I am trying to put back together a big atr file from some smaller tar files that I created several years ago. The issue is that in order to tar this large file, I must put each file back using the command
tar -xMf cd-1.tar
Prepare volume #2 for 'cd-1.tar' and hit return:n cd-2.tar
Prepare volume #3 for 'cd-2.tar' and hit return:n cd-3.tar
and so forth.
I have fourteen files cd-1.tar through cd-15.tar. The cd-9.tar files is missing and I assume that it is gone. Now when I type the commands in I get the following:
-linux tarfile]$ tar -xMf cd-1.tar
Prepare volume #2 for `cd-1.tar' and hit return: n cd-2.tar
Prepare volume #3 for `cd-2.tar' and hit return: n cd-3.tar
Prepare volume #4 for `cd-3.tar' and hit return: n cd-4.tar
Prepare volume #5 for `cd-4.tar' and hit return: n cd-5.tar
Prepare volume #6 for `cd-5.tar' and hit return: n cd-6.tar
Prepare volume #7 for `cd-6.tar' and hit return: n cd-7.tar
Prepare volume #8 for `cd-7.tar' and hit return: n cd-8.tar
Prepare volume #9 for `cd-8.tar' and hit return: n cd-10.tar
tar: This volume is out of sequence (10755138772 - 4889670868 != 6598651392)
Prepare volume #9 for `cd-10.tar' and hit return: n cd-10.tar
tar: This volume is out of sequence (10755138772 - 4889670868 != 6598651392)
Prepare volume #9 for `cd-10.tar' and hit return:
tar: This volume is out of sequence (10755138772 - 4889670868 != 6598651392)
As you can see I do not have cd-9.tar. That stops the untarring cold. However, I have cd-10.tar,cd-11.tar,cd-12.tar,cd-13.tar,cd-14.tar,cd-15.tar. Now I may have these files, but they cannot be put back in the main file because cd-9.tar is missing and everything must be put in sequentially.
Is there a way to complete this sequence of steps and add all fourteen files to the files bigbackup leaving out cd-9.tar? That means that the bigbackup file will be incomplete, but that is better than no file or having bigbackup missing six files on the back end.
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.