How To Escape A FS In A CSV Text And Help With Formatting

Hi Linux Experts,

I have the following problem to solve:

-Below is the CSV file give

fred,smith, notgood1, fredsmith, this user\, is the first in this file, Brighton,345698
Peter, Bloggs, anotherbad,peterbloggs,,London,987123
Jo, cooper, notmuch, jcooper, this user is Jo, Brighton, 456987
john, carter,nearlyempty,jcarter,This note is actually very long\, but really doesn't say anything very useful,,345777
sam,jones,passing, samjones, Not much of a note really, Manchester, 135790

- capitalise the first letter of the two name fields
- sanitise the formatting
- move the username column to the beginning of each line
- the phone number is missing the area code - look up the city in the following table, and add it to the beginning of the phone number column:

City, Area Code
London, 5
Brighton, 6
Manchester, 7

Provide the corrected CSV file.

One of the problems I have is that whenever I use the comma as FS the output for column 5 is the following

cat Test.csv | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "," } {print $5 }'
this user\

this user is Jo
This note is actually very long\
Not much of a note really

It stops in the middle of the entry because it sees the comma but what I am trying to achieve is to produce the full entry for column 5 like this:

this user\, is the first in this file
This note is actually very long\, but really doesn't say anything very useful

I have to probably escape somehow the FS in the text but so far no joy with completing this task. Also can you kindly help out for the rest of the requirements.
I really appreciate your help in advance.


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* sanitise the formatting
* move the username column to the beginning of each line
* the phone number is missing the area code - look up the city in the following table, and add it to the beginning of the phone number

City, Area Code
London, 5
Brighton, 6
Manchester, 7

Tha CSV file look like:

firstname	lastname	password	username	notes	city	phonenumber	
fred	smith	 notgood1	 fredsmith	 this user\	 is the first in this file	 Brighton	345698
Peter	 Bloggs	 anotherbad	peterbloggs		London	987123	
Jo	 cooper	 notmuch	 jcooper	 this user is Jo	 Brighton	456987	
john	 carter	nearlyempty	jcarter	This note is actually very long\	 but really doesn't say anything very useful		345777
sam	jones	passing	 samjones	 Not much of a note really	 Manchester	135790

I wrote a script but it capitalized all the column:

sed -e "s/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g" test.csv

Please suggest.

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ls ~/Parent/ | cut -c1-9 > ~/test_111.csv

while read Child


Entry="$(ls $homeDir/Parent/$Child/ABC/XYZ/DEF/PQR)"

echo $Entry

for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ ))


sed -i ci"$Entry" test_222.csv


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Any help will be useful on this.

Thanks in Advance!

Best Regards,
Vijay Bhatia

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--sample HTML report.
-- Usage: sqlplus LOGON @script OUTPUT_FILENAME

-- Activate HTML output and configure the generated markup.
HEAD '<title>My Report</title> -
<style type="text/css"> -
table { background: #eee; font-size: 80%; } -
th { background: #ccc; } -
td { padding: 0px; } -

-- Dump results to the file that is given on the command line.

-- Only dump to file, not to the terminal.

-- Titles and formatting of columns.
--COLUMN job HEADING 'Job Title'
--COLUMN salary HEADING 'Salary' FORMAT $99,990

-- The query
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

-- Close file, which also closes the HTML tags.

-- Back to non-HTML output

mailx command----

mailx -s 'file system' < sam.html


Zenity Radiolist Parameters In Variables

Note: Ubuntu 14 latest release

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But what I have is a list of choices in an array. Each of these is a string of multiple words and I have tried (nearly?) everything using echo command piped into zenity (supposed to work) to including an array element in the line with all sorts of quotes, single quotes, escaping quotes, etc. I have even included the "FALSE" in the variable so as not to have to generate it. Nothing works. When using the set -x, it shows that the shell has put a single quote around each word which makes each word a separate parameter.

I have searched all sorts of examples of zenity but the requirement for the word "FALSE" between each item while using variables is never shown.

If anyone has a working example of something like this (or any simple alternative:
JTemp[3]="This is a string"
echo "FALSE "${Jtemp[3]} | zenity --list --radiolist --text "Select Topic" --column "Topic" --column "Pick one" which should display a radiobox with one entry, I would appreciate it. I could then expand it to include all the array elements.

I know I am doing something simple wrong. I just can't figure it out.

Note that I am writing this on a windows machine and using a non-internet-connected linux machine for my work so if I typed the command line wrong, it may be a problem here and not on the real machine.

Thanks for any help.

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123 456
789 ABE

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spawn scp $usr@$host:$flnm .
expect {
	-re "(.*)assword:" { 
		send -s "$pswd\r"

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spawn scp file.txt user@host:file.txt
expect {
	-re "(.*)assword:" {
		send -s "password\r"
	"you sure you want to continue connecting" {
		send -s "yes\r"

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Glad to see lots of info available via google. However changes are going to take getting used to. Have set up a testbed of 3 nearly identical machines, hoping to make an (at home) private network where I can automate installs and set-ups using NIS and NFS (Similar to work I once did).

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Reads the line.
Echos the line.
Reads the reply.
Executes what is typed.

Essentially, by making myself type (or copy & paste) the commands I think I'll become familiar.

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echo "

and in column C I'd paste:


Then I'd cut and paste into a text document, insert the lines:

read A

behind every command necessary to the actual task.

Figured I'd have to escape the ' and ".

Ran a test (test.bash):

for i in `seq 1 10`;
echo "Enter a command:"
read A
echo "Trying $A"

works fine when I type

ls -alg

but not so when I type

ls -alg | grep dwrx

so I'm wondering if someone has a suggestion?

Thanks for any ideas.

What Should I Do So That I Can Access My Notes From Anywhere

Hi all,

I'm aspiring new Linux Administrator and I have been given tasks of looking at various Linux servers and clients. As a newbie, I often forget/confuse about the series of steps I should take to accomplish certain tasks against various types of Linux distro. So I have some large no of notes in text file format, which i often refer to.

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Long story short, I should be able to access my text notes in terminal from any machine which has internet connection. And also if I may extend, also in my android phone.

What I have with me is one .com domain with hosting space for next 1 year.

Any Idea on how I should proceed will be really appreciated.

Many thanks.