I have installed fedora 21 (32 bit). When I try to run live video, it shows following message on a black screen.
The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback
How can I install it?
As of 2 days ago, I am having a new problem watching Amazon Prime videos with Flash Player. I'm running Linux Mint 13 on a Dell desktop, with Firefox 37.0.1 and Adobe Flash Player 11. I have a 7mbps internet connection.
The problem is that two days ago, the video quality on my Amazon Prime got stuck at 348 kbps. Prior to that, I was able to watch Prime videos in HD. Now, I can't.
Here are the things I have tried so far:
1. I restarted my computer and modem multiple times.
2. I ran multiple speed tests at speedtest.net to verify that my internet connection is working properly.
3. I went to YouTube and sampled a couple of 1080p videos to make sure I could view video properly on sites other than Amazon. I had no problem streaming the YouTube videos in HD.
4. I tried watching the same Amazon Prime video in Chrome with Pepperflash. This didn't work at all -- after the video finished loading, I got a black screen.
5. I cleared my Firefox and Adobe Flash caches. (For the Adobe Flash cashes, I first tried the Flash Player control panel. When that didn't work, I used the macromedia page he http://www.macromedia.com/support/do...manager06.html
6. I uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Flash multiple times from the software repository.
7. I manually deleted the .adobe, .mozilla, and .macromedia files so they would be rebuilt.
8. I verified that HAL is installed.
Does anyone have other suggestions? I did call Amazon last night, and eventually got a tech support person who is a Linux user himself. He checked the log and verified that I was able to stream videos at HD speeds as recently as 2 days ago. He said that usually the steps I took would fix the problem, so it might be an Amazon issue, but also said that if he tried to report it it would probably get bounced because I am a Linux user and Amazon does not support Linux. I asked him please to try anyway, but thought I would check here in the meantime.
This morning I was watching some online TV shows on CBS.com. After watching two shows, I tried to watch a third. Instead of a video, I got a screen saying I needed to install Adobe Flash. Obviously, Adobe Flash was already installed--that's how I had watched the first two videos. I decided maybe the problem was CBS wanted a later version of Flash. That's when I ran the YUM update.
Everything seemed to download OK except for firefox. It must have been downloading from a mirror somewhere on the other side of the planet because the download rate was something like 7kb/s. The ETA was something like two hours. I decided to end that terminal session and started the YUM update over again. This time it recognized it had already downloaded all the other packages and the download for firefox was several hundred kilobytes per second. After that the update seemed to go OK.
Unfortunately, when I rebooted and chose the new kernel in the grub list, the boot appears to hang just before I'm supposed to get a login screen. Normally, booting takes only a minute or so, but now all I get is a blinking cursor in the upper left corner, even after waiting 10 minutes. I hit the power switch to turn the computer off and rebooted.
This time I hit the escape key to watch the boot progress. These are the last three lines:
[ OK ] Started Command Scheduler
Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...
Starting wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to quit...
Then it hangs. Hitting the escape key has no effect. CTRL-ALT-DEL reboots.
According to grub, the newly updated kernel version is: Fedora (3.19.5-200.fc21.x86_64) 21 (Twenty One)
I tried another YUM update. Here's the results:
[root@XXXXX ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora: fedora.mirrors.tds.net
* rpmfusion-free: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-free-updates: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* updates: repo.atlantic.net
No packages marked for update
[root@XXXXX ~]#
I had been using the video driver available on nVidia.com on the previous kernel. (That kernel still works because I'm able to type this.) It's very likely not the latest version of video driver since it has been a while since I installed it. Could this have something to do with the hang?
What should I try to do next? Thanks for reading this.
I keep my Music on a USB flash drive. I do not have room on my laptop to store my mp3 library so this is not an option. Whenever, I remove the flash drive (or restart my computer, i think) my music player (rhythmbox currently) forgets where the music is stored. I have to go through reimporting my whole music library which is time consuming and tedious. I imagine that my music player can't find the files because the flash drive gets mapped to a different mount point or something after restarting or removing the drive.
How can I setup my laptop so that my music player can find my music library on a usb flash drive without needing to constantly re-import my library?
Also, I have the same question to syncing to cloud storage. How can I automatically sync flash storage to the cloud?
Firefox is blocking the Flash plugin installed on computer because it says it is out of date
I currently have this plugin:
Shockwave Flash
File: libflashplayer.so
Path: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
MIME Type Description Suffixes
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl
What shall I do???
(Note: Before I restarted my computer, there was an Update Information tab open and it read "Restart Nautilus Required", and when I would click on the Restart Nautilus button, nothing would happen. ...I restarted my computer and the tab has not appeared...)
Chromium browser in Mint 17.1 won't run videos. Message says need to update flash player. Can't seem to find the right update. Is there one out there?
I cannot get firefox to see adobe flash or any flash. Can this be corrected.
Mplayer is my main video player and I always use the command line with mplayer to play the videos.
From the terminal it shows the stats about the video as it is playing. At the bottom it shows the elapsed time in seconds. Is there a way to see elapsed frames instead of seconds?
If mplayer can't do it, I'm open to other players if they do it. Thanks
My lovely 2and 3 year old got onto our laptop and crashed the thing my boyfriend was able to do a reset on it however the flash player on it is now playing in fast forward he has just uninstalling and reinstalling flash as well as changing a number of setting so on and so forth ... Any suggestions?
Previously I had installed VMware Player 6.0.1 with Kali 1.0.6 without any issues. I decided to upgrade both with a clean install to VMware Player 6.0.2 with Kali 1.0.7. Now Kali freezes on me a couple of times a day. When it freezes the light on my caps lock blinks and the only way I can get out is to close VMware Player. Is anybody able to give me some advice on how to fix this. I have reinstalled these again but the same thing. I am a newbie so be gentle.
Hi I am taking a Linux class at my local community college, I have a laptop that I would like to use but don't want to delete the entire window OS. I have a usb harddrive that I can use at least 200GB off the hard drive. For class we are using "a practical guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux,which gives you a copy of Fedora 19. I have tried to load the disk onto the usb hard drive I which is no problem until I reboot. I get a "can not find tocblock. database may be corrupt" then feodra loads with no problem. I can login but after logging in the GNOME welcome page shows up and after that the video screen goes haywire and you cant see anything. any thougts?