I made some little applications with qt creator and i wanted to run them on an embedded linux board (linux 2.6.24). To transfer the files i use a SD card. If i move the applications to "/bin" after having mounted the SD card and then "chmod a+x" them then i have no problem running them.
But if i mount the SD card and try to run the applications directly in the folder where i mount it i have an error : "Permission denied". Also when using the command "ls" i notice that if i keep the files in the mounting folder and try to "chmod a+x" them, the modification don't happen. They stay "greyed" and don't go "green". (I don't know if this color code is a standart for linux terminal but maybe this could help you understand the problem).
When mounting the SD card i use the command :
mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/SD
So the files are located in /mnt/SD.
Am i missing something or is it not possible to run something like that ?
I tried "mount -t vfat -o umask=0000 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/SD" to chnage how i am mounting the SD card.
Still "Permission Denied".
With "ls -l" i can see that the permissions are staying :
Even if i try something like "chmod 777".
It seems to be a problem related to the fact that the sd card is formated as fat32 but it must stay like that.