Deleting A Non Empty Folder Without Having To Change Directories

So am at my home folder and I want to delete an unempty folder without changing directories.....what command line do I use for that

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Find 30 Days Old And Delete Prints Error Msg File Not Found After Deleting It

I have a shell script to find folders which are 25 days older and delete it, and put the deleted folder details into log file like this

 find /ahome/xxx/$FOLDER -type d -mtime +25  -exec ls -ld {} \;  -exec rm -rf {} \;  >> mylogfile.log

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find: /ahome/prksh/dir/test: No such file or directory

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Is It Food Have Find Command Running In Cron Every Day Once To Delete Older Files

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find $FOLDER_PATH/$FOLDER -depth -regex  ^$FOLDER_PATH/$FOLDER/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ -type d -mtime +25  -exec ls -ld {} \;   >> /tmp/deleted_folders.log

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Is it ok to have find command running as cron job ?

Can Anybody Explain How Works To Me?

I'm running Xubuntu and it was a challenge just getting on there. (I installed the desktop app on both of my computers.) Now that I have it though, I don't really know how to use it.

I know this is kind of more a question, but I don't know anything about (besides having it--lol) and besides, I like you LQ guys.

So yeah, I installed the desktop app for on both of my computers. I know that if I put something in the Copy folder that will be available to both computers.

But how Copy does the backing up I don't know.

When I change a file or folder do I have to plop that into the Copy folder every time or does Copy somehow update the file or folder in the Copy folder automatically? (It doesn't seem to.)

Okay, when I, say, take the Documents folder from one computer and plop it into the Copy folder that's that. Then I take the Documents folder from the other computer and plop that into the Copy folder, then all the files from both folders will be in the Copy folder (and the Copy cloud), right?

Now I just removed a couple of files from a folder and copied and pasted the folder into the Copy folder. But then when I looked at the Copy folder the files I'd deleted were still there. What's the process? How does it work?

I mean, how does this work as a way of backing things up AND organizing things? To me it seems like a decent way of throwing stuff into the Copy folder (and cloud), but how is that different than Google Drive? I mean, that's not really a backup, is it? It's like a flash drive in the cloud.

And when I combined the same folders (with the same titles anyway, but they each had different files within them) from the two computers I'd expected each folder on each computer to have all the same files that were cumulatively on both. Instead, they're the same. And the cumulative is only on the Copy folder.

I like the notion of just throwing the folders and files into the Copy folder. It's much quicker than Google Drive. But the backing up feature eludes me and the syncing feature makes me fearful that I'll lose data or that the files will become hopelessly less organized.


How To Delete Number Of Files

I'm trying to figure out if find could do this. I have a folder with 1000 files. I want to delete 150 files on that folder regardless of timestamp and filename. Is there a tool, command or option on find that could do this, please let me know.

Combining mtime or ctime to find is not advisable since it will not count the files or even if there are matches, I would still need to sum up the files until I reach 150 files.

Any suggestions?

GloMoSim Installation In Linux Problem

hi everybody
I'm trying to install glomosim in fedora linux
I was following the guide to glomosim steps and I faced a problem in this step:

<< Now, you have to change some environmental parameters according to the destination folder which you put the Parsec.
You can create a file called “.bashrc” inside the root or home folder (if it does not already exist), and include the
export PCC_DIRECTORY=/home/parsec
export PATH
*Your PCC_DIRECTORY should be set to the targeted destination folder which you created earlier.
Now, type:
$ pcc >>

every time I tried to type pcc
this message appears : bash: pcc: command not found
anybody help me with this please

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Please Help! I'm Trying To Install A Program Through The Terminal

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2. when I type the command sudo cp -r cheese /opt/ it will ask for modernnewspeak's password. When I try to type this in nothing happens, even though it JUST let me type in the command. I pressed "enter" thinking maybe it was hiding my password and I get the message "cannot stat 'cheese'. No such file or directory"

please tell me what I'm doing wrong! I tried to follow that tutorial and look through the FAQ here but I cannot figure this out. Thank you in advance!

Cp -r *.* /<dest Folder>: What Does *.* Literally Mean In Linux?

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sudo cp -r *.*  /<dest folder owned by root>

Goal: to copy all contents of current folder into destination folder.

I know there are other ways, and have tried several, but gave up in confusion (was also in a hurry to get on with it). Finally gave the windows *.* a shot, and it did exactly what I wanted.

Now that my task is completed, it would be nice to know what *.* literally means in Linux. I just looked though man cp, and also ran Code:
info coreutils 'cp invocation'

but didn't see any '*' options listed. Now I remember having come across '.' before somewhere, in the cp command, so possibly the '*' are ignored, and the only thing that matters is the 'dot'?

Sftp User Unable To See Mounted --bind Directories. Works With Vsftpd Via Ftp

Is there an sftp package that can be used which is more flexible then the ssh internal ftp server. I have been tasked with providing an /srv/ftp/ directory which includes

mount -bind other_directory1 /srv/ftp/d1
mount -bind other_driectory2 /srv/ftp/q2


Since sftp via ssh demands that all directories be owned by root I have a problem. The 'other directories' are owned by different sets of groups. We have engineers who will have carte blanche access. I have another group 'manufacturing' who will need to be chrooted to /var/ftp/. They will need to see directories underneath /var/ftp/ and nothing else. We don't want them to be able to cd to any other part of the system. Manufacturing does not have any account on the machine. My last group sales has an account on the server. I have been able to chroot them to there home folder where they also have the same mount --binded directories. Management would like sales to be able to ftp as well as sftp with read only access to the sub directories under their home directory. It is allowable to have them sftp to /srv/ftp/ and ftp to /home/sale/. I would suppose that this may mean that I use a different tool to implement sftp rather then use ssh. Here are my setup files for ssh

Port 22
Protocol 2
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
ServerKeyBits 1024
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO
LoginGraceTime 120
PermitRootLogin yes
StrictModes yes
UseDNS no
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
IgnoreRhosts yes
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
HostbasedAuthentication no
PermitEmptyPasswords no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
UseLogin yes
Banner /etc/
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
UsePAM no

Match group ftpgroup
ChrootDirectory /srv/ftp
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
PasswordAuthentication yes

Why Vsftp Can Do It, But Openssh Sftp Cannot ? (chroot)

Dear all,

This is long story cut short, with vsftp, if i set this parameters in the vsftp.conf file below


I am able to login to the ftp account, see and list my home/user directory, and if i do a cd / or cd .. , i will still be chroot to my /home/user directory.

without, the need to chmod or or chown anything to my /home/user directory


With openSSH, internal_sftp, even though I have set the sshd_conf to

Match user alankoh
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/%u

I will need to change owner my /home/user directory to have root becomes it owner.

Q1) why this difference ? How does vsftp chroot without changing the /home/user folder ownership ?

Q2) i realize that openssh ChrootDirectory parameter causes my default login directory to be set as that of the parameter.
(e.g. if i set to "/whatever/xyz", i will be brought to that /whatever/xyz everytime i login to the sftp instead of my /home/user folder.

Why ? I thought that ChrootDirectory is just a security measure to specify the directory to go to in case the user cd to root (e.g. cd /), else not, i should still go to my /home/user folder everytime i login to sftp.
