Hi all,
Im trying to tidy up a web scrape txt file so it just shows the URL's..
As below, I've got most with just the url but struggling to work out how to delete extra txt within a line, without deleting the whole line.
i.e a command that says.. delete from this word.. till end of line .. or delete everything between word1 and word2
//newzealandtrails.com/sites/default/files/New20Zealand%20Trails.png" //newzealandtrails.com/sites/default/files/nztrails-logo_0_0.png" alt="New Zealand Trails" /></a></div>
//newzealandtrails.com/welcome-new-zealand-trails" st_title="" class="st_sharethis_button" displayText="sharethis"></span>
//player.vimeo.com/video/71298207" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="500px"></iframe></div>
Thanks in advance