Prompt As >

Hi all, I don't know so I ask:
what is the prompt like > called?

and how some servers are like: Username@servername#
> uname -a
SunOS MS1SMPC01 5.10 Generic_148888-01 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220

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Sending SMB Client Commands Through Shell Script


I have a shell script, which I am using to access the SMB Client:

cd /home/username
smbclient //link/to/server$ password -W domain -U username
mput baclupfiles

Right now, the script runs, accesses the server, and then asks for a manual input of the commands.

Can someone show me how to get the commands:
recurse, prompt, mput baclupfiles and exit

to be run by the shell script please?

How To Return From Shell 'read' Command Passed In Expect Script?

I have a shell script that calls an expect script I wrote to ssh login to another host and get user input regarding that host's network configuration. I pass four arguments to the expect script: the remote host ip address, the username, the password, and the list of commands to run. My expect script is below:

# Usage: expectssh <host> <ssh user> <ssh password> <script>

set timeout 60
set prompt "(%|#|\\$) $"
set commands [lindex $argv 3];

spawn ssh [lindex $argv 1]@[lindex $argv 0]

expect {
"*assword:" {
send -- "[lindex $argv 2]\r"
expect -re "$prompt"
send -- "$commands\r"

"you sure you want to continue connecting" {
send -- "yes\r"
expect "*assword:"
send -- "[lindex $argv 2]\r"
expect -re "$prompt"
send -- "$commands\r"

timeout {
exit }

expect -re $prompt
send -- "exit\r"

The script runs well, except that if I send a command such as 'read' that requires user input, the script does not continue or exit after the user presses enter. It just hangs.

The commands I pass to the expect script and it's call are as follows:
SCRIPT='hostname > response.txt;netstat -rn;read net_card?"What is the network interface card number? " >> response.txt; read net_mask?"What is the subnet mask? " >> response.txt'

/usr/bin/expect ./expectssh.exp $hostip $usr $pswd "$SCRIPT"

Any suggestions on how I can pass a command to my expect script that requires user input without it hanging?

On a side note because I know it will come up - I am not allowed to do key-based automatic SSH login. I have to prompt for a username and password, which is done from my main shell script.

Thanks for any suggestions and help you can provide!

Broke Fpath In Global Zshrc

edit - nvm typeset shows it's not messed up. my prompt in zsh is spelling out the color tags for some reason and i assumed that was my problem
my issue is that my prompt is showing up as color tags wrapped around what's supposed to be there fully written out. any idea?

A Kate Related Question. How To Use A Text Prompt?

Hi there. My environment: Ubuntu 12.04, I just installed kate as an editor. I noticed many nice features and one I liked quite a bit although I don't know how to benefit from it. I began typing

pi = 3.1415
and at this very moment a prompt appeared with about 15 decimal digits. How can I have it get pasted to the text? Is there a key shortcut for that?

Thanks, -A.

Ipad Terminal App

Hi guys, my computer is downstairs in the cold basement and I wanted a way to practice my online terminal course in the comfort of my rocking chair upstairs in the pleasant surroundings. I downloaded a terminal app for the iPad and it's asking me for some info. Could any of you tell me where to find it please?

Host - I typed in host name into the terminal and it gave me the details at the prompt.

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Password - which password? The one to log into my home?

I guess these things work via some network/ remote thingy??????? It's not bluetooth so Im guessing I need to somehow log into that computer as a guest or admin or something?
Your clueless pal

Ssh Public Key Fingerprint

First time post so I hope it's not too long winded!

I've just installed Centos v7.1 and created an additional user.

First putty session I logged in with root and got the public fingerprint message and clicked Yes to accept.

However I noted when I logged in with the user other I did not get the prompt and my home directory didn't have a .ssh directory.

OK, so I created a .ssh (chmod 700) directory within /etc/skel and created a new user. Logged in with that account and still no prompt, although I do now have a .ssh directory generated.

I've tried deleting the known_hosts files in the root's .ssh directory and restarting the sshd daemon but it's not working.

How do I get it to prompt with original public key again?

Thanks for reading.

Hostname Missing In CLI

Bare with the noob here

For some reason, when I open terminal, the prompt has changed from the usual user@localhost to user@xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx where the xx are numbers/letters, I am assuming hexadecimals?


The title bar of the terminal window still shows user@localhost:~ , HOSTNAME is still localhost.localdomain, so whats with the gibberish at the prompt?

GUI + Permissions Question

Is there a way to elevate privileges in GUI?

For example, when trying to open a file that requires root to view, unlike Windows, where I would be presented with a prompt asking for admin username/password, Linux would just say that I need to be root to open.

Linux Dialog Executable

I was trying to write a simple menu using the "dialog" function only to find out that the version of linux i am running (I have previously worked on HP/Sun/ICL/AIX versions of unix)does not have the "dialog exe" and the one that someone has put on this box is not compatible.As follows:-

file /dir/dir/dir/dailog Retruns:-
dialog: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, SPARC, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped

where as
file /usr/bin/diff
/usr/bin/diff: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped

Where can I get the correct version of dialog.

uname -a gives :-
2.6.18-371.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 5 21:20:46 EDT 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Unable To Enter Command Because Of Daemon Job On Startup

Good day

I have a application that startup as a daemon when the system boot-up. My problem is that it display that this application is running and nothing else is happening then. I am unable to enter any commands. I have tried all kind off key presses but cannot get to the prompt.

First off all why will this happen and then is there a way to get to the prompt without accessing the system with the network?

Thank you.