Mail Configuration

I congifured postfix,dovecot and squirrelmail in my server. Now I am able to send mail from my webmail ( squirrelmail ) to my office email address, while I am trying to reply for that mail I didnt face any error. Mail logs also show that mail has been deleivered. But I didnt get any emails in my inbox, all the folders except inbox( sent, trash and drafts) were working fine. But I dont know what is the issue with inbox. I have checked all the configuration files.
I am using Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS .any one have idea about this issue?

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Sending Mail From Command Line

I searched the forums for my title and I am not finding exactly what I am looking for. I am not using a program to send mail, such as Thunderbird or whatever. I simply want to be able to send mail from my Ubuntu 14.04 DESKTOP version for logging. I use a program called Logwatch (used alot in RHEL or CentOS) to monitor the server itself. The program sends mail to the root user account on the machine, which I can check and see, and within the program conf file, I can add an external email address, but it never sends.

I'm familiar with the SMTP concept of sending mail, outgoing mail server authentication, etc. I don't care to run this box as an SMTP server, but I understand that I need some sort of SMTP or MTA program to send mail into the real world. I tried Postfix but couldn't get that to work, and the Logwatch program wants to use sendmail, so I installed that but I am having the same issue. I am sure it is a step I am missing.

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mail -s "test" | /usr/sbin/mail

it follows through the subject, CC, body, but when I try to hit either . or CTRL-D, it never sends the email, in fact is does nothing.

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sendmail -v < /dev/null

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I did find and follow these instructions, but it still isn't working with sendmail. If I need to go back to Postfix, I can do that, I don't honestly care what I use, I just want some programs such as Logwatch to be able to email me.

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I've edited /etc/aliases with the following rule:

root: <myexternal@email.address>

and run newaliasses after, which would run without any errors.

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Thanks to help...

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So, I'm new here. Was thrown into the deepend (read: shallow pool) of linux administration of a few centos 6.5 servers in October, and I've been pretty slow on the uptake. Years of Windows administration and desktop support will do that I guess.

So we have qmail on our prod servers that send out messages for our webapps. Postfix failed last night on a prod server, and it occurred to me that it's happened a few times since I've started, and instead of waiting for clients to tell us, I should be more proactive. I came up with/begged/borrowed/stole a quick script to check to see if postscript was running, and if it was, restart it, and contact us. This was to be run from jenkins.

if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep postfix | wc -l) > 0 ))
then echo 'Mail is up.'
else echo 'Mail is down! Attempting to restart service...'
service postfix restart
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First command. Returns then and else statement without issue.
if ((mailq | grep 'empty') < 0 ); then echo 'Mail is up.'; else echo 'Mail queue is not empty. Please check mail server'; fi
Second one... Not so much.
if (mailq | grep 'fatal') < 1; then echo 'Mail is up.'; else echo 'Mail queue is not empty. Please check mail server'; fi
You can probably suss out what I'm trying to do here, even though I'm not doing it right. Any ideas? I know this is newbie stuff, and I appreciate your taking the time to read this people.

Roundcube Connection To Storage Server

Hie, I keep getting error like these in may mail log and some emails are not delivering.

May 15 16:37:27 masvingocity postfix/qmgr[39895]: B4AE5C5D2F90: from=<>, size=15826, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
May 15 16:37:34 masvingocity postfix/smtp[47626]: connect to[]:25: Connection refused
May 15 16:37:34 masvingocity postfix/smtp[47626]: B4AE5C5D2F90: to=<>, relay=none, delay=100379, delays=100371/0.03/7.5/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]:25: Connection refused)

Mail Server Help

Hi All,
Is there a way to mirror plesk mail server with another mail server like primary and secondary. The primary will be in our location with different IP address and the secondary will be with plesk with existing IP address but the domain name should be the same like how gmail has multiple IP addresses on different servers/locations. This is for high availability and to reduce the network bandwidth i.e if any of the server goes down we can still send/receive mails from another and when the server comes online which was offline then all mails should be replicated with each other i.e if primary was down then all new mails should be synced from secondary or if secondary was down then the sync should be from primary. Other thing is since primary will be with us, it will be much faster than secondary(plesk) in sending/receiving the mails. So expecting your kind help about the steps or url links to acheive the same as I don't have much experience on this. The present mail server using qmail on rhel 6.5 64 bit.

Can Not Receive Mesages In Thunderbird.

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Please help 1

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We have some shell scripts which will send emails about backup, alerts etc using mail command. Example.
echo "Test Mail" | mail -s "Test"

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Thanks in advance.

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Mail Using Telnet SMTP

Hi All,

I am trying to send email using telnet to smtp as mailx and other functionality is restricted by administrator.

I am not able to figure out as how to attach any text or any file using the below.

I am following all instructions and steps as shown at

1. telnet <servername> 25
2. helo <your domain name><enter>
3. mail from: <your Email Address><enter>
response should be as follows
250 OK - mail from <your Email address>

rcpt to: <recipient address><enter>
response should be as follows
250 OK - Recipient <recipient address>

response should be as follows
354 Send data. End with CRLF.CRLF

To: <recipient's display name><enter>
From: <your display name><enter>
Subject: <Subject field of Email message><enter>
<Enter you body text><enter><enter> . <enter>
response should be as follows
250 OK
