Converting Ppdf Files To Jpg Files

I have just downloaded imagemagick and when I try to convert a pdf file to a jpg file. I get the message no such file or directory. The file I want to convert is in Home/Downloads

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How To Convert A Text To Utf-8

I just find the below URL , it shows how to convert file to utf-8 , but it need to check the current encoding first , would advise how can I convert a file to utf-8 without checking the coding first ? thanks

Getting An Error When Running Make.

Trying to install software/drivers for wireless dongle on my Fedora Linux box. I have downloaded and expanded my files into my /home/me/Downloads.

In my example: /home/cjh/Downloads/LinuxDriver4Fedora_v2.5.0.3
This is where the make file is.

I run make and get an error:
"make -C /lib/modules/3.4.2-1.fc16.i686/build SUBDIRS=/home/cjh/Downloads/LinuxDriver4Fedora_v2.5.0.3/os/linux modules
make: *** /lib/modules/3.4.2-1.fc16.i686/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [LINUX] Error 2"

The directory "/home/cjh/Downloads/LinuxDriver4Fedora_v2.5.0.3/os/linux" does exist.

What am I missing? I have run it as myself and root and get the same error.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.



How To Rename A File In Linux


I am trying to rename the file by adding .txt extension and also
before renaming, I want to replace . in file with _

right now file looks like this mdm.201504021628

after execution of my script file name should be mdm_201504021628.txt

//reading all files from directory

files=$(hadoop fs

-ls /dl/data/landing/hivedb/lnd_attunity_kpi_db_backup/auth_master |
awk '!/^d/ {print $8}')

for f in $files; do

//using sed to replace . with _ and then feeding to hadoop fs command

sed 's/./\_/g' $f | hadoop fs -mv $f $f.txt


Thanks for your help in advance.

Exporting Log Data To A File That Matches Stdout

hey guys,

Let's say I want to find out which log files have related ntp information in them. I use cat and grep to search through the files in /var/log and then export that to a file. this is the command...

# cat /var/log/* | grep ntp > /home/log.txt

The file created from this command will not include the directories the log entries are apart of. Why not? For example, if you do this same command without exporting to the /home/log.txt file it will show you in stdout which directory each log entry is in. Hope I'm making sense here. My question is, is there a clever way to export to a file in a way so that the file created is structured exactly like the stdout of the command below?

# cat /var/log/* | grep ntp

Headless Libreoffice Doesn't Create File

I am trying to convert a PDF document from an Excel and PowerPoint document. I installed it and ran the command. It gives no warning.. Just doesn't create a new PDF document. I've successfully done this before, but I think it was a different server. I've checked file permissions, but don't think it is the issue (I've tried as a normal user and as root).

I could convert doc, docx, and txt files, but not xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx files.

Thoughts why? Is there a verbose option or a log file which I could check for clues?

Thank you

yum -y install libreoffice-headless libreoffice-writer

Package 1:libreoffice-headless- already installed and latest version
Package 1:libreoffice-writer- already installed and latest version

libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf myfile.xlsx

Python Ftplib

hello all,

please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :

tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")

folder_list = []


if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
    for files in parse_source_file_list :
        print files
        upload(ftp, files)

else :
    print "later"

Getting And Installing Python 3.5 Help

One week user of Ubuntu v15 and I have tried to install the file Python-3.5.0a1.tar gz but without success. The following points have arisen.
1). The file was downloaded. OK
2). The file was extracted to the Desktop as Python-3.5.0a1
3). Using sudu apt-get install Python-3.5.0a1, the message 'file not found'. Why not!
4). Looking into the extracted files it seems that this is a source package and therefore cannot be installed as is?
5). Finally, using the bash command 'find' it could not find the above file either.
Can someone kindly sort this out for me.

Is There An Easier Way To Convert Vobsub Filees To Srt


I was using a program called avidemux and in the Tools menu there is a tool to convert a vobsub file to a srt file. Unfortunately, it requires me to type the characters in the graph. It was tiring and tedious and I didn't bother finishing it.

Is there an easier way to this conversion without interaction from me?


Need Help In Bash Scripting

I have two files which has exact same number of lines.
I want first line of first file should be filename of new file and content of this new file should be first line of second file.
Then second line of first file should be filename of again new file and content of this new file should be second line of second file.
then third line of first file should be filename of again new file and content of this new file should be third line of second file.
and so on...
I am trying to do it using for loop but I am not able to create two for loops.
This is what I have done
var=$(sed 's/\"http\(.*\)\/\(.*\).wav\"\,\".*/\2/g' 1797.csv) # filenames of all files
var2=$(sed 's/\"http\(.*\)\/\(.*\).wav\"\,\"\(.*\)\"$/\3/g' 1797.csv) # contents of all files
for j in $var;
#Here I do not know how to use $var2

Please help.

Hidden Folders And Files Become Viewable In Home Directory

Hi guys,
For no apparent actions from me, hidden folders and files show
in my /user/home directory, they are as follows:-

.adobe .cache .config .cups .filezilla .gimp-2.8 .gnupg .gphoto .gstreamer-0.10 .icedtea .java .local .macromedia .mozilla .pki .thumbnails

.bash_history .bashrc .esd_auth .ICEauthority

In my / directory
File: ./readahead

Seeking help to verify the above folder and files are not from a harmful source or application?

If they do not post any thread to the system, how can I conceal
these folders and files, so that they don't show up any more in
my home and / directory ?

Many thanks.