Copy Many Files In To Many Directories

Hello every one,

I need to copy many files in to many folders in once, for example I have files result_1 result_2 result_3 and want to copy them to directories 1 2 3 respectively, how can I do that, I have tried cp, echo and find syntax but did not work out.
Any idea?

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Can Anybody Explain How Works To Me?

I'm running Xubuntu and it was a challenge just getting on there. (I installed the desktop app on both of my computers.) Now that I have it though, I don't really know how to use it.

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So yeah, I installed the desktop app for on both of my computers. I know that if I put something in the Copy folder that will be available to both computers.

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Hello all.
I have 100 sub-directories that "rar" files exist in them, How can I move all rar files into parent directory?

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Thank you.

I Cannot Copy With Original Timestamp! PLEASE HELP

Hi all,
I've knowledge about timestamp and i'm trying to use it in a particular scenario. I've multiple folders inside which are different files. Now I'm trying to copy one file (say xyz) which is present in all the folders but has variation in it's content and time of creation into a let's say foldernew.
I'm trying to do this by copying the file xyz from each folders with the new name xyz_(it's orginal timestamp) into folder new.
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Thanks in advance to all those who can help!

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I got two questions about rsync:

1. I am copying a huge dir with lots of files, how do I see the overall progress? I put in the progress flag but now it show the progress each individual files.

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Need Help Understanding Luckybackup

gold finger was kind enough to share this with me a while ago:

Do backups to either another HDD, partition, or a USB stick (if big enough to hold your data). Can use program to make an initial backup of /home/gregory; then use it to periodically update that backup by having it sync between your installed Xubuntu /home/gregory and the backup copy. The sync function will just copy over things that are new or changed, rather than copying everything all over again.

Assuming your Xubuntu filesystem is Ext4, example of doing initial backup would be something like this:

* Spare USB with large partition formatted as Ext4 and labeled "BACKUPS"
* Open luckybackup and choose "Backup" function
* "Source" = /home/gregory
* "Destination" = /media/gregory/BACKUPS (might be under /media/BACKUPS)
* Check box to not create new directories (it will just do exact copy of source)

After initial backup, either make a new task for syncing, or modify the backup task to turn it into a syncing task instead. Then use that periodically to update the backed-up /home/gregory.
I've downloaded Luckybackup and have been experimenting with it but I'm still not sure the best way to go about using it as a backup. Like in gold finger's advice, why would I check the box to not create new directories? It seems to me doing it without checking the box re-creates things just the way they are on my computer. When I check the box it just takes everything out of the folders. Seems confusing (and unnecessasry). And I have a really hard time finding the errors after a run and when I do find them I do I don't know what they mean. And so if I backup the source destination it makes an exact copy on my destination drive (with folders if I don't check the box, without if I do). Then if I do that as an ongoing thing, I will be backing up all my data with each run (which I'm assuming would be much more time consuming), whereas if I choose 'syncrhonize source and destination' it will only backup the changes in my source and usb drive (which would be my destination drive)?

Is that the idea?

And I noticed that Lucky did not want to transfer things with colons in them. Googling around somebody said that problem would be taken care of by switching to ext 3 or ext 4 for formatting the destination drive (as gold finger suggested). Is this a good idea? (I've always felt comfortabel with FAT because if I needed to plug my flash drive into Microsoft it would work (as well as with Linux).)

So the first time I use Lucky I choose "backup source inside destination" and of course the source and destination. Should I check the "Do NOT create extra directory" box? (Again, that seems off as 95% of what I'll be backing up is in folders.)

Then after I've done that, I choose the snyc option?

A lot of stuff. I know. Thanks.

PS. As a slight complication I have the data (basically the "home" folder) of my two computers (work and home) synced via

Tar Is Not Extracting All Files


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tar zxvf nameofthefile.tar.gz

I see in the terminal things like that :

which mean that the files must be extracted but when using "ls" intot he folders they are empty. All the links are not here and only the executable is extracted.

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Python Ftplib

hello all,

please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :

tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")

folder_list = []


if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
    for files in parse_source_file_list :
        print files
        upload(ftp, files)

else :
    print "later"