How To Start Network Manager

How do I restart network manager in kde?

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Network Manager Kali Linux 1.1.0 Not Work

Hi everyone, I am a new member and also new to linux, I encountered a problem, but last week I tried but did not solve
I downloaded iso file linux 1.1.0 on page potassium, I installed on my Dell inspiron n4010, it works very well and does not have any errors, but after I update and upgrade all packages, I rebooted the system switches to the command line, I lost a lot of time to return to the graphics, but when booting up the network manager icon not seen, I have set the package network-manager-gnome_0.9.4.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb network manager icon show but when click on the network manager icon only contained text "network manager is not running."
I also installed Wicd but could not run "could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface. Check the wicd log for error messages."
wireless driver apparently was set before
root@kali:~# airmon-ng
PHY Interface Driver Chipset

phy0 wlan0 wl Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)

please help me!
please guide installed offline, my kali linux no internet connection. can download package from another machine to install.

No Network At Startup, But Network After Restart

Hi Folks,
Installed Mint-mate 17.
It gives message:You are now disconnected" after logging in.
I restart, the network connection comes.
It is not "networking restart", but system restart.

Tried five more times. The behaviour is every time the same.
After booting the system, no network connection. But from there I restart the system, then network connection is on.

Very irritating to always boot it second time to get the network connection up.

The computer is a desktop Dell Optiplex 9010.
On the same computer, Windows 7 runs without any problem.

Any idea how to fix it?


How To Configure Network On Debian Text Mode?

I installed Debian 7.8.0 in text mode. While I configure eth0 through /etc/network/interface it assigned the IP but unable to ping to other machine in the network. I tried /etc/init.d/networking restart but still not working for me.

While I install GUI mode, it allows me configuration done through Network Manager and it pings good to other machine.

I have selected base install during the installation.
How to fix it under text mode?

Network Manager States That I Am Connected, But I Cannot Connect To Any Webpage

Hey all,

I just did a Debian minimal install and am using the package network-manager-gnome to manage wifi. I should also mention I'm running OpenBox. Anyway, network-manager shows up just fine in my systemtray and it lets me connect and displays that I am connected in the system tray. However, when I try to connect to a website it will just say "connecting" for a very long time before timing out. Note that my ethernet works perfectly.

If it helps, this is what shows up in iwconfig after I've "connected" to a network through network-manager:

wlan0     IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:"The Stack Resident Wifi"  
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:5.24 GHz  Access Point: 54:3D:37:02:A5:CC   
          Bit Rate=13 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm   
          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality=33/70  Signal level=-77 dBm  
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:154   Missed beacon:0

I've searched in many places and I couldn't find someone who had a similar problem. Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

No Wireless Networks Found Error After Update


I have Kali linux and updated it a few days ago and now when I search for networks after going into monitor mode it tells me "no wireless networks found". before the update, monitor mode used to be "mon0" After the update, after entering monitor mode it says "wlan0mon" not sure if this helps. I use Wicd network manager but the origional network manager also cant see any wireless networks, it says "device not managed".


Erratic Wifi

Have had ongoing problems with wifi since I built my PC. It was like it is now when I first built it, I tried bits I found online to try and fix it and evntually it just started working out of the blue, when I hadn't changed anything. A few weeks ago it just reverted to how it was before

Very rarely it works normally, except it will only see my network (always about 60-70% strength) and not the other 3 in range
Sometimes it will say it is connected but not be able to download anything, and wont even load up the router homepage
Sometimes it connect and run for a few minutes before dropping and not being able to reconnect
Most often it will see my network and all others in range but wont connect
Sometimes it wont see my network at all, but will see others in range
Sometime network manager wont even show wireless up as an option just "nwtwork cable unplugged"

My 2 HDDs are on Mint 17.1, one is 64bit one 32bit. Motherboard is Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P. I have 3 wifi adapters, one belkin, one realtek, and one "Think Penguin" one I bought especially from USA thinking it would be an easy fix. All have same problem, but all work on my other older PC properly with about 50-60% signal strength (same OS 32 bit)

I have no idea where to start

CentOS 6.5 Defaults Question

Just fired up CentOS 6.5 on a brand new Dell laptop and when I go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ I dont see the ifcfg-eth0 etc. Are those not there because Network Manager is doing the work? I remember working with these a lot in the past. Sorry, I know this is a vague question.

Edit: Also wanted to know about this virbr0 interface, is this because I installed kvm and kvm related packages? Dont remember this being present in the past.

Update Manager And Other Software Stopped Working In Mint 17.1 Cinnamon

hi there,
i am using linux mint 17.1 cinnamon and find that it is awesome ... however i did update each time that the update manager asked me to ... it was fine until about the 10th time after which insync manager stopped working all of sudden ... some apps like jitsi just failed to install ... also oflate the same happened to my update manager .....please someone help..
thanks in advance ...

Network Injectors And Network Sniffers

Newbie question on networking he

I read an article on network tools (tcpdump, wireshark, nmap etc)

One big distinction was made between network sniffers and network injectors. Of course, I cannot find the article anymore on the internet.

A brief explanation would be more than welcome.

Suggest A Download Manager

Hi guys !
I need a good download manager for my Ubuntu 14.04 pc.For small downloads Mozilla's doing good.But for downloading big files like movies,I need a better option.So please suggest me a real good download manager like IDM in win****.But of course a free one.
Thanks in advance.....