i am trying to find the "size" of a "block" of data in LARGE data files, the example below test_data.txt is very simplified. by "size" i mean the difference in line numbers of a block, and the "size" will be constant throughout the file so
1234 6.600000 4321
1234 8.500000 4321
1234 1.800000 4321
1234 2.300000 4321
1234 8.500000 4321
1234 2.800000 4321
if i define a block as whenever i find 8.500000 in the second column, then in the example the the block size would be 3 becasue 8.500000 occurs on the 5th line and on the 2nd. right now i am using
grep -n "8.500000" test_data.txt | cut -f1 -d:
awk '/8.500000/ {print FNR}' test_data.txt
obviously i don't remeber how to tag text as code?
btw, the grep command is much much faster
both of these commands give an entire list (long list of number for files greater than a gig) of line numbers which i then have to subtract one from another to come up with 3 in the example. not that i'm opposed to doing math, but i would think awk or grep should be able to do this for me