So, I have created a group and added myself to it.
When I open /etc/group I can see the group and it shows that I am a member, but when I run $ groups - it doesn't show the new group in the list. What could be the issue?
zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ sudo chgrp apache colours.css -v group of `colours.css' retained as apache zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ ls total 164 drwxr-xr-x 3 5645316 apache 4096 Mar 27 15:11 . drwxr-xr-x 6 5645316 apache 4096 Nov 18 2012 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root apache 23480 Mar 27 19:05 colours.css
alice@alice:~$ grep 1003 /etc/group alice:x:1003: alice@alice:~$ grep 1003 /etc/passwd alice:x:1003:1003:Alice,,,:/home/alice:/bin/bash
alice@alice:~$ ls -ld dollstuff drwxrwxr-x 2 alice alice 4096 Jan 28 10:55 dollstuff
alice@alice:~$ grep 1005 /etc/group common:x:1005:alice,dilbert,wally
alice@alice:~$ chgrp common dollstuff chgrp: changing group of ‘dollstuff’: Operation not permitted