I know that this question has been asked a number of times in the past, but I still can't find an answer. I typed in the following command in my terminal: cd/Home/Harold/Pictures (and I know all of these exist because I can see them) and I get the following response: Bash: cd/Home/Harold/Pictures: no such file or directory. Any ideas?
hi guys, im having terminal trouble.
i have a libre word file called lintest.odt in the Documents directory (folder). I want to move it to the Libre directory (folder).
Desktop Downloads Libre Pictures Templates
Documents home Music Public Videos
from the root directory i typed cd Documents and then pwd and I got
i then typed ls and i got lintest.odt
I then typed mv lintest Libre and it says
mv: cannot stat ‘lintest’: No such file or directory
what am I doing wrong?
when i try to see the contents of the lintest file with more lintest
I got ~/Documents$ more lintest.odt
and then it locks up the terminal.
im obviously doing something dreadfully wrong.
I'm learning about Linux, started yesterday. I have a question which didn't clear from the book and Google. The question is what is the difference between ./ and / in terminal? I'm asking this because when i give command for example - ./home/yogesh/Desktop/Books it is showing bash: ./home/yogesh/Desktop : No such file or directory but on removing the dot it's showing /home/yogesh/Desktop/Books: Is a directory.
Again on giving command like /Desktop it showing /Desktop :No such file or directory but on adding dot before / it is giving ./Desktop: is a directory.
What is the difference between ./ and / ?
I'm sorry if i asked something foolish but I have to know it anyway. Thankyou in advance and sorry for my bad English.
I have a bash script executing on an AIX server to a windows share directory to update a windows text file. Most of the file is edited as expected but I have 3 issues that I am not sure how to resolve.
1. Windows text file contains a double backslash (\\) and the \\ is being written back as a single \ which corrupts the file.
2. I am not getting the last line of text in the file written back out.
3. Some lines of text are not written back out completely.
Here is a snippet of my bash script:
cp $Directory/Somefile $Directory/Somefile.$(date +'%Y%m%d')
cat /dev/null > ${HOME}/temp.out
while read -r inpLine; do
echo ${inpLine} | grep -q 'SOMEPATTERN='
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "##${inpLine}" >> ${HOME}/temp.out
echo "SOMEPATTERN=newValue" >> ${HOME}/temp.out
if [ ${patternFound} = "n" ]; then
echo ${inpLine} >> ${HOME}/temp.out
done < $Directory/Somefile
mv ${HOME}/temp.out $Directory/Somefile
When I run the .cmd file in the cluster I am getting an error message as
/bin/bash: : No such file or directory
The below is the PBS script in the .cmd file
#! /bin/bash
#PBS -o logfile.log
#PBS -e errorfile.err
#PBS -l cput=740:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=8
tpdir=`echo $PBS_JOBID | cut -f 1 -d .`
mkdir -p $tempdir
cd $tempdir
cp -R $PBS_O_WORKDIR/* .
fluent 2ddp -g -t16 -pib -cnf=$PBS_NODEFILE -ssh -i srik.jou >> out
mv ../job$tpdir $PBS_O_WORKDIR/.
Please help me to figure out the problem.
Hi there,
I'm just starting to use Linux Mint 17 and practising commands. I have wallpapers.tar.gz in the Downloads folder and want to extract it to my Pictures folder.
I type tar -xzvf wallpapers.tar.gz -C /Pictures but it says no such directory. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for looking.
hi guys, im trying to get rid of a non empty directory. i have researched it online and it basically says that the command would be sudo rmdir -r filename
it keeps coming back with invalid option for r
what am i doing wrong?
the directory is in the home directory along with the documents, videos, download etc and i am in the home directory. i tried putting a text file there to make sure i am in the right path and it deleted it with rm so the path is correct.
i understand that i can do it with the gui but im trying to learn the terminal for the next forty years.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am needing to know the command(s) to find and copy all files modified, within the last 90 days, of one users home directory to my home directory.
hey guys,
Let's say I want to find out which log files have related ntp information in them. I use cat and grep to search through the files in /var/log and then export that to a file. this is the command...
# cat /var/log/* | grep ntp > /home/log.txt
The file created from this command will not include the directories the log entries are apart of. Why not? For example, if you do this same command without exporting to the /home/log.txt file it will show you in stdout which directory each log entry is in. Hope I'm making sense here. My question is, is there a clever way to export to a file in a way so that the file created is structured exactly like the stdout of the command below?
# cat /var/log/* | grep ntp
Hi. When I ran #useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G áudio,lp,video, wheel,scanner -U user
#passwd user
I forgot to have the /home mounted (shame on me)
so now there is not a /home/user (directory) so user cannot start the X
how can I fix it?
thank you!
Hi folks,
I have a very basic question for you if you don't mind. Whenever I open a terminal, I get this
bash: /etc/profile.d/touchpad.sh: No such file or directory
followed by the usual prompt.
A few weeks ago I made a script called touchpad.sh, which would run whenever I opened a terminal. In the end, I deleted it because it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do. But some file is clearly still pointing to it. I've searched high and low for the source of this error, i.e. some reference to touchpad.sh, but I cannot find it. I've looked in ~/.bashrc ~/.profile and a few other places I can't remember offhand that I found on the Internet. Can anyone tell me where this reference is most likely to be? While it doesn't cause any problems and I can still use the terminal without a problem, it's a bit annoying and considering the amount of time I've spent trying to solve this problem, I'd be most grateful if someone point me in the right direction.
I'm running Sparky Linux (Debian Jessie) 64-bit (XFCE install) with Enlightenment Desktop on Lenovo T420.
Thank you in advance.