Help With The Modifying Apects Of .bash_profile

I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to learn about .bash_profile. I want to be able to set up various aspects of it, such as setting default permissions for new files, changing the format of the prompt. I also want to modify it so that the current directory is appended to the default PATH.

Can anybody give me a brief rundown on the code/syntax and whatnot for these things?

ex: what is the line that I would need to type so that my prompt is formatted "command number - user - machine name - current directory"?

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Ssh Public Key Fingerprint

First time post so I hope it's not too long winded!

I've just installed Centos v7.1 and created an additional user.

First putty session I logged in with root and got the public fingerprint message and clicked Yes to accept.

However I noted when I logged in with the user other I did not get the prompt and my home directory didn't have a .ssh directory.

OK, so I created a .ssh (chmod 700) directory within /etc/skel and created a new user. Logged in with that account and still no prompt, although I do now have a .ssh directory generated.

I've tried deleting the known_hosts files in the root's .ssh directory and restarting the sshd daemon but it's not working.

How do I get it to prompt with original public key again?

Thanks for reading.

Connecting To Specific Directory With Filezilla

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What am I supposed to do to detect the segmentation fault?

Linux Pro's And Noobs! A Challenge, Please Take A Crack At This! (TIME SENSATIVE,)

Do it like this is your situation, your server, and the dir that are mentioned below, act like they are yours! im just looking for an accurate answer!
(student of O'Rielly School of Tech)

whenever you log in, your shell executes commands that it finds in your dotfiles, specifically .bash_login. In your .bash_login, add a series of commands that will first create a directory named ~/sysadmin1/my_peeps/$DATE, where $DATE is today's date in the format mmddyy. This command should succeed whether or not the directory ~/sysadmin1/my_peeps already exists. Then, it will redirect the output of the w command (which lists the currently logged in users on the system) to a file inside this newly created directory called users.$TIME, where $TIME is the current time in the format hhmmss (use 24 hour time).

In order to do this, you must use a new concept: assignment of a variable from the output of a command. For example, in order to set the variable EXAMPLEDATE using the unformatted output of the date command, you would do the following:


The characters surrounding the date command are called "backticks." They are usually located on the same key as ~. They are not single quotation marks. This is actually another kind of expansion called "Command Substitution" (you can learn more in bash's manpage).

For this project, you can use the date command to get both the date and the current time, however, you will have to consult date's manpage to find out how to change the formatting.

Python Ftplib

hello all,

please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :

tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")

folder_list = []


if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
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        print files
        upload(ftp, files)

else :
    print "later"

Why Does Grep Return "No Such File Or Directory"?

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grep: *.ini: No such file or directory

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What is wrong? I am using centos 6.


Regular Expression In Expect Script To Prevent Printing To Screen

Hello, I have an expect script where I ssh to a remote host to determine the network configuration and get from the user the network interface card that should be used. From their response, I determine the subnet mask and save the information to a text file that is later transmitted back to my local host. This is all so that I can set up virtual IP aliasing and verify that the physical IP address of the local and remote host are on the same subnet prior to continuing with the setup. I am running the script on Linux, with expect version 5.45.

The code itelf works just fine, but I'm having some issues with how it displays on the screen. As you'll see below in the example, the default system prompt displays, as does the user input command that I'm sending to the shell from the expect script.

Is there a regular expression or something that I can write to prevent the prompt and command that I'm sending from printing to the screen? I know that it should be suppressed if I have an expect command following the Code:
send -s "\nread n_card?'Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   '\r

command, but everything I have tried for strings and regular expressions to expect causes the netstat -rn output to not show up all of a sudden. I'm new to expect, so I'm not really sure why this is happening.

I would really appreciate any help/suggestions. Thanks for your time!

Part of the Script Code:
expect {
   -re $prompt {   ;# Send individual commands and get user input
        set timeout -1
        # Get partner hostname and put in vipsetup.txt file
        send -s "hostname > vipsetup.txt\r"  
        expect -re $prompt
        # Display the network routing info for the user and prompt for 
        # network interface card number
        send -s "print \"The network routing table for the $ptner server is displayed below:\n\" ; netstat -rn \r"
        expect -re "\r(.*):\r"
        send -s "\nread n_card?'Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   '\r"
        interact "\r" return    ;# Wait for user input from read command
        send -- "\r"
        send -s "echo \$n_card >> vipsetup.txt\r"  
        # Obtain subnet mask information for partner based on network 
        # interface card number being used
        send -s "msk=\$(cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-\$n_card | grep NETMASK)\r"
        send -s "msk=\$(echo \${msk#NETMASK=})\r"
        send -s "echo \$msk >> vipsetup.txt\r"
    timeout {
        send_user "Connection to host $hostip timed out."
        exit 6 
    eof {
        send_user "Connection to host $hostip failed."

Script Output:
The network routing table for the PRIMARY server is displayed below:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U         0 0          0 eth0         UG        0 0          0 eth0
 [root@remotehost root]$
[root@remotehost root]$ ber for this server (i.e. eth0):   '              < 
Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   eth0

Why Vsftp Can Do It, But Openssh Sftp Cannot ? (chroot)

Dear all,

This is long story cut short, with vsftp, if i set this parameters in the vsftp.conf file below


I am able to login to the ftp account, see and list my home/user directory, and if i do a cd / or cd .. , i will still be chroot to my /home/user directory.

without, the need to chmod or or chown anything to my /home/user directory


With openSSH, internal_sftp, even though I have set the sshd_conf to

Match user alankoh
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/%u

I will need to change owner my /home/user directory to have root becomes it owner.

Q1) why this difference ? How does vsftp chroot without changing the /home/user folder ownership ?

Q2) i realize that openssh ChrootDirectory parameter causes my default login directory to be set as that of the parameter.
(e.g. if i set to "/whatever/xyz", i will be brought to that /whatever/xyz everytime i login to the sftp instead of my /home/user folder.

Why ? I thought that ChrootDirectory is just a security measure to specify the directory to go to in case the user cd to root (e.g. cd /), else not, i should still go to my /home/user folder everytime i login to sftp.


Added 'exit 0' To The Bottom Of .bashrc, Now What?

Centos 6.5

I ran into an interesting problem (on reddit) that I figured I could solve, but I have not been able to. Its simple,.. I added 'exit 0' to /root/.bashrc, and now I am trying to log in via ssh.

Everytime I do, it immediately exits when it runs the .bash_profile, which sources .bashrc, (which is immediate upon 'logging in')

I've tried:

ssh root@ -t vim
vim scp://
vim scp://
ssh root@ bash --norc
ssh root@ /bin/bash --norc --noprofile
ssh -T root@ "mv /root/.bashrc /root/.bashRC"
scp .bashrc root@
ssh root@ /bin/bash --norc --noprofile -vvvvvvvvvv
ssh -vvvvvv root@ /bin/bash --norc --noprofile
ssh -vvvvvv root@ /bin/mv /root/.bashrc /root/.bashRC
ssh -t -t root@ << EOF
mv /root/.bashrc /root/.bashRC
ssh -t -t root@ --norc << EOF
echo HELLO > /root/.bashrc
ssh -tv root@ rm .bashrc

So,.. I am unable to get back into the system (as root, no other users exist) after adding 'exit 0' to .bashrc

Anyone feel like explaining why all of these failed (aside from saying SSH interactive logins run the .bash_profile/.bashrc files) or, offering a suggestion that works? Seems like if you have the root password, you should be allowed to modify the login process... since... you know... you are root.