Cannot Execute Binary File

hello everyone,
I created a script file ( in linux centos 6.
location of file is '/etc/init.d/'
content of file is:

#To get the MAC address
ifconfig | grep HWaddr
#To get the HDD serial no.
hdparm -I /dev/sd? | grep 'Serial\ Number'
#To get the HDD size
hdparm -I /dev/sda |grep "device size"

gave the permission by: chmod 777 /etc/init.d/
but when i run this file by: /etc/init.d/
it gives an error like...
-bash: /etc/init.d/info: cannot execute binary file

what should i do?? Actually i have to run this file during boot up..

thanks in advance..

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>> (line of text from grep) badfiles.txt

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How I Can Print A Specific Range Of Nubers Form A File.


i am trying to make a table from some files. i used this to record how much "RD_" field i have in my file. Quote:
grep -o 'RD_' $f|grep -c 'RD_'
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awk 'NR==1{print"{"$2","$3","$4","$5","$6","0.0000",""0.0000""}"","}' $file
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awk 'NR==1{print"{"$2"to "$5"," apend zeros to make it total 7 fields"}"","}' $file 

your coments would be apreciated
thanks alot