Cannot Startx As Normal User

On a fresh install of Arch with little more than openbox installed when I try to startx as a regular user this is the feedback I get:
xauth: timout in locking authority file /home/tim/.Xauthority
xauth: timout in locking authority file /home/tim/.Xauthority
xauth: timout in locking authority file /home/tim/.Xauthority
xauth: timout in locking authority file /home/tim/.Xauthority
Fatal server error:
(EE) cannot open log file "/home/tim/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log"
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/tim/.Xauthority

After looking into the error someone suggested to copy the file from root user. When I try to view, less, or open the file I get strange feedback "magic cookie" and then everything starts to trip out and I cant seem to reverse it without a reboot.

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I have a user: mim that has within it a folder /mimmim and within that, a folder called
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I tried to do a 'sudo ln -s /usr/local/ssl/include/openssl openssl' from /home/mim/, as well as from within the /home/mim/mimmim/ and from within /home/mim/mimmim/Src/. I still get this error however:

pgp.h:16:30: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory
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I guess I am not sim linking correctly.

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Im trying to install the RT patch preempt_rt 3.18.9 im running Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel v 3.16

i installed the rt patch "patch-3.18.9-rt5.patch" and also a new kernel "3.18.9" i patched the patch file with

patch -p1 < patch-3.18.9.patch

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rm -rf linux && ln -s /usr/src/linux-3.18.9 linux && cd /usr/src/linux


make oldconfig


make menuconfig

i selected Full preemptive kernel then


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cc1: some warnings being treated as errors make[2]: * [kernel/locking/locktorture.o] Error 1 make[1]: * [kernel/locking] Error 2 make: *** [kernel] Error 2

So..... Any help?? can someone walk me through this

or any other real time patch, Thanx.. plzzzzzz

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In my example: /home/cjh/Downloads/LinuxDriver4Fedora_v2.5.0.3
This is where the make file is.

I run make and get an error:
"make -C /lib/modules/3.4.2-1.fc16.i686/build SUBDIRS=/home/cjh/Downloads/LinuxDriver4Fedora_v2.5.0.3/os/linux modules
make: *** /lib/modules/3.4.2-1.fc16.i686/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
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Changing umask value for files and directories take effect after reload:
default permission for all users:
above permission is edited to:
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cp $Directory/Somefile $Directory/Somefile.$(date +'%Y%m%d')
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echo "##${inpLine}" >> ${HOME}/temp.out
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echo ${inpLine} >> ${HOME}/temp.out

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I need your help.
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lcd "directory in linux server"
USER="username of windows server"

ftp -n "ip of windows server" <<EOF
user $USER $PASS

cd "C:\Users... directory in windows server where file is located"
get test1234.txt



I hope somebody can help me!

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# The private key used to identify this machine

echo "Syntax: server_ip scriptFile]"
echo "For example: ./ server_ip scriptFile"
exit 1

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echo not enough arguments

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tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device


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I am rsyncing a user's home dir across the NFS and the local PC, but when it tries to copy over the hidden files it fails with permission denied. Both dir are owned by the proper user and I am root when I execute the script, so I am not sure what went wrong here.
For example: this is the content and permissions of the source:

-rw------- 1 user test 115 Nov 14 11:28 .bash_history

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rsync: send_files failed to open "/home/user/.bash_history": Permission denied (13)


Why Should I Always Use Chmod When Not As A Root User

System Info:

I have normal user in CentOS 7 whose name is "mostafa" (the name of the account).

I naturally have another user called root with all privileges. User "mostafa" is put into sudoers file, too.

The OS is installed in VmWare, so the system is all mine.


Now I create a file with touch and put a command in it, but when I want to run it with Code:
sudo ./

, an error is shown that the command Code:

does not exist. But if I Code:
 sudo chmod 777 ./

then it gets run. My question is that, why should I use Code:
chmod 777

when I myself have created the file, and I am in sudoers.

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sudo chmod 777

when the creator of the file is me.

Why Vsftp Can Do It, But Openssh Sftp Cannot ? (chroot)

Dear all,

This is long story cut short, with vsftp, if i set this parameters in the vsftp.conf file below


I am able to login to the ftp account, see and list my home/user directory, and if i do a cd / or cd .. , i will still be chroot to my /home/user directory.

without, the need to chmod or or chown anything to my /home/user directory


With openSSH, internal_sftp, even though I have set the sshd_conf to

Match user alankoh
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/%u

I will need to change owner my /home/user directory to have root becomes it owner.

Q1) why this difference ? How does vsftp chroot without changing the /home/user folder ownership ?

Q2) i realize that openssh ChrootDirectory parameter causes my default login directory to be set as that of the parameter.
(e.g. if i set to "/whatever/xyz", i will be brought to that /whatever/xyz everytime i login to the sftp instead of my /home/user folder.

Why ? I thought that ChrootDirectory is just a security measure to specify the directory to go to in case the user cd to root (e.g. cd /), else not, i should still go to my /home/user folder everytime i login to sftp.
