What Is A Good Linux Script For Changing An IP Address Statically In Ubuntu?

I have a shell script that currently changes the mac address of eth0 repeatedly. However, it does not change the public IP address, confirmed by wget -qO- ipinfo.io/ip .


while [ 1 ]
echo "Changing mac address..."
let lastup=`date +%s`
macchanger -A eth0
let diff=`date +%s`-$lastup
if [ "$diff" -lt "$PERIOD" ]
sleep $(($PERIOD-$diff))
echo "Changed mac address successfully."
elif [ "$diff" -gt "$PERIOD" ]
echo "Command took longer than iteration period of $PERIOD seconds!"

The script needs to change the IP Address statically.

Also, ultimately, what I am trying to accomplish, for security reasons, is to frequently and automatically change a computer's public IP address and mac address. This way, my office's computers, when using the Internet, has an additional form of protection.

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if "$scanner" = "nmap" : then

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if [ -f "${filename}" ]
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        DIFF=$(( $currentTime - $createTime )) 
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        exit 1


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Help With 'CASE'

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i'm beginner with Unix, I tried my best, but I Really don't know how to finish it .

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Example1|Math) echo "C" ;;
Example2|Programming) echo "D" ;;
Example3|WWW) echo "A" ;;
Example4|Economie) echo "-" ;;

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