Help To Disperse The Data Using Bitsplitter

I am totally new to Linux. I am working on Nubisave project in TU Dresden. I am stuck in running the C program. Its bitsplitter program. Can anybody help me out? should I post the program here? Will it be helpful for me? I knnow little basics of C language and the code is totally new for me.
I have used the code of bitsplitter and it is running but I am not understanding the output. This is code from Tu Dresden. Can anybody explain me how it is working?

#include "bitsplit.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SPLITDEBUG 0

struct fillbyte_t {
char *bits;
int bitctr;
char bytes[1024];
int bytectr;
unsigned char numbits;
unsigned char shiftbits;
unsigned int pattern;
FILE *f;
char *buffer;
ssize_t bufferctr;
typedef struct fillbyte_t fillbyte;

struct bitsplit_t {
fillbyte *b;
int parts;
int redundant;
int totalbits;
typedef struct bitsplit_t bitsplit;

static void bitsplitfinish(bitsplit bs)
int j;

for(j = 0; j < ( + bs.redundant); j++)
/*free(bs.b[j].buffer);*/ /* the caller clears this */
bs.b = NULL;

static bitsplit bitsplitprepare(const char *directory, int parts, int redundant, int bitwidth)
fillbyte *b;
bitsplit bs;
int ret;
char fname[1024];
int sumbits, totalbits;
int i, j;

bs.b = NULL;

ret = mkdir(directory, S_IRWXU);
if((ret != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) return bs;

b = malloc((parts + redundant) * sizeof(fillbyte));
for(j = 0; j < (parts + redundant); j++)
b[j].bitctr = 0;
b[j].bytectr = 0;
b[j].buffer = NULL;
b[j].bufferctr = 0;
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/", directory, j);
b[j].f = fopen(fname, "w");
else b[j].f = NULL;

sumbits = 0;
totalbits = (int)(((parts - 1) / bitwidth) + 1) * bitwidth;
printf("bitwidth: %i; totalbits: %i\n", bitwidth, totalbits);

if(totalbits % parts != 0)
return bs;

for(j = parts - 1; j >= 0; j--)
b[j].bits = (char*)malloc(totalbits * 8 * sizeof(char));

b[j].numbits = (int)((totalbits - sumbits) / (j + 1));
b[j].pattern = 0;
for(i = sumbits; i < sumbits + b[j].numbits; i++)
b[j].pattern |= (1 << i);
b[j].shiftbits = sumbits;
sumbits += b[j].numbits;
printf("bits: fragment %i=%i, pattern=%u\n", j, b[j].numbits, b[j].pattern);
for(j = parts; j < parts + redundant; j++)
b[j].bits = (char*)malloc(totalbits * 8 * sizeof(char));

bs.b = b; = parts;
bs.redundant = redundant;
bs.totalbits = totalbits;

return bs;

static int bitjoinwork(const char **inbuffers, ssize_t *insizes, bitsplit bs)
ssize_t i;
int j, k;
int target, revtarget;
int topk, topkcandidate;
int outbits;
int shifted;
int smallest;
int rels[16];
int inshift;

outbits = 8;
shifted = 0;

int xspecial = 0;

xspecial = 1;
if(bs.totalbits > 2 *
xspecial = 0;
for(j = 0; j <; j++)
if(bs.b[j].numbits > 8) xspecial = 0;
if(( == 2) && (bs.totalbits == 11))
xspecial = 1;

if((!xspecial) && (bs.totalbits > 8))
outbits = 16;

topk = 0;
for(j = 0; j <; j++)
topkcandidate = (int)((float)outbits / bs.b[j].numbits) - 1;
if(topkcandidate > topk)
topk = topkcandidate;
for(j = 0; j <; j++)
rels[j] = (int)((topk + 1) / (outbits / bs.b[j].numbits));
// FIXME: mostly untested: =2, *=2 etc. yields 89 OKs
if((!xspecial) && (bs.totalbits > 8))
rels[j] = 2;
if(bs.b[j].numbits == 4)
if(( == 2) && (bs.totalbits == 9))
rels[j] = 1;
topk = 1;
printf("REL/%i=%i <<%i>>\n", j, rels[j], outbits);

smallest = (int)(insizes[0] / rels[0]);
if(((int)(float)insizes[0] * 2 / rels[0]) != smallest * 2)

inshift = (outbits - (topk + 1) * bs.b[0].numbits) % outbits;

int special = 0;
if(( == 2) && (bs.totalbits > 8))
special = 1;
int special2 = 0;
if(( == 2) && (bs.totalbits == 5))
special2 = 1;
if(( == 2) && (bs.totalbits == 7))
special2 = 1;
if(( == 3) && (bs.totalbits == 7))
special2 = 1;
int special3 = 0;
if(( == 5) && (bs.totalbits == 15))
special3 = 1;
if(( == 4) && (bs.totalbits == 12))
special3 = 1;
if(( == 3) && (bs.totalbits == 9))
special3 = 1;
int special4 = 0;
if(( == 3) && (bs.totalbits == 15))
special4 = 1;

target = 0;
for(i = 0; i < smallest; i++)
printf("- reverse source-pos:%li\n", i);
// FIXME: special; not for w=14||12, only for w=10!
if((special) && (bs.totalbits == 10) && (shifted >= 10))
shifted -= bs.totalbits;
if(shifted < 0)
shifted = 0;
printf(" remaining target:%i\n", target);

for(k = topk; k >= 0; k--)
for(j = - 1; j >= 0; j--)
int packval = (int)(unsigned char)inbuffers[j][i * rels[j]];
// FIXME: read-ahead depends on the relative difference between numbits?
if(rels[j] == 2)
packval = (packval << 8) + (int)(unsigned char)inbuffers[j][i * rels[j] + 1];
// FIXME: special
if((!special) && (!special2) && (!special3) && (!special4))
packval >>= inshift;

int packshift = k * bs.b[j].numbits;
// FIXME: special; only for w=14||12, not for w=10!
if(bs.b[j].numbits != 4)
packshift = k * 8 - bs.b[j].numbits;
if(bs.totalbits != 10)
packshift += 8;

// for 5+4 bits
if((packshift == 20) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 4))
packshift = 12;
else if((packshift == 16) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 4))
packshift = 8;
else if((packshift == 12) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 4))
packshift = 4;
else if((packshift == 8) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 4))
packshift = 0;
if((packshift == 9) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 3))
packshift = 13;
else if((packshift == 6) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 3))
packshift = 10;
else if((packshift == 3) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 3))
packshift = 5;
else if((packshift == 0) && (bs.b[j].numbits == 3))
packshift = 2;
if(packshift == 12)
packshift = 13;
else if(packshift == 9)
packshift = 10;
else if(packshift == 6)
packshift = 5;
else if(packshift == 3)
packshift = 2;
else if(packshift == 0)
if(packshift == 10)
packshift = 11;
else if(packshift == 5)
packshift = 3;
else if(packshift == 0)
printf("PACKSHIFT:%i (on val %i) [filtered:%i] [shifted:%i]\n", packshift, packval, (bs.b[j].pattern >> bs.b[j].shiftbits), shifted);
revtarget = (packval >> packshift) & (bs.b[j].pattern >> bs.b[j].shiftbits);
printf(" -> reverse target @%i[pos:%i]:%u\n", j, k, revtarget);
target += revtarget << shifted;
shifted += bs.b[j].numbits;
printf(" => target: %i (shifted:%i)\n", target, shifted);
if(shifted >= outbits)
while(shifted >= 8)
// FIXME: special; only for w>=10?
if((special) && (shifted == bs.totalbits))
printf("@%li: %i [extra]\n", bs.b[0].bufferctr, target & 0xFF);
if(bs.b[0].bufferctr % 1024 == 0)
bs.b[0].buffer = (char*)realloc(bs.b[0].buffer, (bs.b[0].bufferctr + 1024) * sizeof(char));
bs.b[0].buffer[bs.b[0].bufferctr] = target & 0xFF;
shifted -= 8;
target = (target - (target & 0xFF)) >> 8;

return 0;

static int bitsplitwork(const char *inbuffer, ssize_t insize, bitsplit bs)
ssize_t i;
int j, k, l;
int target, shifted, inshifted;
int precounted;

fillbyte *b;
int totalbits;
int parts;
int redundant;

int outbits;
int stuffingthreshold;

b = bs.b;
totalbits = bs.totalbits;
parts =;
redundant = bs.redundant;

outbits = 8;
inshifted = 0;
stuffingthreshold = totalbits * 8;

for(i = 0; i < insize; i++)
if(inshifted > 8)
inshifted -= 8;
i += 1;
printf("- source-pos:%li\n", i);
for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
//target = inbuffer[i] & b[j].pattern;
target = (*(int*)(inbuffer + i)) & (b[j].pattern << inshifted);
target = target >> (b[j].shiftbits + inshifted);
printf(" -> target @%i[pos:%i]:%u\n", j, b[j].bitctr, target);

b[j].bits[b[j].bitctr] = target;
if(b[j].bitctr == stuffingthreshold)
target = 0;
shifted = outbits - b[j].numbits;
precounted = 0;
for(k = 0; k < b[j].bitctr; k++)
printf("@%i: (%i->%i) >> %i ; << %i\n", j, b[j].numbits, b[j].bits[k], b[j].shiftbits, shifted);
target |= (b[j].bits[k] << shifted);
shifted -= b[j].numbits;
if(shifted < 0)
b[j].bytes[b[j].bytectr] = target & 0xFF;
shifted = outbits - b[j].numbits;
printf("@%i: [bytectr++]: %i {%i}\n", j, target & 0xFF, target);
target = target >> outbits;
//b[j].bytectr += (int)((b[j].numbits * totalbits * 8 - 1) / 8) + 1 - precounted;
b[j].bytectr += (int)((totalbits - 1) / 8);
printf("@%i: stuffed %i 'bits'/fragments; bytectr now %i\n", j, totalbits, b[j].bytectr);
b[j].bitctr = 0;
if(b[j].bytectr >= 1024 - stuffingthreshold)
if((j == 0) && (redundant))
printf(">> redundancy\n");
b[parts].bytectr = b[j].bytectr;
for(l = 0; l < b[parts].bytectr; l++)
b[parts].bytes[l] = 0;
for(k = 0; k < parts; k++)
b[parts].bytes[l] ^= b[k].bytes[l];
fwrite(b[parts].bytes, 1, b[parts].bytectr, b[parts].f);
b[parts].buffer = (char*)realloc(b[parts].buffer, (b[parts].bufferctr + b[parts].bytectr) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b[parts].buffer + b[parts].bufferctr, b[parts].bytes, b[parts].bytectr);
b[parts].bufferctr += b[parts].bytectr;
fwrite(b[j].bytes, 1, b[j].bytectr, b[j].f);
b[j].buffer = (char*)realloc(b[j].buffer, (b[j].bufferctr + b[j].bytectr) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b[j].buffer + b[j].bufferctr, b[j].bytes, b[j].bytectr);
b[j].bufferctr += b[j].bytectr;
b[j].bytectr = 0;
printf("@%i: reset bytectr\n", j);

i += (int)((totalbits - 1) / 8);
if((totalbits % 8) != 0)
inshifted += totalbits % 8;
if(inshifted % 8 == 0)
i += (inshifted - 8) / 8;
inshifted = 0;

for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
if(b[j].bitctr > 0)
target = 0;
shifted = outbits - b[j].numbits;
precounted = 0;
for(k = 0; k < b[j].bitctr; k++)
printf("@%i: (%i=>%u) >> %i ; << %i\n", j, b[j].numbits, b[j].bits[k], b[j].shiftbits, shifted);
target |= (b[j].bits[k] << shifted);
shifted -= b[j].numbits;
if(shifted < 0)
b[j].bytes[b[j].bytectr] = target & 0xFF;
shifted = outbits - b[j].numbits;
printf("@%i: [final-bytectr++]: %i {%i}\n", j, target & 0xFF, target);
target = target >> 8;
if(shifted != outbits - b[j].numbits)
printf("@%i: final-partialbyte: %i\n", j, target & 0xFF);
b[j].bytes[b[j].bytectr] = target & 0xFF;
//b[j].bytectr += (int)((b[j].numbits * b[j].bitctr - 1) / totalbits) + 1 - precounted;
// FIXME: this may need a more general treatment
if(totalbits != 16)
b[j].bytectr += (int)((totalbits - 1) / 8);
printf("@%i: final-stuffed %i 'bits'/fragments; bytectr now %i\n", j, b[j].bitctr, b[j].bytectr);
b[j].bitctr = 0;
if(b[j].bytectr > 0)
if((j == 0) && (redundant))
printf(">> final-redundancy\n");
b[parts].bytectr = b[j].bytectr;
for(l = 0; l < b[parts].bytectr; l++)
b[parts].bytes[l] = 0;
for(k = 0; k < parts; k++)
b[parts].bytes[l] ^= b[k].bytes[l];
fwrite(b[parts].bytes, 1, b[parts].bytectr, b[parts].f);
b[parts].buffer = (char*)realloc(b[parts].buffer, (b[parts].bufferctr + b[parts].bytectr) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b[parts].buffer + b[parts].bufferctr, b[parts].bytes, b[parts].bytectr);
b[parts].bufferctr += b[parts].bytectr;
fwrite(b[j].bytes, 1, b[j].bytectr, b[j].f);
b[j].buffer = (char*)realloc(b[j].buffer, (b[j].bufferctr + b[j].bytectr) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b[j].buffer + b[j].bufferctr, b[j].bytes, b[j].bytectr);
b[j].bufferctr += b[j].bytectr;

return 0;

int bitsplitbuffer(const char *inbuffer, ssize_t insize, char ***outbuffers, ssize_t **outsizes, int parts, int redundant, int bitwidth)
int ret;
int j;
bitsplit bs;

if((!inbuffer) || (parts <= 0)) return -1;
if(bitwidth < 1) return -1;

bs = bitsplitprepare(NULL, parts, redundant, bitwidth);
if(!bs.b) return -1;

*outbuffers = (char**)malloc((parts + redundant) * sizeof(char*));
*outsizes = (ssize_t*)malloc((parts + redundant) * sizeof(ssize_t));
for(j = 0; j < (parts + redundant); j++)
(*outbuffers)[j] = NULL;
(*outsizes)[j] = 0;

ret = bitsplitwork(inbuffer, insize, bs);

for(j = 0; j < (parts + redundant); j++)
(*outbuffers)[j] = bs.b[j].buffer;
(*outsizes)[j] = bs.b[j].bufferctr;

return ret;

int bitjoinbuffer(const char **inbuffers, ssize_t *insizes, char **outbuffer, ssize_t *outsize, int parts, int bitwidth)
int ret;
bitsplit bs;

if((!inbuffers) || (parts <= 0)) return -1;

bs = bitsplitprepare(NULL, parts, 0, bitwidth);
if(!bs.b) return -1;

ret = bitjoinwork(inbuffers, insizes, bs);

*outbuffer = bs.b[0].buffer;
*outsize = bs.b[0].bufferctr;

return ret;

int bitsplitfile(const char *filename, const char *directory, int parts, int redundant, int bitwidth)
FILE *f;
char buf[1024];
ssize_t size;
int ret;
bitsplit bs;

if((!filename) || (parts <= 0)) return -1;

f = fopen(filename, "r");
if(!f) return -1;

bs = bitsplitprepare(directory, parts, redundant, bitwidth);
if(!bs.b) return -1;

size = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f);
printf("read %li bytes\n", size);

ret = bitsplitwork(buf, size, bs);
if(ret != 0)
return ret;

return 0;

int bitjoinfile(const char *filename, const char *directory, int parts, int bitwidth)
FILE *f, **dfs;
char **dbufs;
ssize_t *dsizes;
int ret;
//bitsplit bs;
int j;
char fname[1024];

if((!filename) || (parts <= 0)) return -1;

f = fopen(filename, "w");
if(!f) return -1;

dfs = (FILE**)malloc(parts * sizeof(FILE*));
dbufs = (char**)malloc(parts * sizeof(char**));
dsizes = (ssize_t*)malloc(parts * sizeof(ssize_t));

for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/", directory, j);
dfs[j] = fopen(fname, "r");
if(!dfs[j]) return -1;

dbufs[j] = (char*)malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));

//bs = bitsplitprepare(directory, parts, redundant, bitwidth);
//if(!bs.b) return -1;

for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
dsizes[j] = fread(dbufs[j], 1, sizeof(dbufs[j]), dfs[j]);
printf("read %li bytes\n", dsizes[j]);

ret = -1;
//ret = bitsplitwork(buf, size, bs);
if(ret != 0)
for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
return ret;

for(j = 0; j < parts; j++)
return 0;

please respond as soon as possible.

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I am programming about an age calculator.
It's simple:
1, get the input date 'today', check if its valid
2, get the input date 'birthday', check if it's valid and before 'today'
3, calculate the difference and output.
This is a assignment due tomorrow and I have written the most of it, just needs some debugging, mostly about pass by reference. I declared date1&date2 at main and I have no idea how to call the value of them if I want to calculate them at another function. I guess I should probably declare them at struct Date, but I am not sure.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me what to do.
 * Project 4: How Old Are You Really?
 * Author: xx
 * Date: 6 May 2015
 * This is a program designed to calculates the difference 
 * between two dates, which will be expressed in terms of
 * years, months and days.

#include <bjarne/std_lib_facilities.h>

struct Date {
    int month;
    int day;
    int year;
// Member functions
Date get_date();
Date get_birth_date();
bool is_valid_date(int year, int month, int day);
bool is_before(Date& date1, Date& date2);
Date calculate_age(Date& date1,Date& date2);

// Declaration
Date get_date();
Date get_birth_date();
bool is_valid_date(int year, int month, int day);
bool is_before(Date& date1, Date& date2);
Date calculate_age(Date& date1,Date& date2);

int main()
    Date date1 = get_date();
    Date date2 = get_birth_date();
    Date get_date();
    // Check if the date is correct
    if (! is_valid_date(year, month, day))
    error("Date is not valid.");
    // Run how old or not?
    char go_on;
    cout << "Would you like to see how old you are (y/n)?\n";
    cin >> go_on;
    if (go_on=='n'){
    cout << "You are so chicken!";
    return 0;}
    else if (go_on!='y')
    error("Please enter y for yes or n for no.");
    Date get_birth_date();
    // Is birthday valid as well?
    if (! is_valid_date(int year, int month, int day))
    error("Date is not valid.");
    // Is the birthday before 'today'?
    if (!(is_before(Date& date1, Date& date2)))
    error("Your birthday should not be later than today, terminator.");
    // Calculate and give the answer.
    Date calculate_age();

Date get_date()
    Date date1;
    cout << "Welcome to the age calculator!\n";
    cout << "Please enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy): ";
    int m;
    int d;
    int y;
    // To ignore the '/' during reading
    char slash;
    cin >> m;
    date1.month = m;
    cin >> slash;
    cin >> d; = d;
    cin >> slash;
    cin >> y;
    date1.year = y;
    cout << "Date entered was "<< date1.month << "/" << << "/" << date1.year <<"\n";

Date get_birth_date()
    Date date2;
    cout << "Please enter your birth date (mm/dd/yyyy): "; 
    int m;
    int d;
    int y;
    // To ignore the '/' during reading
    char slash;
    cin >> m;
    date2.month = m;
    cin >> slash;
    cin >> d; = d;
    cin >> slash;
    cin >> y;
    date2.year = y;
    cout << "Your birthday is "<< date2.month << "/" << << "/" << date2.year <<"\n";

// Is date valid?
bool is_vaild_date(int year, int month, int day)
    if (day<0)
    return false;
    if (month<1 || month>12)
    return false;
    // Check if the date exists or not considering there are have
    // different days when month varies
    int days_in_month=31;
    switch (month){
    case 2:
    case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
    if (days_in_month<day)
    return false;
    return true;

//Date check - is birthday before 'today'?
bool is_before(Date& date1, Date& date2)
    if (Date& date1.year<Date& date2.year)
    return false;
    else if (Date& date1.month<Date& date2.month)
    return false;
    else if (Date&< Date&
    return false;
    return true;

// Calculation
Date calculate_age(Date& date1,Date& date2)
    Date date3; = -;
    date3.month = date1.month - date2.month;
    date3.year = date1.year - date2.month;
    if (<0){ = 30 +;
        date3.month = date3.month - 1;
    if (date3.month<0){
        date3.month = 12 +;
        date3.year = date3.year - 1;
    cout <<"You are " << date3.year <<" years, "<< date3.month <<" months, and " << <<" days old.\n";

Process Substitution With Awk, Output Splitting Incorrectly

I have the following code to extract two dates using awk, which are then read into two awk variables new and old respectively.
Each dates on the html file pulled with curl request is in this format:
2015-04-06 09:40:37
And two are being extracted
However the strings are being split on white space within the date strings. I tried changing OFS to ',', but it was still splitting incorrectly.
read dateStrNew dateStrOld < <(curl -k -q "$curl_call" | html2text | gawk '/Newest Sequence/ { new=$3" "$4 }/Oldest Sequence/ \
 {old=$3" "$4}END {OFS=","; print new,old }')  //new = date, old = date

Both parts of the date are being assigned to each variable using $3 and $4, then the space needs to be added back in so that the string can be used afterwards with a date command.

I just can't work out what is wrong, any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!