How Can Skype Work On Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid

Impossible to run Skype on vivid..
Does some one have an idea ?

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Sound Suddenly Stops Working

Dear all,

I have recently upgrade my distribution, everything worked fine except for the sound system.

The audio stops working after a while. I lose the sound after several minutes of Skype use or while watching videos in my browser, it just happens....

But not only Skype or video audio stops, all sounds stop as well. I need to reboot the system to get the sound back, and then the same, at certain point all sounds disappear.

I tried many things that I found (reinstall alsa, kill and restart pulseaudio, install pavucontrol) but none of them seems to work.

This is the result of aplay -l

card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: ALC889 Analog [ALC889 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 1: ALC889 Digital [ALC889 Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

The weird thing is that the audio meter of the output sound from pavucontrol shows signal. The bar moves when receiving sound but no sound can be listened.

Typing pulseaudio with or without sound gives me:

E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.

I though the second line was telling that something went wrong, but the sound works at the beginning even with that message.

I do not know what else to do. Any help would be more than welcome since I'm really frustrated.

Thank you very much for your help.

Can't Get Skype To Work In Xubuntu

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Anything that is blowing over me, please mention.

Thank you

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