As of 2 days ago, I am having a new problem watching Amazon Prime videos with Flash Player. I'm running Linux Mint 13 on a Dell desktop, with Firefox 37.0.1 and Adobe Flash Player 11. I have a 7mbps internet connection.
The problem is that two days ago, the video quality on my Amazon Prime got stuck at 348 kbps. Prior to that, I was able to watch Prime videos in HD. Now, I can't.
Here are the things I have tried so far:
1. I restarted my computer and modem multiple times.
2. I ran multiple speed tests at speedtest.net to verify that my internet connection is working properly.
3. I went to YouTube and sampled a couple of 1080p videos to make sure I could view video properly on sites other than Amazon. I had no problem streaming the YouTube videos in HD.
4. I tried watching the same Amazon Prime video in Chrome with Pepperflash. This didn't work at all -- after the video finished loading, I got a black screen.
5. I cleared my Firefox and Adobe Flash caches. (For the Adobe Flash cashes, I first tried the Flash Player control panel. When that didn't work, I used the macromedia page he http://www.macromedia.com/support/do...manager06.html
6. I uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Flash multiple times from the software repository.
7. I manually deleted the .adobe, .mozilla, and .macromedia files so they would be rebuilt.
8. I verified that HAL is installed.
Does anyone have other suggestions? I did call Amazon last night, and eventually got a tech support person who is a Linux user himself. He checked the log and verified that I was able to stream videos at HD speeds as recently as 2 days ago. He said that usually the steps I took would fix the problem, so it might be an Amazon issue, but also said that if he tried to report it it would probably get bounced because I am a Linux user and Amazon does not support Linux. I asked him please to try anyway, but thought I would check here in the meantime.
I have installed fedora 21 (32 bit). When I try to run live video, it shows following message on a black screen.
The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback
How can I install it?
Amazon's chat person says Prime Video will work with Ubuntu 8.04 but I'm using 15.04 and the Ubuntu website is of no help with past distros. Is Amazon lazy or Ubuntu is really a time machine into the future?
I have recently installed Elementary OS on my HP 550 laptop. While everything is running as expected, I've run into a small problem when attempting to watch videos on Youtube using Chromium.
The video loads fine but displays little yellow rectangles all over the video. According to Youtube, Chromium uses HTML5 rather than Flash - maybe that is the issue - but I am thinking it maybe a graphics driver issue. The videos run absolutely fine on Firefox and will stick to that if necessary, but I would prefer to use Chromium.
I have tried using
gksu jockey-gtk
and it couldnt find any drivers to install.
lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
Many Thanks
This morning I was watching some online TV shows on CBS.com. After watching two shows, I tried to watch a third. Instead of a video, I got a screen saying I needed to install Adobe Flash. Obviously, Adobe Flash was already installed--that's how I had watched the first two videos. I decided maybe the problem was CBS wanted a later version of Flash. That's when I ran the YUM update.
Everything seemed to download OK except for firefox. It must have been downloading from a mirror somewhere on the other side of the planet because the download rate was something like 7kb/s. The ETA was something like two hours. I decided to end that terminal session and started the YUM update over again. This time it recognized it had already downloaded all the other packages and the download for firefox was several hundred kilobytes per second. After that the update seemed to go OK.
Unfortunately, when I rebooted and chose the new kernel in the grub list, the boot appears to hang just before I'm supposed to get a login screen. Normally, booting takes only a minute or so, but now all I get is a blinking cursor in the upper left corner, even after waiting 10 minutes. I hit the power switch to turn the computer off and rebooted.
This time I hit the escape key to watch the boot progress. These are the last three lines:
[ OK ] Started Command Scheduler
Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...
Starting wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to quit...
Then it hangs. Hitting the escape key has no effect. CTRL-ALT-DEL reboots.
According to grub, the newly updated kernel version is: Fedora (3.19.5-200.fc21.x86_64) 21 (Twenty One)
I tried another YUM update. Here's the results:
[root@XXXXX ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora: fedora.mirrors.tds.net
* rpmfusion-free: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-free-updates: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
* updates: repo.atlantic.net
No packages marked for update
[root@XXXXX ~]#
I had been using the video driver available on nVidia.com on the previous kernel. (That kernel still works because I'm able to type this.) It's very likely not the latest version of video driver since it has been a while since I installed it. Could this have something to do with the hang?
What should I try to do next? Thanks for reading this.
I have been trying to get TurnerClassicMovie site to play any movies/videos on my AMD equipped,proprietary drivers up to date. I can only make the movies show in the first small frame within FireFox 34-37 that i have tried.
I have installed flash and it is updated as well as pepperflashplugin-nonfree and all the other instructional posts i read either here or just via a google across all the Linux/Mint hits. at first , i was not even able to sign into the cable subscription page, once that got solved then it has taken a month worth of intermittent trying to finally figure out how to get the movie playing ,BUT-
as soon as i try to open the full screen, i get adobe Flash pop ups and then it all hangs. I hve begun to see Error 503 some kind of Apache problem a generic error from what i have found.also a cant Sync
I have tried to do something with the busy port -800, tried to add another port only because i read a post that might have had something to do with the issue. or maybe not. didnt work yet
I am just stuck with this.
I am able to play all other videos i want,it seems, you tube and all html5s. I got rid of Ntflx a year ago so never tried with that.
I am able to use my Win7x64 Ultimate firefox with no troubles at all
I tried to use chromium in MInt17.1 Mate with no luck at all, it just wont do a thing and kicks off about 10separate process as it does nothing.
I have a Xinerama on , no tear amd set up-chromium will not even draw any window under the title page on the bigger screen monitor-both of which are 1920x1080--forgot to mention that i have Wine 1.6 i think , updated , as well as pipe-light per other linux/mint how to forums
Samsung 2430H ,LG42LD550
16Gb DDR3 1600
HD7950 3gb 1000/1300
750w psu
1tb WD HDD
1 BD burner, 1 ODD supermulti drive
Mint 17,1 Mate
I cannot get firefox to see adobe flash or any flash. Can this be corrected.
Hi guys,
I'm new to this forum and linux too.
I thought of installing a lightweight distro of linux and did some research on the net where I found people recommending Puppy Linux. Plus it is (theoretically speaking) possible to run it from a USB (flash) drive which I decided to try out but it seems like it's not that simple a task as a lot of people (all over the internet) say it is.
What I tried so far is this: installing it into a thumb drive using unetbootin follwing a youtube tutorial (which basically showed how to download an iso of puppy, use unetbootin to make the thumbdrive bootable and install puppy on it). It didn't work. The USB wasn't recognized as a bootable device. I know for sure it can be booted from it since I tried ubuntu from the same USB and the same Laptop (which is able to boot from USB).
I thought that something with the Flash Drive not OK so I tried to use a windows installer to install puppy like other windows programms but this didn't work either. This time Puppy was recognized because there was an option to boot either Puppy or Windows 7 but when I chose to boot from Puppy nothing happens just a screen flash, some letters in the top left corner saying something like NTSC or NTSF (I can't read it properly because it goes away too fast) then after the screen flash the whole thing again (boot from win 7 or Puppy I choose Puppy again the flash... basically a loop).
Any ideas what I'm doing wron or what the problem is?
Thank You for any replies.
Firefox is blocking the Flash plugin installed on computer because it says it is out of date
I currently have this plugin:
Shockwave Flash
File: libflashplayer.so
Path: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
MIME Type Description Suffixes
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl
What shall I do???
(Note: Before I restarted my computer, there was an Update Information tab open and it read "Restart Nautilus Required", and when I would click on the Restart Nautilus button, nothing would happen. ...I restarted my computer and the tab has not appeared...)
Hi all,I'm new member of this forum.
I started using linux 1-2 month ago and I like it.
On elementary OS, youtube video has bad,low quality.
The same video on windows has good quality.
Also on Linux Mint it has also good quality.
I've main problem with elementary os.
I've Intel HD 3000 video card(VGA)
Hp 4330s laptop.
What can I do?
Chromium browser in Mint 17.1 won't run videos. Message says need to update flash player. Can't seem to find the right update. Is there one out there?