What Exactly Is PATH

books say that PATH variable contains the locations where the shell searches the commands to execute them.

I created a shell script and saved it in /home/user/Downloads directory and then i ran this script from the /home/user/Downloads directory. It did not execute.

however when i did set the path
export PATH=$PATH:/bin/sh within /home/user/Downloads directory, the shell script executed. Does it not mean that PATH variable is holding the locations of the shell program rather than the commands that are to be executed?

everytime i have to give the location of the shell i.e /bin/sh in the PATH variable no matter from where i am executing my script

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export PATH=/home/user:$PATH

I get:
$ source
bash: source: filename argument required
source: usage: source filename [arguments]

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echo "Hello World"

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Path To My Script

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User Permitted To Run Command,execute Program As Root And After Execution, Exit Root

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vj ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/the/program

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gs: /usr/local/bin/gs

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You a
You are a member of the following groups:
root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel
Your current working directory is:

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cd /home/username
smbclient //link/to/server$ password -W domain -U username
mput baclupfiles

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