Reboot of Linux server consuming more time when there is a file system check (fsck)
Most of our server are using ext3 file system
Is there any possibility to make parallel fsck during reboot ?
ssh -R 5001:localhost:22
The following file, binds the ethernet MAC address to ETH0 or ETH1 etc.. We need to delete this file so that a new one is automatically created during reboot with the correct MAC address bound to ETH0 Delete this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules make sure to change the static IP address in the following files /etc/dhcp.d /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ltsp.conf give the system a different host name in: /etc/HOSTNAME Reboot the system
[root@centsrv01 /]# nice -n 20 rsync -avz --no-checksum --bwlimit=2000 --progress /opt/vidconvert/converted/testfile.mp4 /opt/RouterUSB/TV/ChromeCast/ sending incremental file list testfile.mp4 1400440237 100% 1.94MB/s 0:11:28 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)