Changing Distribution But Retain All Personal Files

Have installed Xubuntu with /home on second hard drive. If I change to a different distribtuion such as Mint Mate do I have to delete all the hidden files in my home directory?

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Mint KDE Instalation And Lost Files

Some weeks ago I installed Linux Mint 17.1 Cinamin. Yesterday I installed 17.1 KDE. Now I have an home directory with empty set of user folders. I did find all of my files under devices 129.0 GiB Hard drive, including the old Home folder. How do I get my old files back to where I can use them?

Hidden Folders And Files Become Viewable In Home Directory

Hi guys,
For no apparent actions from me, hidden folders and files show
in my /user/home directory, they are as follows:-

.adobe .cache .config .cups .filezilla .gimp-2.8 .gnupg .gphoto .gstreamer-0.10 .icedtea .java .local .macromedia .mozilla .pki .thumbnails

.bash_history .bashrc .esd_auth .ICEauthority

In my / directory
File: ./readahead

Seeking help to verify the above folder and files are not from a harmful source or application?

If they do not post any thread to the system, how can I conceal
these folders and files, so that they don't show up any more in
my home and / directory ?

Many thanks.

Show .hidden .files On Open... And Browse... Dialogs In Xubuntu/xfce

I am running xubuntu 11.10, fully updated, on an Acer 250 netbook (1GB ram, 1.8 GHz clock, single core Atom processor, if you can believe it). Runs pretty well, I think. So much so that I have decided to migrate from Windows to Linux.

My first question to the forum is this: I have set the Thunar file explorer to show hidden files. However, hidden files still don't show up on various File Open or Browse... dialogs.

How can I set up xfce or xubuntu to always display .hiddenfiles in Open... or Browse... dialogs?

Problem comes up when I want to edit some .config file or run the alacarte Main Menu editor and have to specify some long path to an executable in a hidden directory (as in wine). I have to enter the file name manually, which gets to be a problem for my thumb-fingered typing.

Understanding Configuration Files Better

Hey, I'm aware that /etc/ stores config files and in my home directory I also have dot files as well as a .config folder.

And I'm told not to edit /etc/ but create a copy in my home directory to preserve original files. Is it as simple as creating the full path the same as /etc/ and editing it in home folder?

Ideally this is how I hope it works, because I don't want to edit /etc/ and end up with a bunch of custom, non default files.

Changing User Name Slight Hangup


Today I switched my linux username and changed to /home/newname. I am doing this because it is not secure to broadcast your username to the world.

At this link:

I am wondering if there is a way to do it a little better for me.

You can either keep a symlink for backward compatibility, e g ln -s /home/newname /home/oldname or you can change the file contents with sed -i.bak 's/*oldname*/*newname*/g' *list of files* It creates a backup for each file with a .bak extension.
I tried to do a symlink.

It is not working exactly the way I had hoped. I may not understand it.

When I do the command ls -l I had to make an alias command with awk to parse out the user when i display it. That isn't a big deal but I noticed the oldname and newname are in the printout before filtering it with awk.

Also, my old home directory (the one that matches my /home/oldname is not deleted).

I can log in and the desktop looks fine. I indeed have a new /home/newname.

At one point can I delete the /home/oldname.

Is it okay that ls -l is picking up both usernames (new and old) in separate columns?

I wanted to bounce this off a more experienced user to see if there are some minor adjustments I can do to improve not having 2 home directories and if it is okay for ls -l to display both the old and new user name.



MDADM: How To Mirror Installed LM 17 Disk

Computer:i5,8G,2x500GB HD. one of 500GB hard drive, /dev/sda, is installed Linux Mint Rebecca with 20GB boot/470GB home EXT4/10GB swap. I want to add one more 500GB hard drive, /dev/sdb, to create RAID 1 with old one. Is it possible? and How to command?

I Installed An External Hard Drive Using Gparted. I Cannot Move Files To The External


I have checked the other threads and either I have missed my answer or did not understand that it was the answer. I apologise in advance if I am being a repeater:

The Problem: I am running 17 mint. I installed a toshiba external Hard Drive using Gparted- Fast and easy, BUT, somehow I installed the external as root, I cannot move files to the external because I am not root? Under permissions it states that the Owner Cannot Be Determined.
Any help would be great.

Have a great night, morning or afternoon!


given that im in the home directory, what cli command should i typoe to get access to my documents folder which i can clearly see in the gui but cannot seem to access.

i thought logically it should be /home/files/documents or perhaps /home/user/files/documents

where am i being a dweeb!!!!!....... again


Ok so, i want to create a SFTP/FTP account, that has access to edit/delete/move/upload/download files inside its homefolder and to all the other files/folders that are inside the homefolder.
The account should not be able to go back from the homefolder, like if the home folder is /home/servers it cannot go back to /home..
And the account should not be able to login to SSH.
Please help me.. i need to get this working...
I'm using CentOS 6.6 64bit
I've followed multiple tutorials, none of them have worked.

Creating A SFTP Account

Ok so, i want to create a SFTP account, that has access to edit/delete/move/upload/download files inside its homefolder and to all the other files/folders that are inside the homefolder.
The account should not be able to go back from the homefolder, like if the home folder is /home/servers it cannot go back to /home..
And the account should not be able to login to SSH.