Groups Question

So, I have created a group and added myself to it.

When I open /etc/group I can see the group and it shows that I am a member, but when I run $ groups - it doesn't show the new group in the list. What could be the issue?

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How To View (primary) Group Members ?

Dear Linux Gurus, how to view all group members?

my code snippet is like below:

groupadd yy
useradd -g yy u1
useradd -g yy u2
useradd -g yy u3

useradd -G yy u4

when i wanted to view the group members of group 'yy' in /etc/group, it only shows secondary group member i.e only u4. what is the problem? Why not showing other group members-u1,u2,u3?

I also used commands getent and groupmems, but they are showing only secondary group members i.e only u4 not others.

But when I used 'system-config-users', in group page, it shows all the users.

My doubt is how to view all the users belonging to group yy in terminal. which command to use?

Thanks in advance.
sorry for the grammatical mistakes.

Chgrp Not Changing A File?


OS: CentOS 6.3

I'm trying to set up a situation where my FTP account is in a group where my phpbb forums were created. This will allow me to upload changes as I customize my forums (ie: .css files). However, right now, my problem is that I'm running into invalid permissions and the only way to move the files is to upload the file to a directory my FTP account has access too and then sudo cp the file over. Upon closer inspection of my files, it appears the groups the files have been made under are not the correct group.

I am trying to use chgrp on a specific file to change the group owner to the group my FTP account is a member of but it does not seem to be working. Here is a snippet of what I'm doing:

zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ sudo chgrp apache colours.css -v
group of `colours.css' retained as apache
zzz@aaaa:/var/www/html/yyy/forums/styles/GlossyBlack/theme]$ ls
total 164
drwxr-xr-x 3 5645316 apache  4096 Mar 27 15:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 5645316 apache  4096 Nov 18  2012 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1  root     apache 23480 Mar 27 19:05 colours.css

I'm not sure why it still says root so I suspect I am doing something incorrect. When looking around, at first it seemed chgrp could change group owner on files but as I dug more, it seemed it can also change groups themselves. So I'm a little confused and require some clarity of experts.

I hope changing the group owner of this file will give access to my FTP account so I can apply this change to all needed locations.


Best Way To Manage Users And Accounts Etc

hi guys,

busy doing a small project with a centos7 server and virtualbox.
currently i have a login to the physical server called sninja

i have three partitions created for each of my virtual machines
sninja owns the directories for each vm...and root is the primary lets say i wanted to have other users perform functions on my vm's ..ssh in,rsync data into the vm etc...

whats the best way to address security and user accounts etc?

what i was thinking:

create a group called Myusers1,then assign the users to that group and then make the group the primary group of the accessed directories etc

is this the right way to go about it? any ideas or help really appreciated...

Normal Linux User Recursively Write Access To Apache Document Root

I tried adding two users in apache group and given 775 permission to Document root but user is not able to write into files in DocumentRoot

Tried adding user and DocumentRoot Folder in sudo file but not able to do it recursively

please help

Thanks for reply,
I have already given chmod 775 -R DocumentRoot - for recursively writting permission
You have told to add user in www-data group and chmod 775 -R to DocumentRoot
usermod -a -G www-data <user1>

How can users in www-data can able to write in DocumentRoot which has apache:apache owner and group
please clarify...

Done below steps to solve this:
1) I have created a new group webdata and added required users in this group
2) set sticky bit to document root with below command
setfacl -m g:webdata:rwx -R /path/to/documentroot/
this command will set rwx permission to DocumentRoot so that members in webdata can have full access but still DocumentRoot user and group will be apache

Assign Group Permission To Newly Created Files

Directory /media/data/torrents/ has permissions 775, user yzt, group transmission

yzt and debian-transmission are members of the group transmission.

transmission-daemon is run by debian-transmission, and the new files it downloads have permissions 644, owner debian-transmission, group transmission. This is a problem, because I can't later move the files as my user, yzt, and need to be switching to root to change the permissions/ownership to be able to do so.

Using sticky bit I could copy it to anywhere else, but I'm interested on actually moving the file, not just copying it. I could run transmission-daemon as yzt and problem solved, but I rather have that internet facing service running by a limited user, just in case some vulnerability is found on Transmission.

So my question is, how can I set that every new file created under /media/data/torrents/ has permissions 775 like its parent directory?

Pros And Cons Of SUDO Vs Wheel

So right now in some of my servers, some of my users are in the Wheel group and then I have some users who fall under /etc/sudoers. Don't have any consistency, however I want to change that.

I know that wheel group is legacy.

SUDO gives an audit trail I believe under /var/log/secure.

I'm wondering what others have experienced and setup which worked better in the long run, place users either in wheel group or in SUDO?

Problem With Chgrp In Bash

alice@alice:~$ grep 1003 /etc/group
alice@alice:~$ grep 1003 /etc/passwd

So there's nobody in alice's group except alice (for whatever that's worth)

alice@alice:~$ ls -ld dollstuff
drwxrwxr-x 2 alice alice 4096 Jan 28 10:55 dollstuff

alice clearly owns and has full access to the directory "dollstuff" which resides in her home directory

alice@alice:~$ grep 1005 /etc/group

there's another group of which alice is a member, and alice wants to share her directory with the other members of the group

alice@alice:~$ chgrp common dollstuff
chgrp: changing group of ‘dollstuff’: Operation not permitted

Why not? dilbert and wally do this very same thing on their machines on a regular basis. All are running fully updated Ubuntu 14.04.

"chown ladybug:common dollstuff" is also disallowed, although "rm -r dollstuff" does work.

New To LVM, How To Bridge Between /dev/sd* And /dev/mapper/vol Group/log Vol?

So LVM has taken me by surprise, especially working with all of these virtual servers.

I have Linux servers in VMWare, and I know how to grow hard disks there and how they are tied back to /dev/sd*, however what I'm not sure about is how do I know what Volume Group and Logical Volume they are tied too?

If I isssue df -ha I can see where the various partitions are tied to /dev/mapper/Vol Group/Logical Vol

and I issue fdisk -l and I can see the space and what is tied to /dev/sd*, however how do I tie to two together so I know who has what space and how to grow or shrink that space?

I found an older thread he

However I still don't understand how to bridge between the two.


Webmin Group Through Command Line

hello all,
i am using linux Centos 6. i am not familiar with webmin.. and dont want to create 'webmin group' manually.
So.., is it possible to create 'webmin group' automatically... i.e from the command line?? what are the commands for that?


Automatic LVM Names Include Hyphens

I am trying to setup an Ubuntu server and have been running into trouble with the automatic LVM naming including a hyphen. IE HomeServer-vg.

I have gotten errors when partitioning in webmin and have seen the volume group written with two hyphens instead of one(HomeServer--vg) but haven't figured out the proper way to deal with it. I finally reinstalled the server from the beginning and followed some instructions to rename the volume group and took out the hyphen. No more errors in webmin, but I have to assume I am missing a normal bit of knowledge that everyone knows about this. I just installed a virtual machine and it created a volume group name with a hyphen also.

So, what am I missing?