How To Configure Sendmail In Centos?

I need to send mails from our centos server, what are tools required ?

CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

How to check if sendmail is installed and configured?

I even tried mutt, I could install but not able to send mails. Is there any configuration required ?

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Sendmail Queries


We have a sendmail gateway supported by Solaris 10.

Not sure when this had happened that mails are clogged in the queue and never send out. I have to run "sendmail -OTimeout.hoststatus=0m -q -v" manually to flush the queues.

Note that some mails are not able to deliver even I ran the command (sendmail -OTimeout.hoststatus=0m -q -v).

Any advise is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Restrict Sendmail To Send Emails To Only One Domain


I am required to configure sendmail to be able to send emails to only two domains. Can some one help me with this. Thank you.

Sending Mail From Command Line

I searched the forums for my title and I am not finding exactly what I am looking for. I am not using a program to send mail, such as Thunderbird or whatever. I simply want to be able to send mail from my Ubuntu 14.04 DESKTOP version for logging. I use a program called Logwatch (used alot in RHEL or CentOS) to monitor the server itself. The program sends mail to the root user account on the machine, which I can check and see, and within the program conf file, I can add an external email address, but it never sends.

I'm familiar with the SMTP concept of sending mail, outgoing mail server authentication, etc. I don't care to run this box as an SMTP server, but I understand that I need some sort of SMTP or MTA program to send mail into the real world. I tried Postfix but couldn't get that to work, and the Logwatch program wants to use sendmail, so I installed that but I am having the same issue. I am sure it is a step I am missing.

I also can't figure out how to get the 'mail' cmd from Terminal to work. I use this command:
mail -s "test" | /usr/sbin/mail

it follows through the subject, CC, body, but when I try to hit either . or CTRL-D, it never sends the email, in fact is does nothing.

I also tried sendmail with this command:
sendmail -v < /dev/null

I was just trying to send a test email. It logs into my SMTP mail server, which I already configured, and it tells me to type out the mail, then end with a "." by itself on a single line. I try this and it just sits there.

I am missing SOMETHING when trying to actually send the mail. I can get it written with subject and body, connected, but it never sends and I am probably missing a / or something.

I did find and follow these instructions, but it still isn't working with sendmail. If I need to go back to Postfix, I can do that, I don't honestly care what I use, I just want some programs such as Logwatch to be able to email me.

Mail Server Help

Hi All,
Is there a way to mirror plesk mail server with another mail server like primary and secondary. The primary will be in our location with different IP address and the secondary will be with plesk with existing IP address but the domain name should be the same like how gmail has multiple IP addresses on different servers/locations. This is for high availability and to reduce the network bandwidth i.e if any of the server goes down we can still send/receive mails from another and when the server comes online which was offline then all mails should be replicated with each other i.e if primary was down then all new mails should be synced from secondary or if secondary was down then the sync should be from primary. Other thing is since primary will be with us, it will be much faster than secondary(plesk) in sending/receiving the mails. So expecting your kind help about the steps or url links to acheive the same as I don't have much experience on this. The present mail server using qmail on rhel 6.5 64 bit.

Sendmail Alias Not Working

I'm trying to send all root's mails to an external e-mailaddress, but for some reason I can't get it to work.

I've edited /etc/aliases with the following rule:

root: <myexternal@email.address>

and run newaliasses after, which would run without any errors.

I can run: echo "Testing" | mail -s "Server Testing" <myexternal@email.address>
just fine without any issue and it's being delivered correctly to my external address.

But when I run: echo "Testing" | mail -s "Server Testing" root

I (first) get a "Deferred: 451 Temporary local problem - please try again later" error and when I then run: "Sendmail -OTimeout.hoststatus=0m -q -v" to flush the mailqueue it says everything is ok, but I then get a message saying I have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root and I don't get the mail on my external e-mailaddress.

I have no clue where to look next, hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction.

Just for completeness: I use mageia release 4 (x86_x64).

What Does Core Mean

Hi All,
Can "CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)" 64 bit be used for server to provide services such as web, ftp, mail etc. I meant to say whether it is stable and can be used for server. Because the previous versions was just as "CentOS release 5.10, CentOS release 6.2, CentOS release 6.4" and so on. Thanks for your kind reply.

Sendmail Name Lookup Issue

I am having some strange issues with sendmail at the moment.

When a mail comes into my sendmail server, where it is then relayed onwards, the sendmail server for whatever reason tries to forward it a hostname that it shouldn't.

Have no idea where it gets this hostname from in the first place as it should be sending it to a server.

So my question is, does anyone exactly know how sendmail performs a hostname or DNS lookup and where it's cached. The strange thing is though that a restart of the sendmail service fixes this, yet it reappears sometimes, usually when we have some network issue in the back-end.

One would think that sendmail would clear its cache every few minutes. Or does it leverage something else to perform this lookup.

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Please suggest me correct configuration of LAN and WAN for my network. We don't have any static IP with us. What series of IPs do I have to configure in Linux server? After that, what would be my Proxy IP?

I have basic knowledge about Linux...

Please suggest me Conf file accordlingly.

Send Mail Migration: Newbie


We have a sendmail gateway supported by Solaris 10 server. How to go about if we would like to migrate the sendmail gateway to another Solaris 10 server?

Thanks in advance.

How To Point A Registered Domain On Public IP


I have a CentOS 7.

I have purchased a new domain name

I want to configure this domain name on my centOS 7 server

I have installed httpd on centos 7 and my site working fine as localhost but I want to open this site using purchased domain name.

Please help to configure domain name on centos 7.

I will deeply appreciate it.

Thank You