I've got two identical computers with Xubuntu on them. They've both worked awesomely until recently when one of them gets hung up when I switch to different websites. The CPU gets stuck on 100% and I have to wait a minute or two for it to drop.
The only difference between the two computers is that I added half a GB RAM to the one that is still quick. But that wouldn't really explain why this one is slowing because it's been quick for over a year.
I checked and the file usage still has 60% available.
Any ideas what might be slowing it down and what I might do to get it back to being quick?
I've got a more powerful computer that you guys have told me will handle any distro. But there's about eight million of them! I've been happy with Xubuntu (I have it on both of my computers) but I also like change. So if I put a different distro (I have Copy.com right now syncing the files between the two Xubuntu computers) on the one computer, is that going to screw up the syncing? And I've heard all the distros have the same relative file structure so navigating shouldn't be a problem. But which distro? And people have said 'try different ones.' Okay, I've got a flash drive, can you give me some links where I can try these cool distros? I've heard Red Hat is good. Some of you guys are Slack fanatics. Mint seems popular. I'm a pretty basic user. Don't need huge bells and whistles. Xubuntu's simplicity has appealed to me. Maybe I should stay with that! I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks!
I have a Dell Optiplex 170L I'm using now running Xubuntu. It's okay but it's getting a little sluggish. I'm attaching the RAM printout.
Somebody gave me an LG computer that's much newer. But it's been cloned from another Dell Optiplex 170L so that's what the spec says. Anyway, here's what it says:
Dell Optiplex 170L
AMD A6-3500 APU with Radeon (tm) HD Graphics
2.09 GHz, 3.25 GB RAM
Hardrive is 74GB. Which is more than double my 36GB now.
But I noticed (see 009 attachment) my old computer has a faster processor (2.80 Ghz).
This new one has XP on it. So I'd probably single boot Xubuntu to it. (Or could it handle a bigger distro?)
I have another identical computer (to my old one) that I added a half GB RAM to and it helped. I could do the same to this one.
Or use the new one.
I am a true newbie and not up for the switch, but if it would be worth it I would. Think I should?
I'm running Xubuntu and it was a challenge just getting Copy.com on there. (I installed the desktop app on both of my computers.) Now that I have it though, I don't really know how to use it.
I know this is kind of more a Copy.com question, but I don't know anything about Copy.com (besides having it--lol) and besides, I like you LQ guys.
So yeah, I installed the desktop app for Copy.com on both of my computers. I know that if I put something in the Copy folder that will be available to both computers.
But how Copy does the backing up I don't know.
When I change a file or folder do I have to plop that into the Copy folder every time or does Copy somehow update the file or folder in the Copy folder automatically? (It doesn't seem to.)
Okay, when I, say, take the Documents folder from one computer and plop it into the Copy folder that's that. Then I take the Documents folder from the other computer and plop that into the Copy folder, then all the files from both folders will be in the Copy folder (and the Copy cloud), right?
Now I just removed a couple of files from a folder and copied and pasted the folder into the Copy folder. But then when I looked at the Copy folder the files I'd deleted were still there. What's the process? How does it work?
I mean, how does this work as a way of backing things up AND organizing things? To me it seems like a decent way of throwing stuff into the Copy folder (and cloud), but how is that different than Google Drive? I mean, that's not really a backup, is it? It's like a flash drive in the cloud.
And when I combined the same folders (with the same titles anyway, but they each had different files within them) from the two computers I'd expected each folder on each computer to have all the same files that were cumulatively on both. Instead, they're the same. And the cumulative is only on the Copy folder.
I like the notion of just throwing the folders and files into the Copy folder. It's much quicker than Google Drive. But the backing up feature eludes me and the syncing feature makes me fearful that I'll lose data or that the files will become hopelessly less organized.
Okay. I got a newer computer to replace one of my two computers. A friend helped me install Xubuntu 14.10. So now I'm trying to get all the software I had on the old one.
In my writing, I write on a laptop. So I have LO on it. So I put on the other two computers, figuring it would be best to have the same versions on all three machines.
Now I have the folder for LO (see screenshot) but don't know how to install it on the newer computer. I have GDebi Package Installer but that only wants to install files. (Unless I open the Debs folder and do 'select all files" and "open" them with the GDebi installer.)
I went to the LO site and they don't offer any more.
Any ideas?
I have this question which give me a file.tar.gz which include a calculator file and want to extract and run it
in the output it wants to show
1)cpu avg usage
2)total time taken to run
3)memory and I/O usage
can anyone help???
I'm not sure if this should be in the newbie section, but I am somewhat of a newbie, so here goes:
In a home network, I have an Xubuntu file server with a Samba share that has me as the owner and authorizes me to access the share.
On another computer, I have Mint running and providing various services, including webdav on Apache with SSL. In the var/www/webdav directory of the Mint computer, I have the Xubuntu Samba share mounted. This is supposed to allow me to access the Samba share from the public internet.
Everything works fine except for one big problem: Apache requires the owner of the webdav directory to be user "www-data," and I can't figure out how to give www-data access to the Samba share, since www-data is not a user on the Xubuntu computer, and moreover I don't know the password for user www-data.
Can anyone figure out how to get around this problem? In particular, is there a way to configure the Samba share on the Xubuntu computer so that user www-data on the Mint computer can have access to it?
(Incidentally, I have my reasons for using two computers, one as a file server and one as a web server. Also, I am thinking about switching to NFS instead of Samba, but I'm not sure if even that would solve my problem.)
Hello, i hope i created this thread in good place
I have 2 linux Xubuntu 14.04 partitions
GRUB shows only one partition, i cannot switch user to the second partition too, but file manager sees it right.
In GParted it looks like this:
the bigger dev/sda/1 partition is my old one which i want to boot with GRUB and use it
and /dev/sda/6 is new which i need to remove
But i cannot do this because GRUB doesn`t see /dev/sda/1, so what can i do?
My GRUB version is 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1, i tried to update it with sudo update-grub but no effects.
Thanks for your effort
I am using the following two commands to output CPU and RAM usage on a Linux machine.
/bin/grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}'
/usr/bin/free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0 "%"}'
My problem is that the output is like this
Is there a way to output a single number? For example
Thank you
Hey guys,
Something is puzzling me!
I saw someone use the grep in the following way and I'm not sure I understand what it does, and if there's any benefit to using it this way.
grep X.X.X.X /var/log/log.log | grep -v query
I checked the man file which confirmed that -v is relating to matching non grouping lines (which I'm not sure I fully understand either!) but I don't see any difference in the output of the above command versus the same command without the | grep -v query bit..
Why would you pipe grep into grep unless you were searching for something specific within the search results?
Does query mean something else?
I just asked a question about Xubuntu and things are a little clearer now. But when I go to install new software or apps is the only thing that will work with Xubuntu something that says it's compatible with xfce?
I don't think that's the case, because I remember installing stuff like the text editor Kate that was more like other things than xfce but it works great anyway.
But what would be really helpful would be if someone could give me a list of the different kinds (I don't even know what they're called but the software programs or apps say things like 'works with KDE or Debian or GTK2 etc.') of things that will work with Xubuntu.