Hello, I am new to Linux and I am having difficulty setting up KDE. I have a vps with Debian 7 Wheezy on it and I need to get KDE working on it. The Linux installation from the vps company was very basic...I had to update the packages and install kde and kdm using the apt-get install kde and apt-get install kdm commands. When I type xstart to start the x server I get a message with the version number and other information so I am assuming that it is installed, but at the bottom of the message I have no cursor (I am able to type but when I hit the enter key after entering a command nothing happens) and the # is no longer there so I am unable to continue working. The only way i can get the command prompt and # back is to close Putty and reopen it (then I have to log into the vps all over again). From what I have read online, when I type startx, it should load KDE.
I was able to set the display by using the export DISPLAY=:0.0 command. But when I type startkde I get the message 'No protocol specified" and the next line says DISPLAY not set or unable to connect to xserver.
I have been using Putty to log into the vps, but yesterday I decided to use the web based login utility offered by the vps company. When connecting to the vps in this manner I am presented with a traditional looking login screen (I am assuming it is KDM). The user name that was provided to me from the vps company is 'root' ...well, when I try to login using KDM (the plasma setting) I get an error stating that 'root' logins are not allowed. Considering that the KDM is visible when logging in using the web based utility, I have a feeling that the KDE is also working...but I can't log into it because the user name is 'root' . However, when I use Putty I cant seem to get anything to load and start the way it is supposed to. I would appreciate any help in getting the KDE to work in Putty and the login via the web based utility to accept my username that the vps company gave me. Thank you.