomas needs to have read/write/execute access to the whole /sambashares dir
(including Patrick & Nane's files)

Patrick needs read/write/execute access to /sambashares/Patrick & /sambashares/"NewItemsHere"
Patrick needs read access in Movies / TvShows
Patrick may not see the data of Thomas or Nane

Nane needs read/write/execute access to /sambashares/Nane & /sambashares/"NewItemsHere"
Nane needs read access in Movies / TvShows
Nane may not see the data of Thomas or Patrick

I already added 2 groups (admins & pheasants)
Thomas is in the admin group.
Nane and Patrick are in Pheasants

Note: If i recall correctly PlexMediaserver needs ownership of the movie files and Tv Shows for it to function correctly.
(not sure about that, might have been a requirement with mounted NTFS drives)

Time is not on my side, i'm at the end of my CCNA certification and my brain is overloaded with routing commands due to exams coming soon! So if anyone could help me on the way with some keystrokes, that would be great.


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I own a NAS D-Link DNS-320 running fun_plug 0.7 & transmissionBT.

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Just wondering whether my NAS(linux) can write to my USB HDD for a reliable storage for transmissionBT.

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Normal Linux User Recursively Write Access To Apache Document Root

I tried adding two users in apache group and given 775 permission to Document root but user is not able to write into files in DocumentRoot

Tried adding user and DocumentRoot Folder in sudo file but not able to do it recursively

please help

Thanks for reply,
I have already given chmod 775 -R DocumentRoot - for recursively writting permission
You have told to add user in www-data group and chmod 775 -R to DocumentRoot
usermod -a -G www-data <user1>

How can users in www-data can able to write in DocumentRoot which has apache:apache owner and group
please clarify...

Done below steps to solve this:
1) I have created a new group webdata and added required users in this group
2) set sticky bit to document root with below command
setfacl -m g:webdata:rwx -R /path/to/documentroot/
this command will set rwx permission to DocumentRoot so that members in webdata can have full access but still DocumentRoot user and group will be apache

Securing /etc/profile And /etc/bashrc

Changing umask value for files and directories take effect after reload:
default permission for all users:
above permission is edited to:
If a specific user in group having only read permission to a file/directory is created before reload,and Linux server reloads, that user gets rw permission to that file/directory. what is the alternative of securing:
apart from giving the two files access to root user only, and locking out all other users?

Fuse Mount Point - Permission Denied

Hi everyone,

I created a fuse mountpoint. After mounting, the file permissions are all screwed up and it says I cannot ls or cd. Permission denied.

The file permissions look like this:
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? temp

and when i list the mounted devices I get:
/dev/fuse on /temp type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev)

I used mono-fuse. I just created a new folder with permissions 777 and then did a mount. After unmounting I can do all operations, but when I mount, I get such error.

I used
HelloFS.exe that comes along with mono fuse for testing. Can someone shed some light on this weird behavior and what mistake ive done. Thank you !!


Permission Denied When Trying To Execute An Application On A SD Card

I made some little applications with qt creator and i wanted to run them on an embedded linux board (linux 2.6.24). To transfer the files i use a SD card. If i move the applications to "/bin" after having mounted the SD card and then "chmod a+x" them then i have no problem running them.
But if i mount the SD card and try to run the applications directly in the folder where i mount it i have an error : "Permission denied". Also when using the command "ls" i notice that if i keep the files in the mounting folder and try to "chmod a+x" them, the modification don't happen. They stay "greyed" and don't go "green". (I don't know if this color code is a standart for linux terminal but maybe this could help you understand the problem).
When mounting the SD card i use the command :
mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/SD

So the files are located in /mnt/SD.

Am i missing something or is it not possible to run something like that ?

I tried "mount -t vfat -o umask=0000 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/SD" to chnage how i am mounting the SD card.

Still "Permission Denied".

With "ls -l" i can see that the permissions are staying :

Even if i try something like "chmod 777".

It seems to be a problem related to the fact that the sd card is formated as fat32 but it must stay like that.