Script Help To Shutdown And Start

Dear Friends,

I am new to scripting. I want a help on script to schedule the shutdown and start up . I am using SUSE Linux system. Can some one guide me please

every night shutdown at 7pm & start it at 7am the next day during the weekdays. On the weekends, the server only needs to restart at 7am on Mondays.

Looking forward for help

Thank you



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Startup Commands:
/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop
apt-get update
mount -t ext4 /dev/vgTransmission/lvTransmission /mnt/transmissionVault
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umount /dev/vgTransmission/lvTransmission
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My perfect scenario would be:

Startup Routine:
1. Send WakeOnLan magic packet to computer to turn it on.
2. Computer boots up, mounts the transmissionVault logical volume
3. Wait 10 seconds to ensure that the logical volume has finished mounting
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Shutdown Routine:
Send WakeOnLan magic packet to turn off computer, i.e.: Execute “shutdown -h now”
The shutdown command should include:
1. Stop transmission-daemon
2. Wait 10 seconds to ensure that transmission-daemon has finished shutting down
3. Umount transmissionVault logical volume

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Is there any way of curing this problem short of reloading the OS?

The machine is a HP-a1630n, with HDD and 2.4G of ram.

Thanks much,