I've tried many ways but it just won't completely format. This is what I've tried
ayy did "diskpart" utility in Windows to remove protection by command "volume disk clear readonly" allowed to format once but doesn't compelely blank it Tried the builtin "Disk Utility" to format but gave me an error, "Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)" Installed Gparted. Did simple rightlclick format to NTFS but it gave me an error "LVM not supported loop disk label" Tried giving multipel commands, delete disk [makes it unallocated drive] create new ntfs Primary partion, gives me an error "too many primary partition"
I've attached the Gparted error log. [can't attach html, pasted the code]
What can I do now? It just keeps getting in its Nokia files back and wont leave FAT format, i want to make it NTFS so i can use it in the camera. It's not corrupted because I can paste files on to it on the desktop. Also its not locked by a physical button
GParted 0.19.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize Libparted 3.2 Delete /dev/mmcblk0 (fat16, 968.75 MiB) from /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) calibrate /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) path: /dev/mmcblk0 start: 0 end: 1983999 size: 1984000 (968.75 MiB) delete partition 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) ======================================== Create Primary Partition #1 (ntfs, 967.00 MiB) on /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( ERROR ) create empty partition 00:00:00 ( ERROR ) libparted messages ( INFO ) Too many primary partitions. ========================================
GParted 0.19.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize Libparted 3.2 Format /dev/mmcblk0 as ntfs 00:00:00 ( ERROR ) calibrate /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) path: /dev/mmcblk0 start: 0 end: 1983999 size: 1984000 (968.75 MiB) clear old file system signatures in /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) write 68.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 67108864 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 1015803904 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) flush operating system cache of /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) set partition type on /dev/mmcblk0 00:00:00 ( ERROR ) libparted messages ( INFO ) The flag 'lvm' is not available for loop disk labels. ========================================