How Can I Run An Executable File On A Remote Linux Server Using Putty?

Hi, I'm trying to run an executable file on a remote server using Putty? I downloaded PuTTY and connected through the Putty Configuration window with the SSH connection type selected. Once I connected, the cmd window disappeared so I assume I'm connected. Now I want to run an executable file on the remote server.

How can I run an executable file on my remote Linux server using Putty?

Thanks for any help with this.

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Borked Ubuntu With Putty SSH Cmd Line

I am not sure what happened here, and I find it oddly disturbing that a Putty session from Window could do this, but here is what I did -

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putty -ssh -D 1080 -P 22

The Putty window opened but never connected. I tried twice and when it didn't connect, I gave up and went back to the GUI. I connected with the GUI just fine, but after connecting an SSH session to my Ubuntu server at home, I noticed it was acting odd.

Long story short: It was in a "read-only" mode, saying the file system was read-only. I couldn't run apt-get update or even create a new folder in my Home folder or desktop. I remotely rebooted the machine and it never came back online.

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Is there a logfile or trouble-shooter I could look at it see what happened? It should be in /var/log somewhere, but I don't know where to start. SSH? Samba? The entire filesystem was read-only for a short while, so is there a FS or System log in /var/log?

I am kinda confused on this one, any help is appreciated.

SSH Login To Server Always Fail Upon First Attempt

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How To Change IP Address Of Remote Machine?

Hi all

This is bothering me too much, please tell me how to change IP address of remote machine while using ssh successfully.

I follow these steps:
1. connect to remote server using 'ssh root@server'
2. Edit '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0' file
3. issue 'service network restart' command... (at this point ssh connection gets hanged)
4. Break from hanged ssh connection (<ENTER>~.)
5. Wait for some time to let service restart
6. Then finally, ssh with new ip address.

All is fine, but last time, i did something wrong while assigning new IP address, and after service restart, remote server didn't get new ip address - and now i cant connect to remote server.

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How To Create New User Who Can Access Server From Putty With Limited Functions

hi all,

i want to create a new user named xyz who can login and perform some backup tasks with limited access

i have created a user but not able to access server via putty

can anybody please guide me on this

Vijay Muddu

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Trouble Configuring Vsftp

Using a Raspberry Pi w/ Debian

Read the manual and several "how-to"s and am getting nowhere

vsftp is running and making a log file. I can get to the Pi with putty or SAMBA

Ultimately want to be able to both(I) ftp in under the "pi" user to access files remotely and (II) have people sending me huge files ftp them in anonymously

Have tried (I) the ftp client in Windows 7 Internet explorer 11, (ii) the ftp client in the Windows 7 "map network drive" UI, and (iii) ES file explorer on my Android phone.

The android phone tells me there is no server there. Windows 7 gets no password challenge, gives no error indication, but does nothing useful. The vsftpd log file shows some attempt by the Windows machine, nothing for the Android.

Config file and log file attached.

The Android is trying to use port 21, the config file mentions something about port 20. Which ports do I need to forward in my router to enable remote access?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks. Jonathan

.o: File Not Recognized: File Format Not Recognized When Compiling


I am working on a board (sbc6000x with at91sam9261 micro, linux 2.6.24 to be precise) and having some fun making script i wanted to make real application.
The board is coming with a cross compilation toolchain. When trying to make a simple "hello world" executable to print on the terminal there is no problem.
I open my terminal, give the path of the compiler, cd into the folder where my .c file is and then i type :
arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c

Which create my executable "hello" and this one is working. But like i said, this program only played with the terminal.

The board is starting with a script calling another executable which use the lcd display, i have the source of this executable. My idea was to look at what was in the source of this application (lots of folders and files) in order to understand how it was working. I wanted to test the toolchain on the source (with the makefile) to see if i was able to generate an executable from a application with folderS/fileS but when i try to "make" it i have this error.

In my understanding this is an object file but aside from that i don't see why it would not works.

Thank you for your future answers !

Help With KDE

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I have been using Putty to log into the vps, but yesterday I decided to use the web based login utility offered by the vps company. When connecting to the vps in this manner I am presented with a traditional looking login screen (I am assuming it is KDM). The user name that was provided to me from the vps company is 'root' ...well, when I try to login using KDM (the plasma setting) I get an error stating that 'root' logins are not allowed. Considering that the KDM is visible when logging in using the web based utility, I have a feeling that the KDE is also working...but I can't log into it because the user name is 'root' . However, when I use Putty I cant seem to get anything to load and start the way it is supposed to. I would appreciate any help in getting the KDE to work in Putty and the login via the web based utility to accept my username that the vps company gave me. Thank you.

How To Upload From CentOS 7(Desktop PC) Terminal To Remote FTP

I have a zip file on my home/jaydul/
I want upload it my remote FTP Server.
Like IP:
user: userftp
Pass: ftppass

How to do via terminal.I don't wanna via Ftp client.only via terminal command.