Which Distro Would Be Best To Use For An In-house Email Server?

I am NEW to Linux. the most experience I have is I like to use Linux boot disks like knoppix and puppy. But I have been commissioned to build an email server for our company. I say build, but there already is a server here woth Redhat rel 9 (shrike) ker 2.4.26 already installed. The problem is, the last IT guy left and nobody knows the login info. I can't log into it. Should I re-install and just delete the partition, or is there a workaround?

Thank you to anyone who can help me....

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Shell Script To Send Email After Authenticaton

Dear All,

I am not an expert with Linux so I am seeking your help. I want to send some email from Linux through Microsoft Exchange server 2013 which requires authentication. This exchange server doesn't allow sending anonymous email. Previously I am sending email using "mail -s" command. Can you guys please help me to achieve this. Any heko would greatly be appreciated. By the way I am using Oracle Linux 6.6.

Help With Puppy Linux

Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum and linux too.
I thought of installing a lightweight distro of linux and did some research on the net where I found people recommending Puppy Linux. Plus it is (theoretically speaking) possible to run it from a USB (flash) drive which I decided to try out but it seems like it's not that simple a task as a lot of people (all over the internet) say it is.

What I tried so far is this: installing it into a thumb drive using unetbootin follwing a youtube tutorial (which basically showed how to download an iso of puppy, use unetbootin to make the thumbdrive bootable and install puppy on it). It didn't work. The USB wasn't recognized as a bootable device. I know for sure it can be booted from it since I tried ubuntu from the same USB and the same Laptop (which is able to boot from USB).

I thought that something with the Flash Drive not OK so I tried to use a windows installer to install puppy like other windows programms but this didn't work either. This time Puppy was recognized because there was an option to boot either Puppy or Windows 7 but when I chose to boot from Puppy nothing happens just a screen flash, some letters in the top left corner saying something like NTSC or NTSF (I can't read it properly because it goes away too fast) then after the screen flash the whole thing again (boot from win 7 or Puppy I choose Puppy again the flash... basically a loop).

Any ideas what I'm doing wron or what the problem is?

Thank You for any replies.

Looking To Build A Linux Server, But Have Requirements, Not Sure What To Use Or Build

Hey Everyone,
I'm pretty new to linux, I'm a long time mac user, and have been using a Mac Mini as my Plex and wordpress server for some time. Looking at Apples latest generation of Mac Minis, it looks like they no longer are a great option for servers. So here's my setup and wants in a nut shell.

Currently my Mac Mini hosts 3 wordpress sites and is my Plex server. The machine is running OS 10.10.2 Yosemite with Server running, and has 2 Drobo Gen 2 devices attached via Firewire 800.

I use 1 Drobo for my Plex Media, and the other drobo is used for machine backup.

Reading online, Looks like the Drobo 1 and 2 Genereations only show up as 2TB max segments on Linux So I would scrap the Drobo cases and put all the drives internal into the linux server tower.

I want to build a new Linux server that can take over these tasks. So my wants would be, A linux server that can host more than 1 wordpress site, run plex, and would have a RAID setup similar to Drobo, where I can add more drives or replace smaller/failed drives easily enough (doesn't have to be automatic rebuild like the drobo, as long as its possible and not to tricky to do)

what Linux Server OS and other options should I be looking at?

thanks everyone in advance!!

Asus Eee PC 1005HA-PU17 How To Install Linux?

I have installed linux(mint and ubuntu) on a few laptops, but i have an ASUS eEEE netbook PC..Atom processor...No DVD drive...

I have chosen PUPPY Linux distro, and I have booted from a thumb a few times to make sure everything seems to work....but...when I start trying to install...well...its asking me about using the partition tool to change the types of partitions that are best for linux...

I am not understanding the instructions...as far as what i need to do...has anybody done this install ,,,the current netbook OS is Windows Starter 7. I just want to REPLACE it entirely with linux puppy. I did not encounter this on my laptop installs..i just said yes...replace the current OS..but somehow the netbook install is acting different....do i need to change the partitions or can i just take the defaults...I forge the exact partition extentsions..something line ntfs and it says to change to ext2 and ext3...not sure how to do that...

Can some direct me to the best way to do this? thx.

Hdd Install Not Booting Puppy Linux

Have completely low level formatted hard disk on an old pc created a partion run live cd successfully - puppy precise- and use the install wizard to install to the partition...frugal.
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How To Add User Authentication In Linux Server And Windows Client

Hello Guys,

I am an newbie, just started with linux, I have installed centos 6.6 and learning it. But I got stuck in some user controls,

Now In my company I wanted to have an Linux Server and need to do the user authentication and wanted to create domain, But also wanted that my Client OS would be MAC and Windows..

Can anybody Help ??

Please reply here or in my email :- Yerunkar11@gmail.com

Once again thanks Again for reading, really appreciated

An Error Occurred During The File System Check

Hi all!! Im new in this forum and also new at linux !!

I am installing an application that includes automatically the instalation of CentOS 6.3.

The server that hosts this application and OS had a power outage and then when i turn on the server again i get the error that you can see in this pictu http://postimg.org/image/7opm0xzel/

I have 2 disks in the system, 1 for the application and SO and other to store call recordings (thats what the application do, record calls!).

If I re-install the system it has no problem!! But i dont want to re-install the system every time i have a power outage because i lost too much and important information.

I have installed this application in other server and had no problem with power outage. In this server the diference is that it originally had raid and i "remove it" frome the BIOS. Maybe here is the problem??

Anyone can help me?? Remember im really new in linux !!

Install 3 Versions Of Linux On Same Hard Disk


I am new to the installation of Linux, and wish to install 3 different distro's on the same hard disk.

I have installed Centos 7 successfully as follows :

The /boot is /dev/sda2

/dev/sda1 is listed as unknown so i assume it is the Master Boot Record with Grub installed. I do obtain the option to boot to the various kernels after updating the OS.

/dev/sda3 is a Linux LVM with the various partitions i required.

When i installed the CentOS 7 the installer stated an error about the bootable partition - which was effectively /boot, so i moved this to /dev/sda2.

What i am not sure about is that if i want to install 2 other Linux OS's will i run out of /dev/sdaX assignments ?.

I read somewhere that there are 4 maximum that can be used a /boot (SDA1, SDA2, SDA3, SDA4), so does this mean i can only install one other OS ?.

Any guidance gratefully received. Thanks.



Creating Icedove Email Account - What's Going On?

I have Debian 7.7 and have just installed Icedove email client.
I want to create a free email address so I can have a new email account.

When I launch Icedove, I get a window saying 'Would you like a new email address?'
It then offers a search button for email addresses. Why? If I create an address it will need to be unique - so there's nothing for it to find.
Also, I input an email address I want and it seemed to be saying that the propietary host server (in this case gandi.net) wanted £4 ($6) for the account.

Can someone please say a little more about Icedove? Believe me, there is little to learn from Youtube and the internet.

Server Hang - Linux RedHat 5.7


Please view this log below. Can you tell me the reason why I can not ping to server (server hang, or network services down, ...)

Thank you.

[root@mediaserver ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)
[root@mediaserver ~]# uname -a
Linux mediaserver 2.6.18-274.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jul 8 17:36:59 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@mediaserver ~]#

log file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resi...int=file%2ctxt

At May 20 10:26:11, I reset server.