Kindly refer to following post:
Here, at post #4, solution given by "LSalab" worked for me. So I added it to startup applications in my cinnamon desktop. But the problem is that, it works only once after every login (when the battery gets lower than 10% so it informs me), and if I charge the battery and again it reaches that threshold point of 10%, the system does not inform me, which means that the startup script only executes once.
here is the script:
#!/bin/bash while [[ `acpi | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | grep -Po '\d+'` -gt 10 ]] do echo -ne "\r`acpi`" sleep 5 done notify-send -t 60000 'Low Battery' 'Battery charging of your system is below 10%. Kindly Plug charger. Thanks.' echo '' mplayer /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/phone-outgoing-busy.oga -loop 0
So my question is that, how can I make this script recurring at every threshold level?