Which Database For PERL On Linux And WIndows?

I'm writing this program for my own edification. I want to write and retrieve from a database. I will start on Linux and probably use MySql. After I get the program working on Linux I would like to be able to use it on a Windows 7 or 8 platform. Here are some sample entries I would like to write to and draw from. Which database would you use? Does MySql work on both Linux and Windows?

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Binions 05/05/2015 200 3.5 -400
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Linux From Windows- Bash ,shell

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I tried to install cygwin for windows,all i need is i need to write a shell program for a batch file i already have, I am not able to do this.
My batch file content looks like

SET CLASSPATH="%CLASSPATH%;../lib/A.jar;../lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar;../lib/slf4j-simple-1.6.1.jar"

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe com.A ../conf/C.properties


this works perfectly, I try to write a shell program which is failing when i check it through cygwin. i am not able to set the export to java_home.
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Need Help To Get The Available Hosts Among Many Hosts

I have many hosts as following. But those hosts are dual operating system (Linux and Windows). I always run program background. If someone is using Linux, it is fine. But if someone is using windows or the host is offline. Then, I cannot use ssh. The way I do preiviously is first ssh one by one. And then find the hosts which are offline or windows. And write them down one by one. And then ssh to hosts except them. Let us assume the number of programs is less than the total available hosts. Can someone write a shell script to output the all available hosts to a file like "host_available"?
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I am using ssh to connect the computers on campus. If the computer I am trying to connect is offline or using windows, the ssh will take long time, and finally it will failed. I write a shell script to generate the hostlist
for i in `seq -w 1 28`
echo "c15-0330-$i.ad.mtu.edu"
# I would like to add a command here to see whether ssh c15-0330-$i.ad.mtu.edu it succeeds or not. And then output a #file which contains the all available host.
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Setting Up MySQL On VPS

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(BTW, I requested MySQL Root access this morning, but I do not have Root access to my VPS - by choice for now!)

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But I have no clue how to do any of this on my VPS!!

3.) How would I use the command-line to create a new database and set up groups and users for MySQL?

4.) If I did things by command-line, is it true that I would break cPanel?

I have been working on my website for the last 3 years, and it is ready to "go live", but I am discovering that setting up my VPS properly - and with lots of security - and getting things like PHP and MySQL set up is a very daunting task!!!



HOW-TO: FAT32/NTFS/ext3 For Windows/Linux Cross-compatible

I own a NAS D-Link DNS-320 running fun_plug 0.7 & transmissionBT.

I just bought a Transcend 2.5 inch 2TB USB HDD which is preformatted to NTFS.

Just wondering whether my NAS(linux) can write to my USB HDD for a reliable storage for transmissionBT.

Otherwise, if writing to NTFS is unstable in linux, how should I format my USB HDD. I know I could format as FAT32... but FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit.
Is it possible to format USB HDD as ext3 (linux file system)... and still compatible/read/write by Windows XP/7/8?

Installing Linux Alongside Windows 8 (For Now) Question

Good day everyone,

I'm currently a student and as far as I'm aware I still need windows for some program I need, but I am going over to Linux.
(Thus I'm running Windows 8 at this moment)

Today I was going to install Ubuntu 14.04.01 alongside Windows 8, everything went well till I hit the 4th step (Installation type page) of the installation:

A message like follows showed:
"This computer currently has Debian GNU/Linux (Kali Linux 1.0.7) on it. What would you like to do?"

There are then 3 options available:
1) Install Ubuntu alongside Debian GNU/Linux (Kali Linux 1.0.7)
2) Replace Debian GNU/Linux (Kali Linux 1.0.7) with Ubuntu
3 and 4 is greyed out.
5) Something else (You can create resize partitions yourself, or choose multiple partitions for Ubuntu.

I just want to make sure what option to choose, I cant afford to lose all my data and windows.

Problem: Showing Kali Linux as current OS and not Windows 8.

Possible reason for showing Kali Linux as current OS:
I have a live CD of Kali Linux and ran it a few times in the past, but according to my knowledge it shouldn't have changed anything.

Maybe the 1st option is still the right one even though the current OS isn't listed right? Or the 3rd option is like a manual setting I guess.

Thanks for the time reading and helping!

What Could Be Blocking Incoming Connections To My Program?

Hi all,
I am brand new to Linux, playing around a bit with different things to see how I can use it in the future. Here is my problem:

I have written a simple program in Ada that works well on windows. It opens a TCP port (20000) and listens for incoming connections. I tried it on my internal network and it works well. I can connect from other windows machines and even from my Linux machine.

Now I moved the program to Linux and compiled it there. It starts ok and then listens for the connections. I can connect to it from that same Linux machine but not from any other machine on my network.

I checked the firewall status on Linux with ufw status and it is disabled. I also tried to add a rule to the iptables with
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 20000 -j ACCEPT

but still nothing. I can not connect from another machine on my network. I also tried to open a simple telnet connection from a windows machine and that too is blocked. I thought without the firewall all incoming connections would be allowed but obviously something is not working as I thought.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Learning Curve Too Steep

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Unless a pathway, or a bridge, which is "somewhat" like windows is provided so we can assimilate into this new OS called Linux, I, we, will never really accept Linux to replace Windows. Even though we want to get away from Windows, there is no way to do it, because Linux is just too different to easily learn. I can play with Linux, but that is all I can do - play with it, not use it on a daily basis.

And here we are, going to be forced to accept Windows 10 as the next OS, and I have nothing to say about it, for MS will soon kill Win7 like they killed XP, and force me to go to Win10, when I don't want to. I would love to use Linux, but the learning curve is just toooooo steep.

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Cannot Boot Linux USB Or CD In Windows 8.1

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