Need Help Cat Multiple Files To One File

I am currently running a system simulation on multiple files.
I have a computer algorithm written in perl to run "system" simulations for all the files I need

What I am trying to do is put multiple files into one file, only problem is that its not doing exactly what I need it do


I am "cat txt0.txt txt1.txt txt2.txt txt3.txt > allfiles.txt"

I need it to read as


Instead its taking all the files and taking the information within each txt file and putting them all together. Info that looks like this


all clustered together

you get the picture ?

I am really confused how to get this to work, there are over 100 files that need to go into a single file.
That way when I run it through the perl algorithm I created, I can do it in one shot.

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Gene Location Ref Var Coverage Function
DMD chrX.... A G 198 exonic
SCN4A chr17.... T C 111 splicing

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"Bob Smith
531 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC"

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531 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC"

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for j in $var;
#Here I do not know how to use $var2

Please help.

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