The two charge controllers for my solar system are connected to my router allowing my computer to access them for data gathering. Using the address required in Windows is "tsmppt13190256/" for one of them ( tsmppt plus the serial number ). This address works with all browsers with windows .
Using the same browser on various Linux machines yields "web page not found" Morningstar ,who makes these excellent controllers , says they support only Windows. I've tried using the numbered ( 4 groups of 4 digits ) equal and even the "tiny URL" but nothing works .
I've tried adding ".,com " and HTTP:// "
How can I how can I get my Linux browsers to accept this address ?
Thanks a lot .
I have a shell script that currently changes the mac address of eth0 repeatedly. However, it does not change the public IP address, confirmed by wget -qO- .
while [ 1 ]
echo "Changing mac address..."
let lastup=`date +%s`
macchanger -A eth0
let diff=`date +%s`-$lastup
if [ "$diff" -lt "$PERIOD" ]
sleep $(($PERIOD-$diff))
echo "Changed mac address successfully."
elif [ "$diff" -gt "$PERIOD" ]
echo "Command took longer than iteration period of $PERIOD seconds!"
The script needs to change the IP Address statically.
Also, ultimately, what I am trying to accomplish, for security reasons, is to frequently and automatically change a computer's public IP address and mac address. This way, my office's computers, when using the Internet, has an additional form of protection.
I just installed Redhat 7 and try to config the network , add the IP address to network card , but I got the problem.
I modify the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 , the configuration is as below , and then reboot .
After reboot , I use "ip addr show" still not shown the ip address , the ip address is still blank , would advise what is wrong ? thanks
I want to get the time when program starts and finishes. But it always show the same time. Here is my shell script. But it always show that `START TIME` is same as `END TIME`.
host_list=("" "" "" "")
program=("L_1" "L_4" "L_3" "L_4")
subject="The job is finished"
START=$(date +"r")
ssh -f "${host_list[0]}" "cd '$address' && nohup Rscript '${program[0]}.R' > '${program[0]}_sh.txt';echo 'The job\n $address\n${program[0]} is finished\nSTART TIME = $START\n' END TIME =`date +"%r"` | mutt -s '${host_list[0]} - Job ${program[0]}.R finished' -a '$address/${program[0]}_sh.txt';"
In Linux Mint, I have right clicked on a folder and selected
"Sharing Options" -> checked the boxes to "Allow others to create and delete files in this folder" and "Guest Access..."
When I access the shared folder on Windows 7 it asks for a password. If I type a password in, it works.
I would like to configure it to not ask for a password, but just open the share.
What I did in windows was create images of my drive and restore them.
in linux I am running
rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/home/*","/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /* /path/to/backup/folder
and this creates a folder for me with all my files, and apparently saves meta data like permissions and paths...
Since I'm using arch and things break sometimes,I'm booted into a CLI with errors and cannot figure my way out since I'm a noob... would I be able to just delete my entire root and replace it with the rsync backup without a problem?
Dear All
I need your help.
I want to get a file from windows server using ftp.
Below is the script I have created but the connection is not established:
lcd "directory in linux server"
USER="username of windows server"
ftp -n "ip of windows server" <<EOF
user $USER $PASS
cd "C:\Users... directory in windows server where file is located"
get test1234.txt
I hope somebody can help me!
I have two centos 7 Server machines. "Machine-1" is having two NIC cards, one with public ip and another with private ip address. "Machine-2" is having a one NIC card with a private IP Address. how can i configure NAT on machine-1 to forward all TCP Traffic coming on public ip to the private ip of machine-2.
Pls give me a solve.its give me pain
I have an Intel x86_64 system running rhel 7.0 I want to use this system as a Firewall. The system has two NICs. one NIC is defined with the static IP address from my ISP. The other NIC is also static i.e. no dhcp, and is assigned a LAN addrs of It is plugged into a switch ( that has other three devices plugged in. Each with it's own hard-coded LAN address (Netmask is I have two zones active in the firewall config External (using the static ip from the ISP) and Internal (using the IP addrs of I'm forwarding the following two ports 80 & 443 in both zones. External zone: ports 80 & 443 are forwarded to my switch ( Internal zone: ports 80 & 443 are forwarded to my static IP addrs from my ISP. I have IP masquerading turned on in the External zones. However none of the other workstations (Windows 7 professional) and my "smart" TV (netflix access) are able to access the internet. Again I'm NOT using any dhcp, all IP addresses are hard coded. I can ping any LAN address from any LAN node. The Linux FW machine can access the internet. I've read thru the RHEL 7.0 Security guide regarding setting up the firewall and I believe I have all the elements defined properly ... It just doesn't work. I have the same set of DNS values defined on all systems.
They are the three DNS servers assigned by my ISP. I have ipv4 forwarding active on my Linux system. I have masquerading "turned on" in the External zone. The resolv.conf file has the ip addresses of the DNS servers as well as my switch.
However the windows 7 systems and my "smart" TV cannot access the internet.
Anyone who's really familiar with rhel firewall-config GUI and has any suggestions please respond.
I am trying to set up a "Proxy Server" in Linux, without using Squid (Part of my project). However I have beginner's knowledge of iptables. I am using the following script from "
EXTIP="`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/.*://'`"
/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ip_tables
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_irc
/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -F FORWARD
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $INTIF -o $EXTIF -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE
Question is there is no packet forwarding from eth1 to eth0 (verified from wireshark, a windows is using eth1's ip address as its default gateway)
Any help would be highly appreciated!
I am trying to build a socket to retrieve the ethernet packets from ecu. When i run my code on windows there is no problem and the code runs correctly. But when i run my code on Linux it gets stuck at s.recv(65565). I have already set static ip in /etc/network/interfaces as follows: iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway
I tried a simple code of socket on raspberry pi. but it still gets stuck at s.recv(65565). I also tried to implement the program using multicast. but the problem is that when i create a socket for icmp protocols then I could see the data from the ECU after using command "ping -I echo" in another terminal. (where is the multicast address) But when I change the socket protocol type to udp, tcp or raw then it again gets stuck at s.recv().
Imp: When i run the "netstat -s" command in terminal then i could see that there are 0 messages received for udp and tcp. But in Wireshark i could see the udp messages from ECU. Is linux killing all the udp and tcp packets ? How should i solve this ?
(complete setup is connected as: ECU ---> Media converter ---> Raspberry Pi. There is no LAN, no firewall, no internet)
Could anyone please help me with this problem ?