Pros And Cons Of SUDO Vs Wheel

So right now in some of my servers, some of my users are in the Wheel group and then I have some users who fall under /etc/sudoers. Don't have any consistency, however I want to change that.

I know that wheel group is legacy.

SUDO gives an audit trail I believe under /var/log/secure.

I'm wondering what others have experienced and setup which worked better in the long run, place users either in wheel group or in SUDO?

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Sudo Is Can Not Find Program / Path Related Issues

I am toying around with a LFS system and I am suddenly having trouble with sudo not finding binaries in the standard superuser only binary dirs (/sbin /usr/sbin). I am using sudo version 1.8.10p3. The sudoers file parses correctly and I did not modify except to allow users in the wheel group to be able use sudo to call any command. So I imaging something is wrong with the $PATH variable but I am not sure on what it is.

How To View (primary) Group Members ?

Dear Linux Gurus, how to view all group members?

my code snippet is like below:

groupadd yy
useradd -g yy u1
useradd -g yy u2
useradd -g yy u3

useradd -G yy u4

when i wanted to view the group members of group 'yy' in /etc/group, it only shows secondary group member i.e only u4. what is the problem? Why not showing other group members-u1,u2,u3?

I also used commands getent and groupmems, but they are showing only secondary group members i.e only u4 not others.

But when I used 'system-config-users', in group page, it shows all the users.

My doubt is how to view all the users belonging to group yy in terminal. which command to use?

Thanks in advance.
sorry for the grammatical mistakes.

Normal Linux User Recursively Write Access To Apache Document Root

I tried adding two users in apache group and given 775 permission to Document root but user is not able to write into files in DocumentRoot

Tried adding user and DocumentRoot Folder in sudo file but not able to do it recursively

please help

Thanks for reply,
I have already given chmod 775 -R DocumentRoot - for recursively writting permission
You have told to add user in www-data group and chmod 775 -R to DocumentRoot
usermod -a -G www-data <user1>

How can users in www-data can able to write in DocumentRoot which has apache:apache owner and group
please clarify...

Done below steps to solve this:
1) I have created a new group webdata and added required users in this group
2) set sticky bit to document root with below command
setfacl -m g:webdata:rwx -R /path/to/documentroot/
this command will set rwx permission to DocumentRoot so that members in webdata can have full access but still DocumentRoot user and group will be apache

Best Way To Manage Users And Accounts Etc

hi guys,

busy doing a small project with a centos7 server and virtualbox.
currently i have a login to the physical server called sninja

i have three partitions created for each of my virtual machines
sninja owns the directories for each vm...and root is the primary lets say i wanted to have other users perform functions on my vm's ..ssh in,rsync data into the vm etc...

whats the best way to address security and user accounts etc?

what i was thinking:

create a group called Myusers1,then assign the users to that group and then make the group the primary group of the accessed directories etc

is this the right way to go about it? any ideas or help really appreciated...

Sudo: No Valid Sudoers Sources Found, Quitting


I am getting the follwoing error for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6

sudo su -
sudo: >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 118 <<<
sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 118
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

cd /etc/sudoers.d/
-bash: cd: /etc/sudoers.d/: Permission denied

Could you help me to figure it out. As a root user am able to access but as normal user it is not allowing to sudo su - command.

vi /etc/sudoers.d/access

Please let me know if any additional formation required.

Chgrp Not Changing A File?


OS: CentOS 6.3

I'm trying to set up a situation where my FTP account is in a group where my phpbb forums were created. This will allow me to upload changes as I customize my forums (ie: .css files). However, right now, my problem is that I'm running into invalid permissions and the only way to move the files is to upload the file to a directory my FTP account has access too and then sudo cp the file over. Upon closer inspection of my files, it appears the groups the files have been made under are not the correct group.

I am trying to use chgrp on a specific file to change the group owner to the group my FTP account is a member of but it does not seem to be working. Here is a snippet of what I'm doing:

zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ sudo chgrp apache colours.css -v
group of `colours.css' retained as apache
zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ ls
total 164
drwxr-xr-x 3 5645316 apache  4096 Mar 27 15:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 5645316 apache  4096 Nov 18  2012 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1  root     apache 23480 Mar 27 19:05 colours.css

I'm not sure why it still says root so I suspect I am doing something incorrect. When looking around, at first it seemed chgrp could change group owner on files but as I dug more, it seemed it can also change groups themselves. So I'm a little confused and require some clarity of experts.

I hope changing the group owner of this file will give access to my FTP account so I can apply this change to all needed locations.


Write Permissions To External Drive

I have an external disk but I can only write to it using sudo, not as my normal user.

The commands I've issued a
sudo mkdir /media/USBSSD
sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /media/USBSSD
sudo chmod 777 /media/USBSSD
sudo mkdir /media/USBSSD/share

How can I set it up so that other users can write to it?

Samba Configuration Not Letting Me Access Files?

Hey guys, I got samba working and I am able to access my files, however I am now trying to learn security with it. i am pretty much trying to allow certain groups access certain files. if you look at samba group you can see that I have @sambausers group to access sambagroup directory.

I have a user called sambatest01. the user can access "samba users only" but the user can access all of the other files as well. what is a correct set up on the other smb.conf to prevent users from accessing this? I cant seem to find a proper set up

path = /files/drivers
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = no
guest only = no

[samba users only]
path = /files/sambagroup
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = no
guest only = no
write list = @sambausers
valid users = @sambausers

Sudo Issue

When I place following line in /etc/sudoers
tom ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/service tomcat6 start

# su - tom
# sudo -s
I get following message

Sorry, user tom is not allowed to execute '/bin/bash' as root on

I did not understand can some make me understand why I am getting this message.

Thank you

Impossible To Get Kubuntu Open On ChromeOS

Hi everyone,

I am currently a user of crouton under chromeOS. It worked "pretty" well for about two months but does not work anymore. When I open it, linux start normally but suddenly stop and give me this message:

The following installation problem was detected
while trying to start KDE:

No write access to $HOME directory (/home/paul).

KDE is unable to start.
I already try this Code:
sudo chown -R group:user /home/user

But I can not remember group and user name.

Thanks a lot