About Install Awstats

I follow the URL to install awstats , the installation process seems successful .


But when I try to run the report by
Code: ,

it pops the error.

Not Found

The requested URL /awstats/awstats.pl was not found on this server.

then I create /awstats/awstats.pl in DocumentRoot directory , now when I re-try to run the report , it display the program code of the awstats.pl but not show the report , would advise what is wrong ?

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About The Installation Of Awstats

I follow the below URL to install awstats .


everything seems works fine , the second last step works fine.
From data in log file "/var/log/httpd/access_log"...
Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record...
Searching new records from beginning of log file...
Phase 2 : Now process new records (Flush history on disk after 20000 hosts)...
Jumped lines in file: 0
Parsed lines in file: 77
 Found 0 dropped records,
 Found 0 comments,
 Found 0 blank records,
 Found 0 corrupted records,
 Found 0 old records,
 Found 77 new qualified records.

then I tried the below URL , it shows nothing , would advise what is the possible reason ? how can I do the trouble shooting ? thanks

Enable Cgi

I have the below URL


in this URL , it have the command "sudo a2enmod cgi" to check the cgi is installed or not , but when I run it , it pops "bash: a2enmod: command not found" , I tried to install it by yum install a2enmod" , but got the below message , would advise how to install it .
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.uhost.hk
 * epel: ftp.cuhk.edu.hk
 * extras: centos.uhost.hk
 * updates: centos.uhost.hk
No package a2enmod available.
Error: Nothing to do

About Awstats


Can't Set Repos In RHEL6.0, Unable To Install Packages

Hi all.
RHEL 6.0 in Virtual Box, network is ok, it can resolve all repos (f.e. dl.fedoraproject.org, nginx.org),
but when I'm trying
# rpm -Uvh http://nginx.org/packages/rhel/6/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-rhel-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm

I get:
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host

When I'm trying with ip instead name:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Only rpmforge repo enabled, but it can't find any packets for install/update.

What can I do?

Debian 7 Ssh Error: -bash: Apy-get: Command Not Found


I just got a vps server and i try to run apt-get update and i got this:

-bash: apt-get: command not found

Any ideas how to fix it?

Even if i try manual to install it i am getting:

configu  error: cannot run /bin/sh buildlib/config.sub

dpkg also missing and gcc compiler ....


Can Not Use Phpmyadmin

I have installed phpmyadmin , when access http://192.1010.118.0/phpmyadmin ,it pops the error


You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin on this server.

I check the phpmyadmin.conf , I have released "allow all" to all directory .

I also check the /var/log/httpd/error_log, it have the following error , I tried change all files permission to 777 but still not work , would advise what is wrong in my server ? thanks

[authz_co error] [pid 2525] [client 192.1010.118.0:51878] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/phpMyAdmin

Grub Directory Has Disappeared - Can't Reinstall Grub

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When I had difficulties with the install, I decided to delete everything from the partition.

But now when I boot the computer, I get taken to the 'grub rescue' prompt.
I have tried to find grub in my other partitions (sda1 and sda2).
However, the command 'ls (hd0,msdos1)/' for example, does not show a grub directory.
It must've transferred grub to sda3 somehow and now I've deleted it.

I have debian live USB and am trying to install grub with:
apt-get install-grub /dev/sda

But I get the error message:
bash: grub-install: command not found

So now I don't know what's going on. Can anyone please help?

CentOS 7 - Not Able To Open Vmplayer

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I have installed vmplayer using

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Failed to build vmnet.  Failed to execute the build command.

When I check status of vmware, it shows
Module vmnet not loaded

If I try to run
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all

It gives me following error.
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/modconfig-2NfFeS/vmnet-only'
Unable to install all modules.

I am not able to open VMplayer, please help me to open it.


--Kind Regards

Problem With Epel


I try to install the epel repository so I can install ejabberd.

I do not have epel, it seems :

[root@serv src]# ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
CentOS-Base.repo  CentOS-Debuginfo.repo  CentOS-fasttrack.repo  CentOS-Media.repo  CentOS-Vault.repo  n2.repo

So I try to install epel :

[root@serv src]# rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100]
	package epel-release-6-8.noarch is already installed

But when I try to install ejabberd :

[root@serv src]# yum install ejabberd
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.nluug.nl
 * extras: ftp.nluug.nl
 * updates: ftp.nluug.nl
No package ejabberd available.
Error: Nothing to do

Something is wrong with epel.

The Vncserver Doesn't Work After Debian 7 Update


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Log File: