I am running xubuntu 11.10, fully updated, on an Acer 250 netbook (1GB ram, 1.8 GHz clock, single core Atom processor, if you can believe it). Runs pretty well, I think. So much so that I have decided to migrate from Windows to Linux.
My first question to the forum is this: I have set the Thunar file explorer to show hidden files. However, hidden files still don't show up on various File Open or Browse... dialogs.
How can I set up xfce or xubuntu to always display .hiddenfiles in Open... or Browse... dialogs?
Problem comes up when I want to edit some .config file or run the alacarte Main Menu editor and have to specify some long path to an executable in a hidden directory (as in wine). I have to enter the file name manually, which gets to be a problem for my thumb-fingered typing.
Hi guys,
For no apparent actions from me, hidden folders and files show
in my /user/home directory, they are as follows:-
.adobe .cache .config .cups .filezilla .gimp-2.8 .gnupg .gphoto .gstreamer-0.10 .icedtea .java .local .macromedia .mozilla .pki .thumbnails
.bash_history .bashrc .esd_auth .ICEauthority
In my / directory
File: ./readahead
Seeking help to verify the above folder and files are not from a harmful source or application?
If they do not post any thread to the system, how can I conceal
these folders and files, so that they don't show up any more in
my home and / directory ?
Many thanks.
Have installed Xubuntu with /home on second hard drive. If I change to a different distribtuion such as Mint Mate do I have to delete all the hidden files in my home directory?
I just asked a question about Xubuntu and things are a little clearer now. But when I go to install new software or apps is the only thing that will work with Xubuntu something that says it's compatible with xfce?
I don't think that's the case, because I remember installing stuff like the text editor Kate that was more like other things than xfce but it works great anyway.
But what would be really helpful would be if someone could give me a list of the different kinds (I don't even know what they're called but the software programs or apps say things like 'works with KDE or Debian or GTK2 etc.') of things that will work with Xubuntu.
I've got a more powerful computer that you guys have told me will handle any distro. But there's about eight million of them! I've been happy with Xubuntu (I have it on both of my computers) but I also like change. So if I put a different distro (I have Copy.com right now syncing the files between the two Xubuntu computers) on the one computer, is that going to screw up the syncing? And I've heard all the distros have the same relative file structure so navigating shouldn't be a problem. But which distro? And people have said 'try different ones.' Okay, I've got a flash drive, can you give me some links where I can try these cool distros? I've heard Red Hat is good. Some of you guys are Slack fanatics. Mint seems popular. I'm a pretty basic user. Don't need huge bells and whistles. Xubuntu's simplicity has appealed to me. Maybe I should stay with that! I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks!
hello all,
please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :
tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)
parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)
ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")
folder_list = []
if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
for files in parse_source_file_list :
print files
upload(ftp, files)
else :
print "later"
from the desk top i open documents file , i have multiple folders but no information Clearly what iam see is the background. how do i fix this perhaps i have deleted some thing wwhich has created the problem .
Could anyone please explain as understandable as possible how could I on my Windows 8 open either single file or install (and use) entire software which is supposted to work on Linux and/or Ubuntu? I have absolutelly NO experience with Linux and have never used it. Honestly, I don't know if there is any difference between Linux and Ubuntu. I want to be inside my Windows 8 while using Linux files/sofware. The only solution I could think of are actually two but neither of them is useful for me:
1. Vmware (i don't know how to use it)
2. Rent remote computer (vps/rdp) with linux OS installed (this would let me be in Windows 8 while being able to use Linux file/software [on remote computer] but sooner or later I would want to have Windows installed there too)
Tried program Linux Reader but didn't work on my Windows 8. Although I would need solution for installation/usage of software (that can be used only on linux/ubuntu), regardless of details***, the current problem is basically related to single files only: I have two files, both in IMG extension. Don't know how to open them because Deamon Tools doesn't handle IMG. The problem is that filesystem in one of them is "Linux" and filesystem in another is "142". The error I am getting when I try to open them is:
"File with harddrive/disc snapshot is corrupted."
But this is most likely because they are supposted to be used in linux environment, hence such question.
*** when i said "details" I was referring to basically anything: type of software, size, purpose, whether or not it needs network connection, whether or not it contains logging in (username password, etc) requirement, etc.
The following solution for current situation (quoted error above) works only partially:
I am able to open/run/mount IMG if I do what is described on this link (im basically opening iso in this case - see the website) but when opening the virtual drive, the following error message proves that the file can be used in linux/ubuntu only:
"Windows cannot access that drive. Drive could be corrupted. Make sure the drive is in condition that can be recognized by Windows. If drive isn't formatted then format it before usage."
Would need detailed instructions, for total beginner, who has never used linux/ubuntu, what to do in such case: how to use in win8 files/software that are supposted to be used in linux/ubuntu. Also answer on how to open IMG would be highly appreciated.
Kindest regards and thank you a million in advance.
I am working on a board (sbc6000x with at91sam9261 micro, linux 2.6.24 to be precise) and having some fun making script i wanted to make real application.
The board is coming with a cross compilation toolchain. When trying to make a simple "hello world" executable to print on the terminal there is no problem.
I open my terminal, give the path of the compiler, cd into the folder where my .c file is and then i type :
arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c
Which create my executable "hello" and this one is working. But like i said, this program only played with the terminal.
The board is starting with a script calling another executable which use the lcd display, i have the source of this executable. My idea was to look at what was in the source of this application (lots of folders and files) in order to understand how it was working. I wanted to test the toolchain on the source (with the makefile) to see if i was able to generate an executable from a application with folderS/fileS but when i try to "make" it i have this error.
In my understanding this is an object file but aside from that i don't see why it would not works.
Thank you for your future answers !
What I have here is a Dell Optiplex GX620 (stock) with a new install of Xubuntu as of May 18. It works fine except that I am having trouble printing.
The printer is an HP Deskjet 832c hooked to a Linksys BEFW11P1. The Linksys box is an old internet router/firewall/wi-fi/printserver. I am using it as a network printserver with all the other functions disabled. It's a strange setup for sure. But, over there I have another computer running Lucid Puppy 5.3.2 and it prints just fine.
This machine running Xubuntu only will print the simplest of documents. The printer setup will print a test page, Text files will print, AbiWord files will print, PDF files and HTML pages displayed in Firefox do not print.
I have been taking some stabs at trying to fix this problem by changing some settings. but no joy.
Has anyone seen an issue like this? Any pointers/ideas on where to actually look for the problem.
It seems to me that Xubuntu does not use CUPS to manage it's printers? True? Would installing CUPS be a good idea?
Using a Raspberry Pi w/ Debian
Read the manual and several "how-to"s and am getting nowhere
vsftp is running and making a log file. I can get to the Pi with putty or SAMBA
Ultimately want to be able to both(I) ftp in under the "pi" user to access files remotely and (II) have people sending me huge files ftp them in anonymously
Have tried (I) the ftp client in Windows 7 Internet explorer 11, (ii) the ftp client in the Windows 7 "map network drive" UI, and (iii) ES file explorer on my Android phone.
The android phone tells me there is no server there. Windows 7 gets no password challenge, gives no error indication, but does nothing useful. The vsftpd log file shows some attempt by the Windows machine, nothing for the Android.
Config file and log file attached.
The Android is trying to use port 21, the config file mentions something about port 20. Which ports do I need to forward in my router to enable remote access?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks. Jonathan