A Gedit Warning.

I have Ubuntu 14.04. gedit is my preferred text and code editor. All of a sudden I am getting this warnng when I open a txt file:

(gedit:3860): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkScrolledWindow 0x9bba3c8 is mapped but visible child GtkScrollbar 0x9bbc7a8 is not mapped
There are four such warnings in a row (or rather column). They litter my terminal output. What is this and how to correct it?

Thanks, - A.

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Gedit Not Opening From Terminal - Not Authenticated

I have just installed a new debian OS and want to change a file.
For some reason, gedit didn't come pre-packaged so I installed it with apt-get.

When I use a terminal as root, gedit won't open. I get the following error message:
gedit grub
(gedit:3679): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session 
manager: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication
protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication 

Gedit will open page files on the desktop - but not on the terminal.
Is this because I haven't done something with the new install or should I remove gedit and reinstall?

Gedit Won't Save; Advanced Level?

Hello - I admit to being new to Linux. I'm not sure if this problem should be re-routed to a more advanced level, though.

I downloaded Oracle Linux ver. 7 on my server with Server settings (and a Gnome GUI). After running through the terminal basics, I tried opening gedit to test out its capabilities. It wouldn't let me save to folder; it just grayed out and I had to quit the application.

I modified gedit to -rwxrwxrwx (chmod) and took ownership of the file (chown) under my user profile and group. When that didn't work, I re-logged in as root and modified gedit back to root ownership and group, and it still won't save changes to any file location.

One more thing: gksudo didn't work, either...

Any suggestions?

Garbage Characters Appear In Gedit.

Hi there. My environment: Ubuntu 12.04, preferred editor is gedit. All of a sudden, just today I realized that I have close to 200 lines of chinese characters intemingled with small squares and circles instead of my gfortran code when I open this file in gedit. It has about 900 lines. I also see a red band on top of the editor window saying there are bad characters and if I want to quit or keep editing.

I then open the same file in vim and find that the file is intact, no errant characters at the bottom. I then uninstall gedit, reinstall it and find the same. The bottom of the file's filled with this chinese garbage. Any idea how to correct it?

Thanks, - A.

P.S. Just an example:

爀攀挀甀爀开氀攀昀琀圀开䄀䰀倀 㴀 爀攀猀㌀   ഀ਀℀ 䐀䔀䈀唀䜀㨀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 渀漀爀洀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀⸀ 吀栀攀 爀攀猀甀氀琀 椀猀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀搀 漀甀琀 昀漀爀 挀漀渀琀爀漀氀㨀ഀ਀℀         眀爀椀琀攀 ⠀⨀Ⰰ⨀⤀ ∀爀攀挀甀爀开氀攀昀琀圀开䄀䰀倀开䘀爀䰀漀眀开唀Ⰰ 戀攀昀漀爀攀 一漀爀洀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀㨀 ∀Ⰰ 爀攀猀㌀ഀ਀℀ 䄀氀氀 爀攀挀甀爀猀椀漀渀 

Having Problem While Inserting New Enteries In Csv File

Hi Experts,

I am trying to make new enteries in a csv file in new column but am not able to do so.Please help for the same.


There are multiple directories & within those directories i have sub-directories and i want to build a csv file with 2 columns of Directories mapped to their sub-directories. Can you please help me with this. I tried the following code:



ls ~/Parent/ | cut -c1-9 > ~/test_111.csv

while read Child


Entry="$(ls $homeDir/Parent/$Child/ABC/XYZ/DEF/PQR)"

echo $Entry

for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ ))


sed -i ci"$Entry" test_222.csv


done < test_111.csv

Basically i want two columns of csv file , First column should have Child name & Second cloumn should have Sub-Directory name inside PQR Directory.

Any help will be useful on this.

Thanks in Advance!

Best Regards,
Vijay Bhatia

Changing Cursor Color In Gedit

Hi, I am working with scientific linux 4 with specification Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-67.EL.cernsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 21 16:22:33 CET 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. How can I change my cursor color from black to green in gedit. thanks in advance.

Biplab Bijay

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is ther a way i can accomplish conversion of multiple files and saving them in a format of my choosing using say terminal

Sed Creating An Extra File With E At The File Name

Hi Members,

I've file named A200205__mlst__Staphylococcus_aureus__results.txt
It has column 1 as:

I'm running below command:
sed -ie s/out_paired_//g A200205__mlst__Staphylococcus_aureus__results.txt
It replaces out_paired_ in line 2 of column 1 to null.
I'm having the desired output, however, surprisingly a new file is created with name A200205__mlst__Staphylococcus_aureus__results.txte; i.e an extra e

I am unable to figure it out the cause of this hack!

Tiny Font Printing A Libre Writer .odt Doc

Tiny font when printing Libre Writer doc.
Using Mint 17.1, HP Officejet Pro 8610
Print is so tiny it is illegible, even though font size selected is 12. Printing a text file, gedit, prints okay.
Also, if I export the .odt doc to .pdf, it prints okay.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I just dumped Win7 OS and am learning Linux.

Help Move & Sumo

I run Move, I did set Node, Edge, Configuration ==>> 3 file (.nod.xml .edg.xml .netc.cfg) but when i set Create Map is have a problem:

Loading configuration...
Warning: Please note that 'xml-node-files' is deprecated.
Use 'node-files' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'xml-edge-files' is deprecated.
Use 'edge-files' instead.
Error: No option with the name 'type' exists.
Warning: Please note that 'lanenumber' is deprecated.
Use 'default.lanenumber' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'speed' is deprecated.
Use 'default.speed' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'priority' is deprecated.
Use 'default.priority' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-geometry' is deprecated.
Use 'geometry.remove' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-isolated' is deprecated.
Use 'remove-edges.isolated' instead.
Error: Could not load configuration '/home/huynhloc/Move/Simulation/map.netc.cfg'.
Quitting (on error).
Loading configuration...
Warning: Please note that 'xml-node-files' is deprecated.
Use 'node-files' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'xml-edge-files' is deprecated.
Use 'edge-files' instead.
Error: No option with the name 'type' exists.
Warning: Please note that 'lanenumber' is deprecated.
Use 'default.lanenumber' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'speed' is deprecated.
Use 'default.speed' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'priority' is deprecated.
Use 'default.priority' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-geometry' is deprecated.
Use 'geometry.remove' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-isolated' is deprecated.
Use 'remove-edges.isolated' instead.
Error: Could not load configuration '/home/huynhloc/Move/Simulation/map.netc.cfg'.
Quitting (on error).
Loading configuration...
This is file Configuration of me: map.netc.cfg

       <xml-node-files value="/home/huynhloc/Move/Simulation/node.nod.xml"/>
       <xml-edge-files value="/home/huynhloc/Move/Simulation/edge.edg.xml"/>
       <xml-connection-files value=""/>
       <xml-type-files value=""/>

       <output-file value="/home/huynhloc/Move/Simulation/map.net.xml"/>

       <type value="Unknown"/>
       <lanenumber value="2"/>
       <speed value="40"/>
       <priority value="75"/>
       <capacity-norm value=""/>

       <print-options value="false"/>

       <speed-in-kmh value="false"/>
       <no-turnarounds value="false"/>
       <remove-geometry value="false"/>
       <remove-isolated value="false"/>


I use ubuntu 14.04, version of sumo 0.12.3, please help me.

I Try To Install Ns2.33 On Ubuntu 10.10 In Order To Run ZRP Protocol

Hello every one
please I need your help to fix my problem to install ns2.33allinone on the ubuntu 10.10 in order to run ZRP protocol for security purpose.
before this time I install every thing correctly as follow
The steps I follow to run the ZRP on the Ubuntu 10.10 and Ns2-allinone-2.33
1. first install the Ubuntu 10.10 on VMwear and download the ns2.33 and exract it in the home directory

2.Ubuntu 10.10 - 32´ is old. you have to replace the text in /etc/apt/sources.list , to be able to install packages.
So you write
$ gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
After the file open remove all the text and past the following text instead it.
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick multiverse universe
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates multiverse universe
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-backports main restricted
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-backports multiverse universe
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security main restricted
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security multiverse universe

Then save the file and close.

3.Write the following command to update the system
$ sudo apt-get update

4.download the two files from the following link and save it in the home directory

gcc41-compat , `gcc41-compat-4.1.2_i386.deb' :
g++41-compat , `g++41-compat-4.1.2_i386.deb' :

5.write the following command to install
$ sudo dpkg -i g++41-compat-4.1.2_i386.deb gcc41-compat-4.1.2_i386.deb

6.write the following command to update the packages
$sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxmu-dev libxmu-headers libxt-dev libtool make automake autoconf g++

7. Download the ZRP from the following link and put it in the ns-allinone-2.33 directory
The latest "patch package" is zrp-ns233-patching.tar.gz

8. After that you should follow the next steps
$ cd ns-allinone-2.33/
$ tar xvf zrp-ns233-patching.tar.gz
$ export CC=gcc41 CXX=g++41
$ ./install
$ cd ns-2.33/
$ sudo make install

9. Then you can download the example of the ZRP from the following link and run
ZRP examples : zrp-examples-2012.tar.bz2

but now when i try to install it again i got this error
after i run "./install" command
* Build tcl8.4.18
configu WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-gcc
checking whether to use symlinks for manpages... no
checking whether to compress the manpages... no
checking whether to add a package name suffix for the manpages... no
checking for gcc... gcc41
checking whether the C compiler works... no
configu error: in `/home/ali/ns-allinone-2.33/tcl8.4.18/unix':
configu error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
tcl8.4.18 configuration failed! Exiting ...
Tcl is not part of the ns project. Please see www.Scriptics.com
to see if they have a fix for your platform.

so please if any one can help me to fix this problem or give me any advice how to run ZRP protocol and the appropriate environment to run it
thanks in advance for your help