Broke Fpath In Global Zshrc

edit - nvm typeset shows it's not messed up. my prompt in zsh is spelling out the color tags for some reason and i assumed that was my problem
my issue is that my prompt is showing up as color tags wrapped around what's supposed to be there fully written out. any idea?

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Hostname Missing In CLI

Bare with the noob here

For some reason, when I open terminal, the prompt has changed from the usual user@localhost to user@xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx where the xx are numbers/letters, I am assuming hexadecimals?


The title bar of the terminal window still shows user@localhost:~ , HOSTNAME is still localhost.localdomain, so whats with the gibberish at the prompt?

Termite Configuration Problem

i'm setting up arch linux and trying to get a workable interface to mess around with my configuration files and the like. i got bspwm working with bar and sxhkd works fine to open termite or firefox/vimperator for starters. i set up ~/.config/termite/config for both root and my user the best i could based on the information available on the 'net. the fg/bg colors seem to have changed, but all my other colors are just default like in the login shell, when all my colorn = #digits options are obviously all blue-hued.

resize_grip = false
scroll_on_output = true
scroll_on_keystroke = true
audible_bell = true
visible_bell = false 
mouse_autohide = true
dynamic_title = true
urgent_on_bell = true
clickable_url = true
scrollback_lines = 1024
icon_name = terminal
transparency = 1.7
pseudo_transparency = false
cursor_blink = system 
cursor_shape = block
padding = 2
border_width = 0.5
roundness = 2.0
browser = firefox
font = Terminus 12
foreground = #9999ff
background = rgba(33, 33, 66, 0.6)
hilight = #333366
color0 = #333366
color8 = #333399
color1 = #6666cc
color9 = #9999ff
color2 = #0099cc
color10 = #00ccff
color3 = #3366cc
color11 = #6699ff
color4 = #006699
color12 = #0099cc
color5 = #0066ff
color13 = #0099ff
color6 = #669999
color14 = #66cccc
color7 = #99cccc
color15 = #ccffff

i'm still having trouble getting around and figuring out to ex. copy from vim to vimperator and stuff so i'll add any of my dotfiles if anyone thinks they'll help.

edit: i also made zsh my default shell on all of my accounts. this is the global zshrc in /etc/zsh/zshrc:

autoload -U run-help
autoload run-help-git
autoload run-help-svn
autoload run-help-svk
unalias run-help
alias help=run-help 


export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export EDITOR="vim"
export SXHKD_SHELL=$(which sh)

eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors)

alias ls="ls -a --color"

autoload -U colors && colors

PROMPT="{$fg_no_bold[green]%}%# %{$reset_color%}"

Prompt As >

Hi all, I don't know so I ask:
what is the prompt like > called?

and how some servers are like: Username@servername#
> uname -a
SunOS MS1SMPC01 5.10 Generic_148888-01 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220

New Problem With Aliases

I have many .bashrc aliases. When I used to type in an alias, it just executed the alias. Now something has changed. When I type in the alias, it prints the alias lines and then executes the commands:

alias cde='cd /etc/ && ls --color -a' #get to /etc

root@me~# cde
cd /etc/
ls --color -a
...into /etc and list of folders/files follows...

How can I stop the

cd /etc/
ls --color -a

from being displayed?


Need To Remove In Logging

Hi Linux Guru's

I made a logging on my restart script for jboss but I keep on getting these characters Quote:
like the logging shows below:

Apr 30 11:32:20 pogiako JBOSS IS RUNNING (JBOSS7_PID: 1234)
Stopping poging-jboss-as: ..............ESC[60G[ESC[0;32m OK ESC[0;39m]
The above result should only shows "[OK]" I remember I made some colorization on the logging but later on I reverted it back. I already looked at my script and found no more traces of colorization tags.please help

Unable To Enter Command Because Of Daemon Job On Startup

Good day

I have a application that startup as a daemon when the system boot-up. My problem is that it display that this application is running and nothing else is happening then. I am unable to enter any commands. I have tried all kind off key presses but cannot get to the prompt.

First off all why will this happen and then is there a way to get to the prompt without accessing the system with the network?

Thank you.

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Hi there. My environment: Ubuntu 12.04, I just installed kate as an editor. I noticed many nice features and one I liked quite a bit although I don't know how to benefit from it. I began typing

pi = 3.1415
and at this very moment a prompt appeared with about 15 decimal digits. How can I have it get pasted to the text? Is there a key shortcut for that?

Thanks, -A.

Ssh Public Key Fingerprint

First time post so I hope it's not too long winded!

I've just installed Centos v7.1 and created an additional user.

First putty session I logged in with root and got the public fingerprint message and clicked Yes to accept.

However I noted when I logged in with the user other I did not get the prompt and my home directory didn't have a .ssh directory.

OK, so I created a .ssh (chmod 700) directory within /etc/skel and created a new user. Logged in with that account and still no prompt, although I do now have a .ssh directory generated.

I've tried deleting the known_hosts files in the root's .ssh directory and restarting the sshd daemon but it's not working.

How do I get it to prompt with original public key again?

Thanks for reading.

"Invalid Magic Number" When Loading Initrd Into GRUB Prompt Bootloader

Hi, I'm pretty new to Linux.

I'm currently working on a project in my Linux Administration class, but have run into a bit of a bump.

I'm tasked with booting Linux (currently using CentOS 7) through the GRUB prompt. I've loaded the kernel, but I'm having an issue with the initrd.

I've tried both of these commands:
"linux /boot/initrd-plymouth.img"
"linux /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64.img"

Neither of these commands have worked. It only returns the message "invalid magic number" for both of the commands. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Thanks for any help in advance. It should help me understand Linux better!

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Can anybody give me a brief rundown on the code/syntax and whatnot for these things?

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