This is the first time i've run into an issue that appear to be critical in nature, but the peculiar thing is that I have downloaded so many of these Centos 7 images (from everything iso's to dozens of mirrors), and this is a constant (when I get an image that will install)
Basic Virtual Box install, host is a windows 64 bit
Here's the first image, when I try to use yum for anything
It's probably something very obvious that im just brain farting
I just download the below files and tried to install it to virtualbox .
When it is booted to the DVD , it pop the below messages .
Install CentOS 7
Test this media & install CentOS 7
Press Tab ...
I tried to select any option , but the screen become dark , it seems the installation process is stopped ,
I tried Centos 5.x , it works fine , but Centos 7 not work.
would advise what is wrong ? thanks
I am getting Following output after running installation of some packages.
it gives me such error
rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID c105b9de: BAD
What causing this ? i have downloaded the latest key from and check it, the key is fine under my system /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
Configuration files of respo are also fine under /etc/yum.rpos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
Kindly help
I have a Toshiba Laptop that had a Dual Boot of Windows 7 and Linux Mint 17 on it and both OS's worked fine. I've been wanting to use CentOS 7 as my primary OS so that I can become more familar with RPM management and proceeded to remove my Mint installation and replace it with the CENTOS 7 installation, and the install completed successfully. HOWEVER, here's my problem.....
When my laptop starts up, I don't see GRUB nor do I have any option of selecting whether to run Windows or CentOS. It automatically loads up Centos 7. When I do a 'sudo fdisk -l', I can see that SDA1 is an NTFS drive, and when I try the following 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Main\ Drive' I get an error message saying that I can't mount an NTFS drive.
Am I missing something or is there a way to access my Windows files from within Centos. I was able to do this with Mint without an issue, but unable to see any of my windows drives because I can't mount an NTFS drive.
I have no problem with keeping CENTOS as my only OS on this laptop, however, I do need to access the files from the Window's partition, and if anyone can help me to access my files, that would be totally awesome.
Thank you in advance for reading through this and for any help offered.....
I am new to Linux images (pxe, livecd). I would like to add files to a linux image, like something under etc or var, and have the files be available on the client.
The server I am working on was already configured with a pxe image, and only 2 files are present under the pxe client folder: initrd and vmlinuz. So I am wondering if either of these files contain the dirs /etc, /var, etc..., and how I could add files to them.
To give some background, I have done the same thing in Windows. An image in Windows is typically either boot.img or install.img. You can mount either of these to a folder using the Windows SDK tool imagex.exe /mountrw <img file> 1 <mount point>. From here you can add/remove/modify any files you want. Then commit the changes with imagex.exe /unmount <mountpoint> /commit.
Can someone provide insight to the linux image creation process, which of the files (initrd, vmlinuz/vmlinux, etc...) contain what for the client boot, or something similar to the Windows Image editing process?
I know I'm asking for a range of info, but pointers to any material to help my understanding will be greatly appreciated.
I have download Centos 6.5 and 6.5 and then install it on Virtualbox , but it is wonder that it do not prompt to ask to select what package need to be install during the installation process .
I checked that only 700M HD space is used to insall , therefore , it should be only minimal installation .
what I have download is CentOS-6.5-i386-bin-DVD1 and CentOS-6.6-i386-bin-DVD1 , the file size is 3.8G .
would advise how can I select package to install or run full install ?
hello everyone.,
i am using linux Centos 6 machine, i have downloaded "back in time" through command line.
but i dont know how to install "back in time" from the command line.
i found some commands but that for UBUNTU and not running on Centos 6, giving error.
so , without GUI. can be possible to install and use it?????
thanks in advance..
Hello again,
i need to understand once for all the syntax of files.repo.
When i need a repository i create under /etc/yum.repos.d/ the repository file
with this syntax
Myrepodir contains all the *.rpm files i need
when i exit and save i get anytime this error
ftp:///mydirectory/myrepodir/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - ""
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: repobase. Please verify its path and try again
What am i wrong for? How can i just say to my rhel/centos system
"Ehy, for rpm look inside /mydirectory/myrepo" ?
I try to install the epel repository so I can install ejabberd.
I do not have epel, it seems :
[root@serv src]# ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-fasttrack.repo CentOS-Media.repo CentOS-Vault.repo n2.repo
So I try to install epel :
[root@serv src]# rpm -Uvh
Preparing... ########################################### [100]
package epel-release-6-8.noarch is already installed
But when I try to install ejabberd :
[root@serv src]# yum install ejabberd
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
No package ejabberd available.
Error: Nothing to do
Something is wrong with epel.
Was running Windows 8.1 Pro till it got sick and died. I managed to install Ubuntu 14.04 on my sick computer over Windows wiping it out.
I first installed Linux Mint and downloaded Ubuntu. Somehow I was able to verify checksums or MD5Sums. I think my age is catching up with me and my mind doesn't work like it used to.
How do I find the MD5sum of a downloaded iso file. I've downloaded debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1-3.iso's and both update DVD's as well. I've located the MD5Sum files on the Mirror. Now, how do I compare those numbers/letters with the iso's I've downloaded.
I know I need to run a program to compute the MD5 but can't find it in the menu. I see I need to read man pages and info pages, but can't find them either.
A brain is a terrible thing to waste, but mine needs help.
Installing Centos 6.5 on IBM ThinkPad with Win XP.
Cold boot
CDROM spins up
Centos 6 screen appears but no menu
nothing more.